2025 Registration of students in SIRS for students in Years K, PP, 1, 2, 4, 6 and 8
Data Services (08) 9273 6352
Student registrations
Schools and other education providers are reminded that registration and demographic information for all outstanding Kindergarten–Year 8 students (via SRGDG file) is required by Thursday, 3 April 2025.
Details of how to register students are provided in the provided in the Data Procedures Manual 2025 with links to assist schools using various school databases.
Western Australian student numbers
All students are required to have a Western Australian student number (WASN) and be registered in SIRS.
If you require new numbers, send a request to numbers@scsa.wa.edu.au. Remember to include the following information for each student:
- family name
- given name
- date of birth
- academic year the student is being registered in at the school.
Note: we do not issue numbers for pre-Kindergarten students.
Regular updates to registration and demographic information
Updates to student registration and demographic information should be uploaded into SIRS on a regular basis via the SRGDG for the remainder of the year.
At minimum, it is recommended that schools update and upload their student registration file (SRGDG) at the beginning of each term to record any student/s who may transfer from and/or to a school.
Schools are requested to include their school code in any correspondence.