Application for Common oral assessment task writer or checker 2026
The School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority) is seeking applications from qualified people who wish to be considered for appointment as writer or checker of the common oral assessment task (COAT) 2026.
About the COAT – information for writers and checkers
All students enrolled in the English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EAL/D) ATAR Year 12 course are required to complete a COAT for that course. The COAT is administered in schools during designated weeks in Term 2 under invigilated conditions. The COAT will take 15 minutes per student. Each COAT is marked by teachers in schools using a marking key provided by the Authority.
The COAT is included in the assessment table in the EAL/D ATAR Year 12 syllabus as a separate assessment type with a weighting of 10% for the pair of units.
The writer of the COAT will be required to produce the COAT task(s) and marking key.
The checker of the COAT will be required to review the COAT task(s) and marking key and then provide feedback.
Important information
All appointees are contracted as employees of the Department of Education. All appointees must have a current screening clearance number obtained by gaining a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check at time of signing their contract.
Prior to completing the online application form, it is important that the Writer and Checker Terms of reference for the common oral assessment task for English as an Additional Language or Dialect are read and understood.
Application process
Applicants are requested to apply online.
Applications must be received at the School Curriculum and Standards Authority no later than 5pm on Friday, 14 March 2025.
Successful applicants will be notified after Friday, 4 April 2025.
Please be aware that faxed, emailed, posted and hand delivered applications cannot be accepted.
If you have taken a voluntary redundancy from the Western Australian public sector in the past
12 months you are not eligible to be a writer or checker.
For further information
Please contact:
Vanessa Mitchell, Administrative assistant
(08) 9273 6360 or
Lisa Honczarenko, Manager Examination Development
(08) 9273 6780 or