Committee Membership
Standards Committee Members
Emeritus Professor Jill Downie (Chair)
Emeritus Professor Downie has significant experience in education as well as executive management in the University sector. She has led strategic projects in curriculum and assessment development and engaged with School Principals to develop innovative strategies to meet School objectives. Her extensive Board experience has given her a strong understanding of the Board’s role in governance, quality assurance, risk and financial accountability.
Ms Jocelyn Cook
Ms Cook has extensive experience in policy development and program implementation of system assessment. She has directed international, national and state-based assessment projects.
Ms Anne Ford
Ms Ford is the Principal of John Wollaston Anglican Community School. She has extensive experience as a school administrator in rural, remote and metropolitan schools. She has extensive experience in all aspects of curriculum and assessment and policy development.
Ms Melissa Gillett
Ms Gillett is the Principal of John Forrest Secondary College. She has extensive knowledge, experience and expertise in the education sector. She is also a Registered Psychologist (past School Psych) with experience in statistical analysis and evaluation; test development and evaluation; assessing students with disabilities; impact of mental health conditions on learning and assessment.
Ms Valerie Gould
Ms Gould has extensive experience in education and until October 2022, worked as the Executive Director of the Association of Independent Schools of Western Australia (AISWA). As Executive Director, she supported WA Independent Schools offering a high standard of education to students in their care and worked with school governing bodies to ensure schools are operated according to government regulations and in a financially sustainable manner. She has represented WA Independent Schools on a number of state and national decision-making committees.
Curriculum and Assessment Committee Members
Ms Denise O'Meara (Chair)
Ms O’Meara has extensive experience in a range of teaching and educational roles including Principal of Bunbury Catholic College, Principal of Mercedes College and member of the Executive of the Bunbury Regional Trade Training Centre. Ms O’Meara has also had significant involvement and oversight in the capital development planning for a multi-campus school and education support units for students with disabilities.
Mr Jeff Allen
Mr Allen is Principal at Servite College. He has been involved in a range of CEWA and cross sector initiatives and committees related to teaching and learning and curriculum development.
Mr Martin Clery
Mr Clery is the Assistant Executive Director, Statewide Services, Department of Education, where he has responsibility for all K-12 curriculum-related policy, support and services for Western Australian public schools. He has extensive experience as a teacher and other roles within the education sector.
Ms Mandy Connor
Ms Connor is Director Teaching and Learning at Catholic Education WA. She has worked on a number of committees and advisory groups in the Catholic education sector and on cross-sectoral initiatives.
Mr Armando Giglia
Mr Giglia is the President of the Western Australian Secondary School Executives Association (WASSEA) and has 39 years teaching experience in regional and metropolitan secondary schools.
Ms Kya-Louise Graves
Ms Graves is the Principal of Coastal Lakes College. She has extensive experience as a Principal in the metropolitan region leading teaching, learning and assessment in years 7 – 12 including significant ATAR contributions over many years and syllabuses, and leading a registered training organisation ensuring an excellent understanding of school vocational education and training (VET).
Ms Jillian Jamieson
Ms Jamieson has extensive experience in the vocational education and training sector, and is currently a council member of the Western Australian Training Accreditation Council. Her past senior executive roles included Managing Director of Polytechnic West (eastern metropolitan TAFE campuses) where she led the practical implementation of national and state government VET policy settings and responding to the workforce development needs across a wide range of industry sectors.
Mr Peter Lillywhite
Mr Lillywhite is the Principal at Duncraig Senior High School. He has extensive experience as a Secondary school Principal and a strong understanding of the Western Australian public education system. He is a current member of the Principals’ Federation of WA.
Dr Steven Males
Dr Males is the Head of Preparatory School at Christ Church Grammar School. He has extensive experience in school leadership with particular expertise in early childhood and primary education.
Ms Rosemary Simpson
Ms Simpson has extensive experience as a principal with particular expertise in language development and early childhood. She currently works with schools supporting principals, school leaders and staff to effectively teach oral language and literacy skills.
Ms Debi Taylor
Ms Taylor is the Principal of the Cloverdale Education Support Centre. She is highly experienced in both teaching and administration in the area of special needs education and support, from Primary to Secondary age groups.
Mrs Bronwyn Tester
Mrs Tester is the Principal of Ranford Primary School. She has 25 years’ experience as a primary Principal in public schools and has received several recognition awards for her service to education in Western Australia.