School principals are able to seek enrolment permission from the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority) for students who fall outside the Eligibility for Foundation courses enrolment criteria as outlined in the WACE Manual 2024 Section 1.8.
Applications for enrolment into Foundation units will be considered where:
- a current Western Australian student has no Online Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (OLNA) data and/or relevant Year 9 National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) data (Form A)
- a student who has recently arrived from interstate or overseas and has no OLNA data or relevant Year 9 NAPLAN data (Form B)
- a Year 11 Foundation course student at the end of Semester 1 has met the relevant OLNA literacy and/or numeracy requirements, but changing the student enrolment to a General course in Semester 2 will not be educationally sound or beneficial for the student. (Form C)
The application form should be received by the Authority by the following due dates:
- Thursday, 13 February 2025 – new enrolments only, in school year 2025
- Monday, 9 June 2025 (Semester 1) – after online results from OLNA Term 2 Window A
- Thursday, 12 February 2026 – new enrolments only, in school year 2026
- Case-by-case basis – for recently arrived interstate and overseas students.
Note: one application per student. No bulk applications accepted.
- Form A - Current Western Australian students
To access this form, please confirm that you have attempted to upload files (ENCOS) to SIRS. If the upload was successful, you do not need to complete this application form as the student is eligible to enrol into the Foundation course/s.
- Form B - Recent interstate or overseas students
- Form C - Student in Semester 1, Year 11 who has demonstrated the minimum OLNA standard for Literacy and/or Numeracy