WACE Checker for Year 12 students
A word from Russell Dyer, Executive Director - Examinations, Certification and Testing
Are you in Year 12 and wondering how you are progressing towards meeting the requirements of the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE)? The School Curriculum and Standards Authority is pleased to announce that it has developed a WACE Checker for Year 12 students.
Are you in Year 12 and wondering how you are progressing towards meeting the requirements of the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE)? The School Curriculum and Standards Authority is pleased to announce that it has developed a WACE Checker for Year 12 students.
What is it?
The WACE Checker is a tool which Year 12s can use to check their progress towards meeting the requirements of the WACE. It is designed to determine whether you have met (or are expected to meet) each of the requirements for the WACE. The WACE Checker is easy to use and is now available on the Authority website at: https://wacechecker.scsa.wa.edu.au.
Providing information
The WACE Checker calculates on the basis of the information entered into the system.
By its nature, some of the information is assumed – you’re putting in what you expect to achieve in Year 12, and perhaps looking to see what the impact on meeting the requirements will be if you do not complete a course.
To use the WACE Checker, add information about your achievements in Year 11 and your expected achievements in Year 12. The tool collects information about:
- literacy and numeracy standard
- course enrolment
- VET achievement
- VET industry specific courses
- endorsed programs
- block credit.
Calculating progress
Once you have added the information about your enrolments and achievement, the WACE Checker calculates your progress.
As a tool, the checker will be of most assistance if the information provided for Year 12 is realistic.
When you add your anticipated grades for Year 12, you need to add what you realistically expect to achieve this year.
Providing feedback
The WACE Checker generates a report that shows the information you have entered and the requirements that you have met. If you are missing a requirement, the WACE Checker shows what it is. You can then choose to save and/or download and print the report.
An option to save
You can use a save function which will keep the data entered into the checker for a month. An access code is provided to allow you to use the ‘Fetch My Data’ button when you select that option in the checker.
A copy to print
The WACE Checker allows you to save the summary of your input as a PDF. You can use this PDF to track your progress and to check the impact of any changes to your enrolments or achievements.
Tell me more
The ‘Tell me more’ button provides support when using the Checker.
A guide, not a guarantee
The WACE Checker is provided as a guide only. The report it generates must not be interpreted as a guarantee that you will achieve a WACE. You need to remember that achievement of the WACE is dependent on the calculation of a student’s final results and completion of courses.
You are encouraged to consult the Year 12 Information Handbook for the relevant year, or your school, if you wish to confirm WACE eligibility based on your enrolment and predicted/actual achievement. If you have printed or saved a PDF of the report from the WACE Checker, you can use that when you talk to your school.
Following up
If you have any concerns about your progress towards meeting the requirements of the WACE after entering your information, you should follow up with the support staff at your school. They will be able to help you clarify any issues around your enrolments and achievements.