The School Curriculum and Standards Authority Strategic Plan 2024–2027, is the framework which articulates the Authority’s strategic directions, including its vision, values and goals.
The plan has three strategic priorities:
- Curriculum, assessment and standards
- Examinations, testing and certification
- Communication, engagement and partnerships.
The Authority will seek regular feedback on its performance against the strategic plan and use the information to improve its approaches, policies and procedures.
Our vision
To provide quality curriculum, assessment and standards of achievement for all students studying the Western Australian curriculum so that they become confident, creative individuals, successful lifelong learners and active, informed members of the community.
Our values
- Integrity
- Fairness
- Equity
- Transparency
- Respect
About us
The role of the School Curriculum and Standards Authority is to:
- develop and accredit school curriculum
- assess student achievement in relation to the curriculum through the administration of
standardised testing and external examinations and assessments - certify senior secondary achievement
- report on the standards of student achievement.
The Authority has a seven-member Board appointed by the Minister for Education. Two statutory committees provide advice to the Board: the Curriculum and Assessment Committee and the Standards Committee.View AllCURRICULUM, ASSESSMENT AND STANDARDS
Develop Kindergarten to Year 12 curriculum and support resources and Pre-primary to Year 12 assessment and standards that allow all students to achieve to the full extent of their capabilities.
- Provide curriculum guidance and leadership through the Kindergarten Curriculum Guidelines.
- Provide syllabuses that articulate the knowledge, understanding, skills, values, attitudes and standards of achievement that students are expected to acquire from Pre-primary to Year 12.
- Review and revise Pre‑primary to Year 12 syllabuses, associated standards of achievement and support resources on a cyclical basis.
- Provide all students with access to curriculum and assessment that is appropriate to their needs, recognising individual students may need adjustments to allow them to demonstrate their learning.
- Engage with and respond to research reflecting changing economic, social and educational landscapes and needs as they emerge and impact on students.
- Monitor and prepare reports on the standards of student achievement from Pre‑primary to Year 12.
- Maintain a database of information relating to students’ participation and achievement during their school years.
- Provide formal acknowledgement of outstanding achievement in senior secondary school through the provision of exhibitions and awards.
- Continue to expand the provision of curriculum, assessment and certification to approved offshore international schools.
Develop and administer high-quality examination, testing and certification programs that instil confidence in the Western Australian curriculum and standards of achievement.
- Ensure that the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) provides students with opportunities to demonstrate the full extent of their capabilities.
- Maintain the integrity of the WACE and promote it as a highly regarded, contemporary and rigorous Australian senior secondary certificate.
- Promote the Western Australian Statement of Student Achievement (WASSA) as a statement of student achievement.
- Support teacher understandings of standards of achievement and principles of assessment.
- Continue to facilitate the recognition of vocational education and training (VET) as an element of the WACE to support student pathways and preparation for work.
- Administer the Online Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (OLNA).
- Administer the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) in Western Australia.
- Continue to research, evaluate and develop the use of technology in testing, assessment and certification particularly in Years 11 and 12.
Actively promote a high level of community confidence in the Western Australian Curriculum and Assessment Outline and the WACE through conduct and stakeholder engagement that is ethical, transparent, and in the public interest.
- Ensure that our partnerships focus on the best educational outcomes for all Kindergarten to Year 12 students.
- Maintain effective communication and working relationships with all stakeholders and partners through measures such as collaboration and consultation.
- Continue to promote understanding of the role and responsibilities of the Authority.
- Contribute responsively and effectively to national and State policy debate on matters related to the Authority's functions.
- Implement effective information controls and conduct regular security audits to prevent data breaches and unauthorised disclosure.
- Fortify our resilience to cyber threats, emphasising the responsible stewardship of personal information.
- Maintain effective and secure communication with all stakeholders and partners, upholding their trust in our management of personal and sensitive information.
Our stakeholders
- Students and teachers from Kindergarten to Year 12 in every school in Western Australia.
- Students and teachers in international schools using the Western Australian curriculum by arrangement with the Authority.
- Parents, school administrators and bodies representative of the school sector/systems, including the Association of Independent Schools of Western Australia, Catholic Education Western Australia, the Department of Education, pre‑schools and early learning centres, home educators and home-educated students, Technical and Further Education (TAFE), universities, industry, employers, national education authorities and the community of Western Australia.