11 to 12 Circular Extraordinary edition 2015


2016 Externally Set Task (EST) content for all Year 12 General and Foundation courses

Kerry Cribb(08) 9273 6787
Chris Stone (08) 9273 6365

The Externally Set Task (EST) is administered in schools during Term 2, 2016. All students enrolled in a Year 12 General or Foundation course are required to complete the EST for that course. The EST is based on Unit 3 syllabus content and schools are advised that the syllabus content is now available for 46 courses on the course page on the Authority’s website. The EST content for the following 10 courses will be available early October 2015:

Ancient History
Applied Information Technology (Foundation)
Building and Construction
Computer Science
Earth and Environmental Science
Engineering Studies
Marine and Maritime Studies
Religion and Life.

From 2016, schools will be required to identify an EST Coordinator. These details will be required for the Provider Information Update form which is to be completed by schools in January 2016.

Further information regarding the ESTs can be accessed via the Authority’s website at: http://wace1516.scsa.wa.edu.au.

Please see the link below to ‘Frequently asked questions’.http://wace1516.scsa.wa.edu.au/further-resources/faq.