Endorsed Programs

Endorsed programs can provide you with an opportunity to undertake a range of extra-curricular activities in Years 10, 11 and 12 that also contribute towards the achievement of the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) and are reported on your Western Australian Statement of Student Attainment (WASSA).

Endorsed programs can provide you with an opportunity to undertake a range of extra-curricular activities in Years 10, 11 and 12 that also contribute towards the achievement of the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) and are reported on your Western Australian Statement of Student Attainment (WASSA).

What are Endorsed Programs?

Endorsed programs are learning programs developed by a school, community organisation or a private provider, and endorsed by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority).

WACE Recognition

Endorsed programs can contribute to the WACE requirements. You can achieve up to four unit equivalents (two in Year 11 and two in Year 12) via endorsed programs.

WACE changes 2021 and beyond

On 2 May, 2019 a third option for students to achieve their WACE was announced.

Along with the other requirements that need to be met, students entering Year 11 in 2020 will be able to choose to complete:

  • at least four Year 12 ATAR courses, OR
  • five Year 12 General courses and/or ATAR courses, or equivalent, OR
  • a Certificate II (or higher) VET qualification in combination with ATAR, General or Foundation courses.

This means you will have more study options to choose from at school.

Flexible Delivery

Endorsed programs can be delivered in or out of school by schools or private providers, such as community organisations, training institutions, universities or workplaces.

Examples of Endorsed Programs

  • Workplace Learning
  • Community Service
  • Cadets WA (e.g. Air Force, Army, Navy, Police Rangers, Emergency Services and Bush Rangers)
  • Surf Life Saving WA certificates and awards
  • Music and Speech and Drama examinations (e.g. Australian Music Examinations Board, Trinity College London)
  • Information Technology programs (e.g. Cisco, Certiport)
  • Service clubs (e.g. Leos, Interact)
  • Diver certificates (e.g. PADI, Scuba Schools International)
  • Awards WA Inc.
  • Off-campus enrichment programs (e.g. international maths or science competitions, intercultural exchange programs, Premier’s ANZAC tour)
  • University enabling programs

To view the complete list of endorsed programs, go to https://senior-secondary.scsa.wa.edu.au/vet/endorsed-programs

Reporting of Endorsed Programs

Endorsed programs are reported to the Authority by your school. Before endorsed program enrolments are uploaded, principals are required to validate your achievements.

It is important that you speak with your school before undertaking any programs outside of school.

You should contact your school if you have any queries regarding reporting of endorsed programs.

How do endorsed programs fit with study options?

Julie is passionate about helping people; however, she is indecisive about which path to choose after school. She decides to undertake a combination of ATAR and General courses along with Community Service (ADCS), which is an Authority-developed endorsed program. This gives Julie a good understanding of working in the community services sector and, at the same time, it provides credits towards the achievement of her WACE.

Mark is interested in the Arts and has undertaken Drama and Media Production and Analysis as part of his combination of subjects. He participates extensively in school productions, which include backstage support, property management, costume design, choreography and performance. Mark spoke to his teacher to ask what recognition he can get for all the effort he is putting in. Based on discussions with the teacher, he enrolled in the school production (ADSP) endorsed program because it will give him credit towards his WACE. Mark also works at a music production company outside of school hours to gain work experience. He decided to enrol in workplace learning (ADWPL) as well to gain recognition for his work. This study combination and exposure of working in the industry gives his career a head start.

Any questions?

Contact the Workplace Learning/VET coordinator at your school for any questions in relation to endorsed programs.

You can also contact us at endorsed@scsa.wa.edu.au if you have any questions regarding endorsed programs.


