Is there support (a curriculum?) for students with English as an Additional Language or Dialect in K–10?

Is there support (a curriculum?) for students with English as an Additional Language or Dialect in K–10?

The Western Australian curriculum uses Standard Australian English (SAE) which is the variety of spoken and written English used formally in Australian schools. Students whose first language is a language or dialect other than SAE may require additional support to assist them to develop proficiency in SAE.

EAL/D students are generally placed in Western Australian schools at the year level appropriate for their age. The cognitive development and life experiences of EAL/D students may not match their English language proficiency. In such cases, EAL/D students may require additional support to access the Western Australian curriculum.

Part of the process to personalise learning for EAL/D students involves consultation with the student and parent/caregiver. Teachers and schools may need to enlist the support of Teacher’s Assistants, Aboriginal and Islander Education Officers (AIEOs) or interpreters to support communication with EAL/D families, caregivers and communities.

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