11 to 12 Circular edition 9 2015


Last date for changes to Year 12 student enrolments

Jenny Offer(08) 9273 6313
Jenny Morup (08) 9273 6309

Schools are reminded that the last date for changes to Year 12 student enrolments in Stage 3 course units that do not have a practical examination is Monday, 14 September 2015.

Schools can upload changes to Stage 3 course unit enrolments that do not have a practical examination (until Monday, 14 September) directly into SIRS, instead of providing the changes in writing to the Authority.

Please note:
* changes to Year 12 student enrolments in Stage 2 course units closed on Wednesday, 1 July 2015.
* changes to student enrolments to sit the 2015 WACE examinations in Stage 3 courses with a practical examination closed on Friday, 31 July 2015.

Pre-primary – Year 10 syllabuses released for Western Australian schools

Mandy Hudson(08) 9273 6755

The Minister for Education, the Honourable Peter Collier MLC, 20 July, 2015 notified principals that the School Curriculum and Standards Authority has released Western Australian year-level syllabuses for the following Pre-primary – Year 10 learning areas:

  • Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Health and Physical Education
  • Technologies
  • The Arts.

We are pleased to advise that the syllabuses have been provided five months ahead of schedule to allow more time for familiarisation.

A copy of the Minister’s letter to principals can be found via:http://www.scsa.wa.edu.au/internet/_Documents/General/P-10_syllabus_release_letter_to_prinicpals.pdf

The syllabuses and frequently asked questions can be accessed via the Western Australian Curriculum and Assessment Outline: http://k10outline.scsa.wa.edu.au/

The achievement standards for Humanities and Social Sciences, Health and Physical Education will be published in the Western Australian Curriculum and Assessment Outline before the commencement of the 2016 school year with Technologies, The Arts and Languages progressively published during 2016.

The annotated work samples for Humanities and Social Sciences, The Arts, Health and Physical Education and Technologies will be published in the Western Australian Curriculum and Assessment Outline during 2016.

Request for feedback on the School Curriculum and Standards Authority website

Sarah Clough(08) 9273 6396

In the last 6 months the Authority has launched the new look Western Australian Curriculum and Assessment Outline (http://k10outline.scsa.wa.edu.au/) and the WACE 2015-16 site (http://wace1516.scsa.wa.edu.au/).

In early 2016 we will be launching a new and improved Authority website (www.scsa.wa.edu.au) and we would like to take this opportunity to ask for you feedback in the form of a short survey.

Provide your feedback at http://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/2257486/Website-feedback

Teacher register, for School Curriculum and Standards Authority projects

Pax Yip(08) 9273 6740

The School Curriculum and Standards Authority is establishing a register of experienced teachers interested in participating in both paid and voluntary projects that arise from time to time.  Examples of past and current projects that require teacher expertise at a high level include:

  • Judging Standards:  coordination and planning work
  • Online Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (OLNA)
  • Preparation of teacher support materials
  • Revision of course outlines, assessment tasks and marking keys
  • Development of sample assessments
  • Sharing of teacher resources.

If you are interested in participating in these or future projects, please register your interest by emailingHRhelp@scsa.wa.edu.au with the following details:

  • Full Name (including middle name if applicable)
  • Teaching subject/s
  • Year level/s taught
  • Number  of years of experience in the relevant subject
  • Current Teacher Registration Board number
  • Current or previous school experience
  • Work email address
  • Daytime telephone number
  • Mobile number.

Once registered, you may be contacted as relevant opportunities arise.


Applications for permission to enrol in a WACE Language course 2016

Hanneke Rekelhof(08) 9273 6724

Schools are reminded that all Year 10 students intending to enrol in a WACE ATAR or General language course in 2016 are required to complete an Application for permission to enrol in a WACE language course in 2016. Any student wishing to enrol during Year 11 or early in Year 12 also need to complete an application. The application is available on the School Curriculum and Standards Authority website at http://wace1516.scsa.wa.edu.au/languages/.

Before submission to the Authority, schools are asked to ensure that for each student:

  • all sections of the application are completed in full
  • a copy of all the Semester 1 and Semester 2 reports for Years 7, 8 and 9 and the Semester 1 report for Year 10 from the school/s attended in Australia are attached (i.e. seven full reports)
  • a copy of the school enrolment form giving details about language/s spoken at home by the student and the student’s parents/guardians.

In addition, for any student who has travelled to and/or resided in and/or attended school in a country or place where the language in which they wish to enrol  is used for communication, are also are asked to ensure that each such student has included:

  • passport pages or visas showing the student’s name, place of birth and nationality and authenticating the date of entry into Australia as a resident
  • passport pages with entry/exit stamps (and visas, if applicable) confirming time spent in-country (i.e. in any country or place where the language in which they wish to enrol is used for communication)
  • a copy of reports (or where not available official attendance records) from the overseas school/s attended, with the language of instruction used at the school clearly indicated.

Schools are reminded that applications are due to the Authority on, or before Friday, 28 August 2015.

Please ensure that sufficient time is allowed to enable checking of applications and delivery to the Authority as applications will not be accepted after this date (unless the student is a new enrolment at the school).

Completed applications should be submitted to:

Administrative Assistant - Languages enrolment
School Curriculum and Standards Authority
PO Box 816

On receipt of the applications, the Authority conducts a completion check. Any applications that are completed incorrectly or are incomplete will be returned to the school for correction.

EAL/D eligibility notification process

Louise Dodman(08) 9273 6785

Please note that the process for notifying schools of the outcome of eligibility applications for English as an Additional Language/Dialect (EAL/D) will be changing from Term 3, 2015.

Schools will no longer be sent letters of notification via mail. Student eligibility information will now be accessed through the generation of reports in SIRS. This means that schools will be able to view the eligibility status of students immediately after the applications have been processed. Schools should allow approximately five working days during March and August and three working days at other times of the year for applications to be processed once they are received by the Authority. Reports can then be generated as many times as required for the school to have confirmation of the EAL/D eligibility status of their students, as well as information related to ineligible students and students whose applications require additional information.

A detailed information sheet about the new notification process including the titles and codes of the new reports that can be generated in SIRS is now available on the EAL/D course page of the Authority’s website:

Visual Arts ATAR Year 12 syllabus change

Lisa Bowden(08) 9273 6349

Following consultation with the Visual Arts Course Advisory Committee, both the written and practical school based assessment tables for Visual Arts ATAR Year 12 have been adjusted to comply with WACE syllabus assessment weightings requirements. The syllabus for implementation in 2016 has been updated to reflect this. The updated syllabus is now available on the Arts course page of the Authority’s website.

Workplace Learning (ADWPL) feedback and peer review seminars

Leanne Meldrum(08) 9273 6746

Coordinators, teachers and other personnel involved in the delivery of the new Workplace Learning endorsed program are invited to attend one of the half-day seminars scheduled for 10, 11 and 17 of August 2015 to:

1.    Provide feedback to the Authority on:

  • the clarity of the Authority-developed Workplace Learning Program Outline
  • the effectiveness of the ADWPL templates (content and format):
    • Logbook
    • Skills Journal
    • WPL Supervisor’s Information Brochure

2.    Peer review completed Logbooks and Skills Journals
Those attending are asked to bring:

  • a laptop or iPad to enable completion of an online survey
  • at least one completed Logbook and Skills Journal (with student’s name obscured).

Schools should be assured that the requirements of the endorsed program will not change, but minor modifications may be made to the Logbook and Skills Journal templates for 2016 and beyond as a result of the feedback.

Date Start time Finish time VenueRegistration
10 August 2015 9:00 am 11:30 am Statewide Services Centre
33 Giles Avenue, Padbury WA 6025
Conference Room 2
10 August 2015 1:00 pm 3:30 pm Statewide Services Centre
33 Giles Avenue, Padbury WA 6025
Conference Room 2
11 August 2015 9:00 am 11:30 am Statewide Services Centre
33 Giles Avenue, Padbury WA 6025
Conference Room 2
17 August 2015 9:00 am 11:30 am Santa Maria College 
Stoneham Road, Attadale WA 6156
Community Room
17 August 2015 1:30 pm 4:00 pm Santa Maria College 
Stoneham Road, Attadale WA 6156
Community Room

Year 12 Music ATAR syllabus change from 2016

Jane Alderson(08) 9273 6756

Following the recent survey: Audio Delivery process for 2016 Music written examinations, and advice from the Music Course Advisory Committee, the Board has endorsed a return to the use of a personal listening device for the WACE Music written examination from and including 2016 . The device which will be used by the Authority is a Sony MP3 Walkman model NWZE383.

Schools are responsible for providing and maintaining personal listening devices for each student for their school-based assessments. The devices are readily available through outlets that sell Sony products.

As a result of the Board decision, the written examination design brief in the ATAR Year 12 Music syllabus has been revised.

The revised written examination design brief now reads as:

Written examination design brief – Year 12

Time allowed
Reading time before commencing work: ten minutes
Working time for paper:  two and a half hours

Permissible items
Standard items: pens (blue/black preferred), pencils (including coloured), sharpener, correction fluid/tape,
eraser, ruler, highlighters
Special items:    nil

Provided by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority
Personal listening device


Supporting information

Section One
Aural and analysis

36% of the written examination
Common to all contexts
6–8 questions
Suggested working time: 50 minutes

The candidate is required to listen and respond to a selection of music excerpts using the personal listening device provided.

Questions can include: recognition of tonality and/or modulations, scales, intervals, pitch, melodic and rhythmic dictations, chord progressions, rhythmic and/or pitch discrepancies, skeleton scores, aural and visual analysis.

Questions can have parts. Question formats include multiple-choice and short answer. Some responses require Western staff notation.

Section Two
Cultural and historical analysis
34% of the written examination
Context specific

Part A: Analysis (11%)
One question

Part B: Short response (23%)
(i) compulsory area of study (11%)
one question
(ii) non-compulsory area of study (12%)
one question
Suggested working time: 55 minutes

Part A
The candidate is provided with a score and listens to a music excerpt similar to the designated works for a selected area of study, using the personal listening device provided.

The question is based on the compulsory area of study in each context.

The question has parts and the response can be in the form of short answer or analysis tasks.

Part B
(i) One question, based on the compulsory area of study and the correlating designated works, is provided for each context. The candidate will be provided with score excerpt(s).

The question requires critical analysis and application of an understanding of the cultural, historical, social, political and musical features of an area of study.

The question has parts and the response can be in the form of short answer or analysis tasks.

(ii) The question is answered using the non-compulsory area of study and the correlating designated works.

The question requires critical analysis and application of an understanding of cultural, historical, social and political influences and musical characteristics relevant to an area of study.

The question has 2–4 parts which require extended paragraph responses, one of which can be common to all contexts.

Section Three
Theory and composition
30% of the total examination
Context specific
2–4 questions
Suggested working time: 45 minutes

Western Art MusicTheory questions are based on a range of the following: identification and writing of scales, intervals, chords, cadences, identification of form and structure, transposition, transcriptions, orchestration, arrangements, chord analysis and/or harmonisation tasks.

Composition questions are based on one or more of the following: melody writing, harmonisation, SATB setting, accompaniment writing, form-based compositions, orchestration and arranging.

Questions can have parts.

JazzTheory questions are based on a range of the following: identification and writing of scales, intervals, chords, identification of form and structure, transposition, transcriptions, orchestration, arrangements and/or chord analysis tasks.

Composition questions are based on one or more of the following: melody writing, harmonisation, accompaniment writing, arranging, form-based compositions, lead sheet and/or rhythm section writing.

Questions can have parts.

Contemporary MusicTheory questions are based on a range of the following: identification and writing of scales, intervals and chords, chord analysis, identification of form and structure, transposition, transcriptions and/or arrangements.

Composition questions are based on one or more of the following: melody writing, chart and accompaniment writing, arranging,
form-based compositions, lead sheet and/or rhythm section writing.

Questions can have parts.


2015 WACE written examination timetable available online

Jenny Morup(08) 9273 6377

The 2015 WACE written examinations will be held from Monday, 2 November to Friday, 20 November. The timetable can be accessed via the Authority’s website athttp://www.scsa.wa.edu.au/internet/Senior_Secondary/WACE_Examinations/Examination_Timetables.

WACE examination dates 2016

Jenny Morup(08) 9273 6377

The 2016 WACE written examinations will run from Monday, 31 October to
Wednesday, 23 November.

The 2016 WACE practical examinations will be scheduled as follows:

  1. Saturday, 24 September to Sunday, 2 October (Saturday, Sunday and the public holiday included)
    Aviation, Dance, Drama, Music and Physical Education Studies
  2. Saturday, 24 September to Sunday, 9 October (Saturday, Sunday and the public holiday included)
    English as an Additional Language/Dialect (overseas schools)
  3. Saturday, 15 October
    Chinese: Second Language
  4. Saturday, 15 October and Sunday, 16 October
    Japanese: Second Language and Indonesian: Second Language
  5. Saturday, 15 October to Sunday, 30 October (Saturday and Sunday included)
    English as an Additional Language/Dialect (Western Australian schools), French: Second Language, French: Background Language, German: Second Language, German: Background Language and Italian: Second Language, Italian: Background Language

The school will not be able to specify particular day/s for the practical examinations to be held for all of its students. Students from a school must be randomly allocated to examination times throughout all of the days allotted for a course. This process ensures anonymity for all candidates.

Schools are advised to plan activities such as school examinations, final-day assembly, graduation, valedictory dinners and leavers’ breakfast on dates other than those listed above. These activities should be scheduled when there are no examinations for local students, such as between Monday, 3 October and Friday, 14 October.

Schools are requested to communicate the written and practical examination dates to students, teachers and parents. No allowance in the timetable can be made for holidays, work or personal arrangements.

The written WACE examination dates for future years will be:
2017             Wednesday, 1 November – Wednesday, 22 November
2018             Thursday, 1 November – Wednesday, 21 November
2019 Friday, 1 November – Thursday, 21 November.

Ancient History 2015 WACE Stage 3 examination

Kerry Cribb(08) 9273 6787

Schools are requested to inform students sitting the Ancient History WACE 2015 Stage 3 examination that the Question/Answer Booklet and Document Booklet will contain questions and sources for the prescribed learning contexts of Greece and Rome only.

Questions and sources for the prescribed context of Egypt will not be available to candidates sitting the examination.

Ancient History 2015 WACE Stage 2 examination

Kerry Cribb(08) 9273 6787

Schools are requested to inform students sitting the Ancient History WACE 2015 Stage 2 examination that the Question/Answer Booklet and Document Booklet will contain questions and sources for the prescribed learning context of Rome only.

Questions and sources for the prescribed contexts of Egypt and Greece will not be available to candidates sitting the examination.

Dance 2015 WACE written examinations stimulus materials distributed to schools

Kaylene Power(08) 9273 6777
Kerry Cribb (08) 9273 6787

The stimulus materials for the 2015 Dance WACE Stage 2 and Stage 3 written examinations have been distributed to schools. A DVD and a CD were provided to each teacher of the course and each candidate enrolled to sit the WACE examination.

Each DVD contains a copy of the stimulus material Shimmer and the CD contains the ‘Supporting document for the stimulus material’. Candidates will be required to make reference to the stimulus material in at least half of the questions in Section One of the written examinations.

The DVD will not be played during the examination. However, the examination papers will include a Source Booklet that contains images from the stimulus material as prompts or reminders of the stimulus DVD.

Materials required by candidates for 2015 WACE Practical (performance) examinations (Physical Education Studies)

Rick Browner(08) 9273 6312

The following list includes personal items, safety equipment and/or clothing required by candidates participating in the 2015 WACE practical (performance) examinations.

Any candidate who arrives at an examination without the items listed will not be permitted to participate in the practical examination.


No special equipment required

Artistic Gymnastics

Close fitting clothes such as a leotard

Australian Football

Enclosed shoes or boots


Badminton racquet, non-marking athletic shoes


Non-marking athletic shoes


Cricket bat, batting helmet, gloves, pads, protector and enclosed shoes or boots for a hard wicket


Riding helmet, riding boots, safety vest, horse


Collared shirt, enclosed shoes, personal set of golf clubs


Hockey stick, shin and mouth protection, footwear suitable for a synthetic playing surface


Non-marking athletic shoes


Shin guards, enclosed shoes or boots


Batting helmet, softball bat, glove, enclosed footwear


Protective eye goggles, squash racquet, non-marking athletic shoes


Bathers that conform to Swimming Australia regulations


Tennis racquet, enclosed shoes suitable for a hard surface


Enclosed shoes or boots free of screw-in studs or cleats


Non-marking athletic shoes

WACE Materials Design and Technology (MDT) practical (portfolio) examination submission guidelines for 2016

Kim Outtrim (08) 9273 6380
Naidina Avery (08) 9273 6334

Teachers and students are advised that the WACE 2016 Materials Design and Technology examination practical (portfolio) submissions are to be submitted on a USB. Guidelines for the new method of submission are on the ATAR course page under Support materials at http://wace1516.scsa.wa.edu.au/syllabus-and-support-materials/technologies/materials-design-and-technology.