eCircular edition 06 2014


Student enrolments in course units (including opting out of Stage 2 WACE examinations)

Jenny Offer (08) 9273 6313

Schools are reminded that the due date for uploading Year 10–12 student enrolments in all WACE course units into the Student Information Records System (SIRS) is Friday, 16 May 2014. As part of the upload, schools must indicate which of their Year 12 students have chosen to opt out of sitting Stage 2 WACE examinations.

Details relating to opting out of Stage 2 WACE examinations can be found in the WACE Procedures File 2014. Specific instructions for extracting student enrolments in course units can be found in:

  • Section 6.1.1 for schools using Reporting to Parents
  • Appendix 2 for schools using MAZE – this appendix contains the MAZE Processing Manual for WA Schools.  A reference to opting out of Stage 2 exams can be found in section 5.7 of this manual
  • Section 6.3.1 for schools using Excel.

The WACE Procedures File 2014 can be found on the Authority website at
Schools can view a report in SIRS to monitor the examination status of their Year 12 students studying Stage 2 WACE courses.  The report (CSE187 – Examination Status of Year 12 Students Enrolled in Stage 2 Courses) lists, in alphabetical name order, the Year 12 students who are enrolled in a Stage 2 pair of units by their type of enrolment (i.e. examination candidates, non-examination candidates or all students enrolled in that course).
The pathway to the report is: Reports > Other Reports > Enrolments.
Schools are also reminded that the last date for changes to Year 12 student enrolments in Stage 2 WACE course units is Wednesday, 2 July 2014. After this date, schools will not be able to:

  • opt Year 12 students out of sitting Stage 2 WACE examinations; or
  • enrol Year 12 students into Stage 2 WACE course units.

Year 12 student enrolments in VET units of competency

Jenny Offer (08) 9273 6313

Schools are reminded that the Authority requires Year 12 student enrolments in VET to be uploaded into Student Information Records System (SIRS) as soon as possible, but not later than Friday, 13 June 2014.

A school working with a registered training organisation (RTO) needs to ensure that students are enrolled in the relevant units of competency and qualifications. It is important that schools acquire the appropriate documentation from the RTO to confirm enrolments before submitting the data to the Authority. This will ensure that accurate information is uploaded in SIRS to avoid issues at the time of providing student achievement reports.

Section 6 of the WACE Procedures File 2014 provides instructions relating to:

  • extracting data on students enrolled in units of competency
  • uploading these enrolments into SIRS
  • verifying these enrolments in SIRS.

This information is available on the Authority website at

It is important to note:

  • schools delivering VET that is embedded/integrated into a WACE course unit must enrol the students in the units of competency as VET integrated in the ENVET file. No unit equivalence will be given for units of competency delivered and achieved in this manner
  • VET units of competency and course unit enrolments must be uploaded into SIRS before schools can seek exemption for Year 12 students from sitting Stage 3 WACE examinations. The online application process requires student enrolments to be uploaded into SIRS before proceeding with an application for exemption.

Courses, VET and endorsed programs

Workplace Learning 2015 and beyond

Leanne Meldrum (08) 9273 6746

Schools are advised that from 2015 a new Authority-developed Workplace Learning Endorsed Program (ADWPL) will replace all currently endorsed modes of workplace learning.

The Workplace Learning WACE course units, 1A/1B/1C/1D, will be available only to Year 12 students in 2015. The Workplace Learning units will not be available to any students in 2016.

The Workplace Learning Program Outline and the draft templates for the
Workplace Learning Logbook and the Workplace Learning Skills Journal can be accessed at the following link: .

The Logbook and Skills Journal draft templates will be updated in response to teacher feedback and finalised by 30 April 2014.


WACE 2015 Music syllabus update

Jane Alderson (08) 9273 6756

The 2015 WACE Music written examinations will not include the use of personal listening devices. Musical excerpts will be played simultaneously to all candidates from a common source. Given this change, the structure of the written examinations in 2015 will be as follows:

  • Section One: Aural and analysis
  • Section Two: Cultural and Historical analysis
  • Section Three: Music Skills

The Music written examination design briefs for Stage 2 and Stage 3 in the Music syllabus for teaching and examination in 2015 reflects these changes. The revised syllabus for 2015 is available on the Music course page listed under Syllabus with the sub-heading
For teaching 2015 only at the following link:


The School Curriculum and Standards Authority is moving

Janine Nairn (08) 9273 6392

The School Curriculum and Standards Authority will be moving from Osborne Park to Cannington in early June. Please note our new address from Tuesday 3 June 2014 will be the Mason Bird building, Level 2, 303 Sevenoaks Street, Cannington.

Our postal address will be 303 Sevenoaks Street, Cannington, WA 6107.

Our staff telephone and email contact details will remain the same.

WACE 2015-16

WACE 2015–2016 webinars for heads of learning areas: a reminder

Graeme Quelch (08) 9273 6758

A reminder that WACE 2015-2016 webinars are available to heads of learning areas. To support the implementation of the revised WACE 2015–2016, the Authority is presenting a series of webinars (aimed at heads of learning areas) of courses where there has been either major change or where the course has been adapted from the senior secondary Australian Curriculum.

Heads of learning area are encouraged to register their interest by using an online registration link in the webinars section of the Authority’s WACE 2015–2016 webpage – Heads of learning area may register to attend more than one webinar.

The webinars start on 5 May. Each is scheduled to run from 3.30pm to 4.30pm.  Registrations close on Friday, 2 May 2014.

The registration page contains details of system requirements and what participants can do to make the most of the sessions

Feedback invited on draft WACE Manual 2015–16

Vanessa Peters (08) 9273 6703

A reminder that the Authority continues to seek your feedback to help make the WACE Manual 2015-16 as  comprehensive, clear and easy to use as possible.

A brief online survey is available on the website at the address above.

Survey results and other feedback will help fine-tune the Manual, which will be finalised and available to schools by the end of the 2014 school year.

Information session for Language teachers

Hanneke Rekelhof (08) 9273 6724

The Authority will offer an information session to explain the new enrolment process for WACE Language courses that will apply in 2015.

This session will cover the new process and the requirements for completing the new Application for permission to enrol in a WACE language course in 2015 and the accompanying statutory declaration.

The session is scheduled for Tuesday 6 May from 4:15pm to 6:00pm at the Authority’s office in Osborne Park.

Interested teachers are advised to download and bring a copy of the Application for permission to enrol in a WACE Language course in 2015 which can be found at

For details about this event, including registration, please visit the Authority’s website at

Name change for Language courses from 2015

Hanneke Rekelhof (08) 9273 6724

From 2015 the names and codes for certain Language courses will change.

This change is necessary due to the introduction of additional pathways for Chinese, French, German, Indonesian, Italian and Japanese language courses.

The current French, German and Italian language courses will be renamed French: Second Language, German: Second Language and Italian: Second Language.

The additional pathways for these courses are French: Background Language, German: Background Language and Italian: Background Language.

The additional pathways for Chinese, Indonesian and Japanese are Chinese: Background Language, Indonesian: Background Language and Japanese: Background Language, formerly known as Heritage language courses.

The current Chinese, Indonesian and Japanese Background Speakers courses will continue to be offered and renamed First Language courses.

There will be no name change for the Chinese: Second Language, Indonesian: Second Language and Japanese: Second Language courses.

New enrolment process for WACE Language courses in 2015


Languages Contact

Hanneke Rekelhof (08) 9273 6724

Student enrolment contact

Jenny Offer (08) 9273 6313
  • Chinese (Second language, Background language, First language)
  • French (Second language, Background language)
  • German (Second language, Background language)
  • Indonesian (Second language, Background language, First language)
  • Italian (Second language, Background language)
  • Japanese (Second language, Background language, First language)

A new enrolment process, which will apply to all Language courses, both General and ATAR, will replace the current second language eligibility process in 2014 for 2015 enrolments.

Students intending to study any of the Languages listed above in Year 11, 2015 must complete an Application for permission to enrol in a WACE Language course. This new process includes Year 10 students who have applied previously and were granted second language eligibility.

The new application form, including statutory declarations and guidelines, is available at and at

The completed forms marked 'Attention: Jessica Belfield’ must be returned to the Authority by Friday, 29 August 2014 or sooner.

Updated course codes for VET industry specific courses, 2015-2016

Nicole Gazey (08) 9442 9401

VET industry specific courses are no longer referred to as a subset of General courses. VET industry specific courses are now a WACE course type.

The structure of course codes is outlined in the following table for ATAR, General, Foundation and VET industry specific courses.

First character

Second character

Third to fifth characters

Sixth character*

Course type

Unit or year



A – ATAR course
G – General course
F – Foundation course
V – VET industry specific

1 – Unit 1 Year 11
2 – Unit 2 Year 11
E – Year 11 pair of units
(Units 1 and 2)
T – Year 12 pair of units
(Units 3 and 4)

ENG – English
VBS – Business Services
(VET industry specific)

M – Metal
T – Textiles
W – Wood

* VET industry specific course codes with a 6th character are unique to a qualification within syllabus.

The course codes for VET industry specific courses have been changed since publication. Please use the following table on the VET industry specific learning area page to determine the updated course codes for the qualifications relevant to your schools offerings for 2015.

Course codes identified in the VET industry specific syllabuses will be updated in Term 4 at the same time as updates are made to the qualifications to ensure they reflect the latest release of the relevant training packages.




VET industry specific

Automotive (VET industry specific)


Certificate I in Automotive Vocational Preparation (VEVAU)
Certificate II in Automotive Body Repair Technology (VEVAUB, VTVAUB)
Certificate II in Automotive Vocational Preparation (VEVAUP, VTVAUP)
Certificate II in Automotive Servicing Technology (VEVAUV, VTVAUV)

Business Services (VET industry specific)


Certificate I in Business (VEVBS)
Certificate II in Business (VEVBSB, VTVBSB)
Certificate III in Business (VEVBSS, VTVBSS)

Community Services (VET industry specific)


Certificate II in Community Services (VEVCSS, VTVCSS)
Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care (VEVCSC, VTVCSC)
Certificate III in Education Support (VEVCSE, VTVCSE)

Construction (VET industry specific)


Certificate I in Construction (VEVCO)
Certificate II in Building and Construction (Pathway - Trades) (VEVCO, VTVCO)
Certificate II in Building and Construction (Pathway - Para Professional) (VEVCON, VTVCON)
Certificate I in Resources and Infrastructure Operations (VEVCOR)
Certificate II in Civil Construction (VEVCOR, VTVCOR)

Creative Industries (VET industry specific)


Certificate I in Creative Industries (VEVCI)
Certificate II in Music (VEVCI, VTVCI)
Certificate I in Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Cultural Arts (VEVCIC, VTVCIC)
Certificate II in Visual Arts (VEVCIV, VTVCIV)
Certificate III in Visual Arts (VEVCIA, VTVCIA)
Certificate II in Live Production and Services (VEVCIL, VTVCIL)
Certificate II in Creative Industries (Media) (VEVCIM, VTVCIM)
Certificate III in Media (VEVCID, VTVCID)

Engineering (VET industry specific)


Certificate I in Engineering (VEVEN)
Certificate II in Engineering (VEVEN, VTVEN)
Certificate II in Engineering Pathways (VEVENV, VTVENV)

Hospitality and Tourism (VET industry specific)


Certificate I in Hospitality (VEVHT)
Certificate II in Hospitality (VEVHTF, VTVHTF)
Certificate II in Hospitality (Kitchen Operations) (VEVHTK, VTVHTK)
Certificate I Tourism (Australian Indigenous Culture) (VEVHTO)
Certificate II in Tourism (VEVHTU, VTVHTU)

Information Technology (VET industry specific)


Certificate I in Information, Digital Media and Technology (VEVIT)
Certificate II in Information, Digital Media and Technology (VEVITG, VTVITG)
Certificate III in Information, Digital Media and Technology (VEVITS, VTVITS)

Primary Industries (VET industry specific)


Certificate I in Agrifood Operations (VEVPIF)
Certificate II in Agriculture (VEVPIA, VTVPIA)
Certificate II in Rural Operations (VEVPIA, VTVPIA)

Sport and Recreation (VET industry specific)


Certificate I in Sport and Recreation (VEVSR)
Certificate II in Sport and Recreation (VEVSRS, VTVSRS)
Certificate II in Sport Coaching (VEVSRS, VTVSRS)