11 to 12 Circular Extraordinary Edition 2015
Opportunity to join examining panels for 2016 WACE examinations
Kerry Cribb(08) 9273 6787
Buddhini Daluwatta (08) 9273 6761
The Authority invites applications from current and retired teachers and training and university lecturers to participate in the development of the 2016 WACE examinations.
Positions that may be available for all examining panels are:
- Chief examiner
- Examiner
- Independent reviewer
- Paper checker.
The Authority is seeking applicants with at least five years’ experience in teaching and assessment, an excellent understanding of examination-setting techniques and familiarity with the syllabus to be examined in 2016 in the relevant course.
At the point of applying all applicants must have a current Teachers’ Registration Board of WA (TRBWA) number or a National Police History Check or National Police Certificate.
Applications for positions are to be made online using this link.
Further information about these positions – including terms of reference, duties of members and the code of conduct – is available online.
Applications must be received no later than 5pm on Friday, 23 October 2015. Appointment to positions will be finalised by Friday, 20 November 2015.
WACE exam updates and techniques on SCSAWA Facebook page
Jo Merrey(08) 9273-6348
The Authority is encouraging teachers to promote the SCSAWA Facebook page as a valuable resource for students will undertake WACE practical and written exams this year.
This page is specifically for WACE exam candidates, providing a range of valuable information about WACE requirements and examinations. It includes:
- timely pointers to frequently asked questions about exams requirements and WACE requirements
- important dates
- tips on time management and study preparation and
- regular reminders to optimise exam performance by staying mentally and physically healthy.
It is important for the focus of this page to be on WACE exam candidates. Those who are not WACE exams candidates are asked to email their question, concern or opinion to info@scsa.wa.edu.au.
Someone will be in touch with then in two business days.
Teachers are also encouraged to enter conversations with the Authority on SCSA’s Twitter page.
Updated VET industry specific course syllabus for use from 2016 available early Term 4
Angela Kiely(08) 9273 6751
Nicole Gazey(08) 9442 9401
The 10 VET industry specific course syllabuses will be published ready for the beginning of Term 4 in 2015. The updated courses will be available for use by schools from 2016.
The 10 VET industry specific course syllabuses have been updated to the latest training package release and revised to include:
- The new Construction Industries course includes an additional Electrotechnology pathway which consists of the Certificate II in Data and Voice Communications and Certificate II in Electrotechnology – Career Start. The Building and Construction Trade Pathway now also includes the Certificate II in Plumbing.
- The new Community Services and Health course includes an additional Health pathway which consists of the Certificate II in Health Support Services.
- The new Business and Financial Services course includes an additional Financial Services pathway which consists of the Certificate I and II in Financial Services. Note that the course code has changed from VBS to VBF.
- Syllabus support materials referred to as Post-Secondary Pathways documents in each of the syllabus will be made available throughout the year. The documents will be accessible on the relevant VET industry specific syllabus and support materials page http://wace1516.scsa.wa.edu.au/syllabus-and-support-materials/vet-industry-specific.
- In some courses elective units have been grouped based on job roles or related areas of work. These groupings have been selected in conjunction with the relevant Industry Training Council. These groupings are not mandated however they act as a good guide to schools that want direction in packaging qualifications with strong articulation into post-secondary pathways.
Please note: The qualifications within the new Automotive VET Industry Specific syllabus have been changed to reflect the impending updated release of the AUR training package. The updated training package is expected to be to be published on www.training.gov.au in the last quarter of 2015 ready for a 2016 implementation.
The 10 VET industry specific courses and the pathways available to students within each syllabus are listed in Table 1 below. Please note the syllabus name changes to the current Construction, Business Services, Community Services and Information Technology VET industry Specific course syllabus.
Table 1: 2016 VET industry specific qualifications and course codes
Course Code and Title | Qual Code | Qualification Title and Course Unit Code/s |
VAU | AUR10115 | Certificate I in Automotive Vocational Preparation (VEVAU) |
VBF | BSB10115 | Certificate I in Business (VEVBF) |
VCS | CHC22015 | Certificate II in Community Services (VEVCSS, VTVCSS) |
VCO | CPC10111 | Certificate I in Construction (VEVCO) |
VCI | CUF10107 | Certificate I in Creative Industries (VEVCI) |
VEN | MEM10105 | Certificate I in Engineering (VEVEN) |
VHT | SIT10213 | Certificate I in Hospitality (VEVHT) |
VIT | ICT10115 | Certificate I in Information, Digital Media and Technology (VEVIT) |
VPI | AHC10210 | Certificate I in Agrifood Operations (VEVPIF) |
VSR | SIS10113 | Certificate I in Sport and Recreation (VEVSR) |
*Available as a pre-apprenticeship only