The School Curriculum and Standards Authority is an independent statutory authority that is responsible to the Western Australian Minister for Education. It is administered by a board consisting of seven members appointed for their expertise in education and assessment.
The work of the Authority is supported by a secretariat.
The School Curriculum and Standards Authority is responsible for
- setting standards of student achievement and for the assessment and certification of student achievement according to those standards
- developing an outline of curriculum and assessment in schools that, taking account of the needs of students, sets out the knowledge, understanding, skills, values and attitudes that students are expected to acquire and guidelines for the assessment of student achievement
- developing and accrediting courses for schools
- maintaining a database of information relating to
- the participation by students during their school years in education, training or employment as provided by the School Education Act 1999
- the achievement of students during those years
- records of assessment in respect to students.
- School Curriculum and Standards Authority Act 1997
- Public Information Statement
Last updated: 26 July 2023
Also available in Word Format
The School Curriculum and Standards Authority complies with the Western Australian Government's Public Sector Standards. Our Disability Access and Inclusion Plan is available now. Our Workforce and Diversity Management Plan is available upon request.
- Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2023-2027
Last updated: 5 April 2023
Also available in Word Format
Our Logo
The School Curriculum and Standards Authority logo is a tree of knowledge, representing growth and expansion. The tree is analogous with the growth of the young adult (the stem and crown) whose abilities and qualities are developed from diverse sources of learning through the educational process (the roots). The stem reaches upwards and the crown spreads outwards moving into a future world and its community.
In addition, the design signifies the human brain and the brain stem which communicates with the body’s complex physiological systems. The brain is also the location of memory and knowledge and where the processing of information takes place. It is also believed to hold the secrets of consciousness.
This logo was designed by David Walker.