Changes to enrolments for Foundation courses

A word from Jenny Offer, Principal Consultant – Certification

We have made some changes to student eligibility for enrolment in Foundation courses. We made these changes as a result of our consultations with teachers where we were advised that the eligibility rules around enrolments in the List B Foundation courses needed reviewing.

We have made some changes to student eligibility for enrolment in Foundation courses. We made these changes as a result of our consultations with teachers where we were advised that the eligibility rules around enrolments in the List B Foundation courses needed reviewing.

There are three List B Foundation courses: Foundation Mathematics, Foundation Health, Physical and Outdoor Education and Foundation Applied Information Technology.

The change

From Semester 2, 2017, students who have not demonstrated the minimum literacy standard are permitted to enrol in both the List A and List B Foundation courses. This is a change from the rule where students who have not met the literacy standard have been eligible to enrol only in Foundation List A courses.

Why we made the change

The change reflects the emphasis that List B Foundation courses place on both literacy and numeracy. In the List B Foundation courses there are clear connections to course content that support the development of students’ literacy skills.

The change accommodates students who have demonstrated the OLNA numeracy standard but not the literacy standard. These students need to continue to develop the literacy skills that are needed to support their ongoing development of numeracy skills integral to Foundation List B course content and structure.

What it means

The change means that Year 11 students who have demonstrated the numeracy standard but not the literacy standard can enrol in List B Foundation courses in Semester 2, 2017. Alternatively, students may choose to enrol in General or ATAR List B courses. If students choose this option, they should be aware that the literacy demands of the courses may present significant challenges for their skills.

What schools need to do

Schools will receive the results from the March 2017 OLNA in May. When they receive the OLNA results, schools should identify those students whose eligibility to enrol in Foundation courses has changed.

Any changes to a student’s eligibility and their options for Semester 2 enrolments should be discussed with the student and their parents/guardians.

Schools have until Friday, 2 June 2017 to update student enrolments in Foundation courses to reflect changes in student eligibility.

What the Authority will do

The Authority will review student enrolments in Foundation courses against the OLNA results.

After this date, the Authority will withdraw students’ enrolments in Foundation courses where they are not eligible to be enrolled.

If you have questions

Year 11 students who have questions about changes to their courses for Semester 2 and into Year 12 should speak with their teachers and staff at their school.

School administrators with questions about the process for changing student enrolments should email the Data Services team at


