General information
The School Curriculum and Standards Authority is seeking applications for the position of 2025 EST marker.
About the EST – Information for markers
Markers will attend an online training meeting on either Monday, 7 July or Tuesday, 8 July (first week of the July school holidays). Markers will be informed of training meeting times at appointment.
Initial marking of the ESTs will occur in the first week of the July holidays (Monday, 7 July to Sunday, 13 July) and is completed online. The number of scripts to be marked will depend on the number of students enrolled in that course and the number of EST scripts requested.
Some markers will be employed as both initial and final markers to reconcile any EST mark which differs greatly from the school mark. This final marking will be completed in the second week of the holidays (Monday, 14 July to Sunday, 20 July). Check your appointment email to determine if you are required as a final marker.
Markers will be paid $72.50 per hour to attend training and $7.75 per script marked.
For further information about ESTs, refer to the Externally Set Tasks Handbook 2025 on the Authority website at
Application process
Applicants are required to complete an online application form. Receipt of an application will be acknowledged via email. This email will include a reference number. Submission of an application does not guarantee appointment. Applicants will be advised by email whether they have been selected to be a marker.
Applications close Wednesday, 23 April 2025.
Markers will be notified about the outcome of their application by Wednesday, 28 May 2025.
Please be aware that emailed, posted and hand-delivered applications cannot be accepted.
All EST markers must have a current Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check (NCCHC) conducted by the Department of Education and given a Screening Clearance Number (SCN) prior to the ESTs commencing.
Markers will be informed of their SCN status at appointment. If the SCN is not current, information will be supplied about how to complete a new NCCHC.
You are not eligible to be a marker if you have taken a voluntary redundancy from a WA government agency in the past 12 months.
Further information
For further information regarding EST marking, contact:
Jeni Jakovleva – Senior Consultant Written Examinations
(08) 9273 6312 or
Barclay Jones – Manager, Examinations Logistics
(08) 9273 6309 or