Pre-primary to Year 6: Adopting and adapting the Western Australian curriculum update
Antoniett Halden (08) 9273 6791
Western Australian curriculum in the implementation phase
The Western Australian curriculum for Pre-primary to Year 10 English and Health and Physical Education is available for implementation from 2025.
The School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority) will offer online professional learning opportunities for schools during Term 1, revisiting key information from the familiarisation professional learning provided in 2024.
The Authority will facilitate professional learning for curriculum in implementation that:
- guides teachers to deliver the revised curriculum in schools in accordance with the Authority’s timeline (above)
- continues to support teachers in the implementation of the new curriculum
- supports teachers and schools to review and evaluate the implemented programs with the aim to enhance, refine and ensure sustainability of curriculum implementation.
Western Australian curriculum learning areas in the familiarisation phase
The revised curriculum for Pre-primary to Year 10 Humanities and Social Sciences, Mathematics, Science, and Technologies has been released for familiarisation in 2025 before implementation in 2026. Pre-primary to Year 10 Humanities and Social Sciences, Mathematics, Technologies and Science is the second group of learning areas within the Western Australian Curriculum and Assessment Outline (the Outline) to be adopted and adapted to the Western Australian context.
Schools are reminded to continue to teach the current Western Australian curriculum for the four learning areas in the familiarisation phase. The 2025 school year is designated for teacher familiarisation with the revised content, with implementation in 2026. Schools may consider changes required to their teaching programs in preparation for next year. The Authority will support schools by providing in-person professional learning as well as online opportunities for teachers and school leaders.
The Authority will facilitate professional learning for those learning areas in the familiarisation phase that:
- enables teachers to explore aspects of the new syllabus and familiarise themselves with the revised curriculum
- guides teachers through the revisions, including the provision of resources
- supports teachers and schools in preparing teaching programs and lesson plans ready for implementation in 2026.
Professional learning opportunities for curriculum familiarisation in 2025 is planned for Terms 2 and 3 in both metropolitan and regional areas. Further information regarding the availability of these sessions will be published on the Authority website on the Events page and schools will be notified through the Circular.
All other aspects of the Western Australian curriculum, as published in the Outline (, remain unchanged as the mandated curriculum for Western Australia and must continue to be implemented in all schools until advised otherwise.