What should a report contain for Years 11 and 12?

What should a report contain for Years 11 and 12?

Student achievement in the form of marks and grades is reported to the student, parents/guardians/carers and to the Authority.

The school’s senior secondary assessment policy for Years 11 and 12 must:

  • describe the practices that will be used to report student achievement to parents
  • specify the ways in which student achievement is reported to the Authority.

The commonly accepted practice noted by the Authority is that the school reports the school mark and grade for each pair of Year 11 and Year 12 pair of units completed (i.e. one mark and one grade) or for each Year 11 unit completed (i.e. a mark and grade for Unit 1 and a mark and grade for Unit 2). Typically this is provided in the school’s Semester 2 report and/or in a school-developed statement of results.

The school ensures that all students are aware that:

  • the grades reported by the school are not finalised until approved by the Authority
  • the school marks for ATAR Year 12 pairs of units are statistically adjusted (moderated) by the Authority. These adjustments reflect the ATAR course examination performance of students in a school that has Year 12 ATAR school marks on a scale that is significantly different from the scale of the ATAR course examination marks of those students
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