Kto10 Circulars - Edition 12 December 2021

Teaching and Learning

New Curriculum Support Materials – Kindergarten to Year 10

Mandy Hudson 
(08) 9273 6755

Schools are advised that further new curriculum support materials for Kindergarten to 10 have been published on the School Curriculum and Standards Authority’s website. These include Year 4 Mathematics, Year 7 Chinese: Second Language; Year 9 Health and Physical Education, Technologies (Digital Technologies) and The Arts (Visual Arts); and Year 10 The Arts (Visual Arts). There are currently 147 teaching and learning exemplars published, and more will be progressively published to assist teachers to implement the Western Australian Curriculum and Assessment Outline.

The materials are accessible on the new Year Level (Kindergarten to Year 6) and Learning Areas (Years 7 to 10) pages of the Authority’s website by clicking the buttons on the K–10 homepage at https://k10outline.scsa.wa.edu.au and then following the link to the Curriculum Support materials as shown below.

Access to the curriculum support materials require teachers to login or register for an Extranet account at https://www.scsa.wa.edu.au/extranet/login.

Kindergarten to Year 10 homepage screenshot

Recently published is the suite of Early Childhood materials, including the revised Kindergarten Curriculum Guidelines and Teaching and Learning Exemplars for Pre-primary, Year 1 and Year 2. Teachers are encouraged to view the short introductory presentations that explain the planning considerations which underpin each exemplar, their structure, and how they can be used flexibly.

Curriculum support project screenshot

More materials are in development and will be available online, highlighted by a ‘new’ tag, as these are completed. These include early childhood materials (Kindergarten to Year 2), Years 3 to 10 teaching and learning sequences and assessment exemplars for each learning area.

The materials provide examples of approaches to teaching, learning and assessment using the Western Australian Curriculum and Achievement Standards and are reflective of the Principles of Teaching, Learning and Assessment.

It is the classroom teacher who is best placed to consider and respond to (accommodate) the diversity of their students. Reflecting on the learning experiences offered in the curriculum support materials will enable teachers to make appropriate adjustments (where applicable) to better cater for their students.

Pre-primary to Year 10 Moderation 2022

Mandy Hudson 
(08) 9273 6755

Schools are advised that the School Curriculum and Standards Authority Board has approved moderation activities for Pre-primary to Year 10 for 2022. This will take two forms: Moderation Workshops to develop a comprehensive and shared understanding of the Achievement Standards and Curriculum and Assessment Seminars to develop a comprehensive and shared understanding of the mandated Principles of Teaching, Learning and Assessment in the Western Australian Curriculum and Assessment Outline.

Please see the table below for the year-level and learning area/subject involved in moderation in 2022.

Moderation Workshops

Learning Area/Subject

Year levels


Year 4

Year 8

Humanities and Social Sciences (Geography)

Year 4

Year 8

Languages – Chinese: Second Language; French: Second Language; German: Second Language; Indonesian: Second Language; Italian: Second Language; Japanese: Second Language

Year 6

Physical Education

Year 6

Technologies – Digital Technologies

Year 4

The Arts – Visual Arts

Years 6 and 7

Curriculum and Assessment Seminars


Years 5 and 6


Year 4

Year 8

Technologies – Design and Technologies

Years 5 and 6

To facilitate teacher planning for next year the content for the 2022 common assessment task for the Moderation Workshop is accessible from the link below under Pre-primary to Year 10 Moderation – Moderation Workshops 2022 for each learning area:


Participating schools in 2022 will have the responsibility to consider the curriculum content that will be covered in the moderation task to plan and sequence their teaching and learning accordingly. This will ensure that the relevant prior learning has taken place before the moderation task is administered.

Online registration for participation in the moderation and/or seminars will be open to schools in February 2022. The link below provides access to the common assessment tasks used in the moderation process in 2017, 2018 and 2019 and 2021. Note: The moderation process was cancelled in 2020 due to circumstances relating to COVID-19:


General Information, SIRS and Enrolments

2022 Brightpath Assessment Additional Data Transfer Dates

Maureen Lorimer 
(08) 9273 6397 [Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday]

School leaders are advised that additional data transfer dates will occur in 2022 allowing schools to regularly update their Brightpath student and teacher information via the registration process in SIRS throughout the year.

Data transfers to Brightpath will occur on the following dates in 2022:

  • Term 1 – Friday of weeks 4, 6 and 8 – 25 February, 11 March and 25 March
  • Term 2 – Friday of weeks 2, 5 and 8 – 6 May, 27 May and 17 June
  • Term 3 – Friday of weeks 2, 5 and 8 – 29 July, 19 August and 9 September
  • Term 4 – Friday of weeks 2, 5 and 8 – 21 October, 11 November and 2 December.

Please ensure that the relevant school officer and Brightpath Coordinator are aware of this information.