Keeping students in the loop
A word from Jo Merrey, Principal Consultant, Publications and Communication
If you’re in Years 10, 11 or 12, there is information on our website that you need to know about.
If you’re in Years 10, 11 or 12, there is information on our website that you need to know about.
Year 11 and 12 students
The Year 12 Information Handbook is published each year for students in Year 12. It contains information about the WACE requirements in place for the year, the difference between the WACE and the WASSA, where to find information and who to go to if you have questions. There is information about how school-based assessment works and an extensive section about ATAR courses. This last section concentrates on examinations and includes information about rules, how the practical and written exams work and what happens after the exams.
While the information in the handbook is targeted at Year 12s this is information that students in Year 11 should be starting to become familiar with. There bits of advice about study and keeping a balanced approach to your studies that are worth getting to grips with sooner rather than later. Also, if you are a Year 11 enrolled in a Year 12 ATAR course you need to know the information about the ATAR course exams.
Year 10 students
There is a Year 10 Information Handbook that we publish each year for students in Year 10. It isn’t as extensive as the handbook for Year 12s, but it contains information to support you in making decisions for Years 11 and 12. It explains the WACE requirements
There is also a slideshow on our website that accompanies the Year 10 Information Handbook. We make this available to schools to use with parents and students at Year 10 information evenings and for subject selection counselling. You might find it useful to refer to if you have any questions.
Social media
We know that not everyone uses social media – and that when you’re studying it is ESSENTIAL not to become distracted by sites like Facebook and Twitter. Social media can, however, be a useful way to communicate and should not be a problem when used responsibly. For this reason, the Authority has two Facebook pages and a Twitter account. These provide options for contacting us. is the page we recommend as most relevant to students in Years 10, 11 and 12, their parents, teachers and community stakeholders. The focus of the page is on providing information to students working towards the WACE and a WASSA. You can message us directly through this page and we will get back to you as quickly as we can.
On the subject of response times, our office hours are 8.00 am to 4.30 pm from Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays. We formally monitor our social media accounts during these hours. Please be aware that a response to a question or comment may take some time to be provided due to checking processes and other commitments. Responding out-of-hours is on a case-by-case basis and is dependent on staff availability.
We also have, which is mostly for teachers but community stakeholders may find it interesting, and, which provides general information to the Authority’s stakeholders.
Other points of contact
The student portal is where Year 12s (and anyone enrolled in a Year 12 ATAR course) need to go to check enrolments and, if relevant, your examination timetable. This is also where you need to go to complete the Student Declaration and Permission. (The Student Declaration and Permission is important for Year 12s. You are expected to complete it by Thursday, 22 June 2017.)
It is important to remember that if, when you check your enrolment, you see that you need to make changes to your personal details or your enrolments, you must inform your school. This gets to be critical once it is time to mail out your folio of achievement at the end of the year. (You can find out about the folio of achievement in the Year 12 Information Handbook.)
You can have ask your teacher or your school careers counsellor about any enrolment questions you might have. Alternatively, you can contact the Authority on 9273 6344 or email
If you have questions about examinations (timetables, processes, etc.), you can email
General enquiries can be directed to
Stay in touch
Obviously, the questions you might ask would be about timetables and processes. You wouldn’t be wanting to know about what’s in the exams. No one can give out that information.
We also can’t provide subject specific advice. Your teacher is the best person to contact about the work you are doing at school.
If there is anything you don’t understand about the WACE requirements or you have questions from reading the handbooks or attending an information session, ask. There is quite a bit to come to terms with when you are working towards your WACE and it is worth staying in touch with your teachers and school staff as well. Avoid stress and confusion by seeking clarification when you need it.
All the best with your studies.