ATAR course written exams 2017

A word from Jenny Morup, Manager – Examination Logistics

With the ATAR course written exams about to begin, I’d like to wish all candidates, their families and everyone involved in the delivery of the exams the best for the examination period.

With the ATAR course written exams about to begin, I’d like to wish all candidates, their families and everyone involved in the delivery of the exams the best for the examination period. The Year 12 Information Handbook at has a section dedicated to the exams with detailed information but I would like to emphasise some points which come up every year.

Personalised examination timetables

Candidates need to take a signed copy of their personalised examination timetable to each examination. Copies of personalised timetables are available from schools or via the student portal at Note: you will need your WA Student Number and password to access the portal. Your password is different from the one you use for the TISC website.

Equipment to be provided by the candidate

Candidates are responsible for providing their own stationery and any other items specified or recommended for particular courses as listed on the Examination front covers as ‘To be provided by the candidate.’ Items should be contained in a pencil case made of clear materials. Copies of the Examination front covers can be downloaded from

Water bottles

It can be hot during the exam period and it is important to stay hydrated. Candidates can bring water to the examination in a clear plastic bottle with all labels removed. The water bottle should have a secure lid and have a capacity of no more than 1500ml. Water bottles may not be refilled during the examination.


Clothing worn to the exams should be acceptable to the school or centre at which the examination is being held. Caps or hats cannot be worn in the examination room and need to left with your possessions before entering the examination room. If a hood is attached to clothing, the hood must not be placed on your head. Veils or headwear, worn for cultural, medical or religious reasons as part of your usual attire when attending school, can be worn during an examination. The Authority does not require candidates to wear school uniforms to the exams.

Maths notes

Candidates may take up to two (2) A4 sheets of notes into Mathematics examinations, to be used in the calculator-assumed section only. The notes can be handwritten, typed, photocopied or commercially produced. They must be flat, contain no folds and not be pages joined by glue or tape. They may be written on both sides, but must not have other notes attached to them (including sticky notes). The notes can be laminated.

Using pen or pencil

Multiple-choice sections are scanned for marking and, therefore, need to be answered in blue or black pen. In the other sections of the examination, it is preferred that blue or black pen is used. Candidates are strongly advised not to use erasable pens as they can be affected by heat, which can impact on the clarity of the script for marking.

Times for arriving, starting, finishing and leaving

Candidates should arrive at least 30 minutes before the prescribed start time for an examination: 8.50 am for an exam that starts at 9.20 am, and 1.30 pm for an exam that starts at 2.00 pm. No one will be admitted after 30 minutes have passed from the start of the working time of the examination. Candidates entering the room late should cause as little disruption as possible.

Candidates will not be allowed to leave the examination during the first hour of the working period or during the final 15 minutes of the examination. Once the examination has finished, candidates cannot leave until all papers have been collected and the supervisors indicate everyone can leave.

Sickness and misadventure

Candidates who suffer from a temporary sickness, non-permanent disability or an unforeseen event close to or during the examinations which they believe may have resulted in performance below expectations or non-attendance in particular examinations can apply for sickness/misadventure consideration. Applications for sickness/misadventure must be received by Wednesday, 22 November 2017.

Candidates seeking sickness/misadventure consideration should note the need for medical evidence for the day of (or before) the exam and that part of the form needs to be completed by a medical practitioner.

Completing an ATAR course

If you are enrolled in a Year 12 ATAR course, you are required to sit the ATAR course examination in that course. If you do not sit the examination, and do not have an approved sickness/misadventure application, you will not have completed the course. This means the course will not appear on your WASSA (Western Australian Statement of Student Achievement) and will not count towards any of the requirements to receive a WACE (Western Australian Certificate of Education).

More information

We have also been posting some reminders about life balance, the exam rules and general exam tips on our student Facebook page at These posts will continue until the end of exams.


