Your Results 2020

Sunday, 20 December 2020 is ‘results day’ and we know students, along with their families and friends, are likely to have some questions. Here are some questions we are often asked around this time of year and responses to these questions to help you plan your next steps.

Sunday, 20 December 2020 is ‘results day’ and we know students, along with their families and friends, are likely to have some questions. Here are some questions we are often asked around this time of year and responses to these questions to help you plan your next steps.

How do my grades contribute towards meeting the WACE requirements?

Your grades are used to meet the breadth and depth, and achievement standard requirements for the achievement of the WACE. However, if you are enrolled in a Year 12 ATAR course examination, you must sit the ATAR course examination for your grade to count towards meeting the WACE requirements. If you do not sit an ATAR course examination, and you do not have an approved sickness/misadventure application for that course, the grades for the pair of units (Units 3 and 4) will not contribute to the calculation of the WACE.

How do I know if I have achieved the WACE?

On Sunday, 20 December 2020, you will be able to log in to the student portal at to see if you have met all of the requirements to achieve the WACE.

You will need your WA student number (WASN) and password to access the student portal.

Note: your password may be different from the one you use for the TISC website to access your ATAR because, if you have made a university application through TISC, you will have set your own password.

Where will I find my WASN?

Look for your WASN on your school report, SmartRider or on your examination timetable.

Note: due to privacy and security requirements, the Authority cannot provide your WASN over the phone or by email.

What is included in the Year 12 results?

Your Year 12 results will include the following details, as appropriate:

  • achievement of a WACE
  • achievement of the literacy and numeracy standard
  • school grades, school marks*, moderated school marks*, examination marks* and combined scores for all ATAR (Units 3 and 4) courses for the current year only
  • school grades and school marks in General and Foundation units
  • completed VET industry specific units
  • successfully completed VET units of competency
  • completed endorsed programs
  • number of community service hours undertaken (if reported by your school)
  • completed Preliminary units.

*A course with a practical examination component will have the written and practical marks reported separately.

Senior secondary achievements from previous years will also be listed.

When will I receive my folio of achievement?

In 2020, folios of achievement will only be provided in a digital format. In mid-January 2021, all students will be able to download digital copies of their folio of achievement.

To download digital copies of your folio, documents and certificates, you will need to log in to the student portal at

One or more of the following items will be available in your folio, depending on your achievement:

  • WASSA – Western Australian Statement of Student Achievement
  • WACE – Western Australian Certificate of Education
  • ATAR course report – for each ATAR course completed.

More details relating to the WACE, WASSA and ATAR course reports can be found in The WACE 2020 Your Guide to the WASSA, WACE and ATAR Course Report, on the Authority website at

How will I know if I have received an award or exhibition?

Awards and exhibitions, including the Beazley medallists, will be announced on Tuesday, 22 December. A list of award winners will be published on the Authority website after the announcement (late morning, Tuesday, 22 December 2020).

Students who receive any of the following awards will receive their certificates at the Awards Ceremony on Friday, 12 February 2021: Beazley Medal: WACE, Beazley Medal: VET, General exhibitions, Special general awards, and Subject exhibitions. After this date, all awards will be available for download from the student portal.

What will appear on my WASSA if I missed an ATAR examination?

If you did not sit an ATAR course examination and did not have an approved sickness/misadventure application, you will not have completed the course and it will not appear on your WASSA, nor will you receive an ATAR course report for that course.

For ATAR courses with practical components, students must have completed both the written and practical examination.

How do Year 10 and Year 11 students find out their ATAR course examination results?

Year 10 and Year 11 students who sat an ATAR course examination will be able to download their results via the student portal.

How do non-school candidates find out their ATAR course examination results?

Non-school candidates who sat an ATAR course examination will be able to download their examination marks via the student portal. Examination results are not printed on the WASSA when the student was enrolled as a non-school candidate.

As a non-school candidate, that examination does not contribute towards meeting the requirements for the WACE.

If I did not achieve a WACE, what can I do?

Depending on the requirements that you did not meet, you have some options.

  • Students who need to complete a VET qualification
    If you did not achieve a WACE because you did not complete a VET qualification in time, you can complete it in the future and then notify us so we can add the details to your student record and issue you with a WACE (providing all other WACE requirements have been met). Details will be available on our website in early January.
  • Students who did not get a WACE because they did not meet the breadth and depth and/or achievement standard requirements
    If you did not meet the breadth and depth and/or achievement standard requirements, you need to consider your options for continuing enrolment at a school.

Where will I find my Universities Admission Advice Letter?

The Tertiary Institutions Service Centre (TISC) is responsible for information about university admissions. All students with at least one scaled score can access their TISC Universities Admission Advice Letter (UAAL) via the TISC website at

These letters contain the following information:

  • scaled score for each ATAR examination sat
  • advice on your achievement of a WACE
  • ATAR/Selection Rank
  • eligibility status for each of the four public universities.

Any questions relating to the UAAL, scaling or the calculation of the ATAR, contact TISC via or 9318 8000.

How can someone authenticate my achievement of the WACE?

An education institution or employer may authenticate your achievement of the WACE by entering details such as WA student number, provider code and name on certificate into an online form. The WACE Authentication form is available via the home page of the Authority website at

Do you need more information?

If you have any further questions, have a look at Part I and Part II of the Year 12 Information Handbook at


