11 to 12 Circular edition 2 2016
Reminder to schools of the new VET industry specific WACE course integrity check process will commence Term 2 in 2016
Angela Kiely (08) 9273 6751
VET industry specific courses are developed by the Authority as a package of VET and industry placement and endorsed by industry through regular consultation with Western Australia’s Industry Training Councils. A VET industry specific course includes an AQF qualification; mandatory industry related workplace learning and in some cases mandated elective units. VET industry specific courses provide students with the opportunity to include VET as a course in their senior secondary program which may contribute towards their WACE. For more details on the VET industry specific courses seehttp://www.scsa.wa.edu.au/internet/Senior_Secondary/Vocational_Education_and_Training/VET_Industry_Specific.
In the development phase of each of the 10 VET industry specific courses, the emphasis is on providing a quality VET program by mandating the VET be delivered in conjunction with relevant industry experience. However, there is currently no moderation process in place to determine whether the quality of these courses is being achieved.
A new practice to verify that the workplace component of the course Authority Developed Workplace Learning (ADWPL) adequately supports the qualification undertaken as part of a VET industry specific course will be implemented from 2016.
The purpose for implementing the VET industry specific integrity check is to ensure the provision of VET industry specific courses is of a high standard for inclusion in the WACE.
The objectives of the integrity check are to ensure that:
- VET industry specific course WPL requirements are being met
- the Authority can attest to the quality outcomes for each of the VET industry specific courses.
The Authority is conscious of the potential impost on schools and measures have therefore been put in place to minimise the impact by:
- restricting checks to a selection of schools
- alternating the integrity check every 2 years, commencing in 2016
- requesting information for no more than 2 qualifications across Years 11 and 12 per school
(e.g. Certificate II in Business and Certificate II in Community Services) - pre-populating student course enrolments details along with drop down lists to choose an appropriate response, as explained below.
What are schools required to do?
An email with an attached spread sheet with pre-populated course enrolment details will be sent to selected schools approximately Mid Term 2 in 2016 requesting the following student details from schools:
- Main Job Role
- Employer
- Start Date
- Work Placement Arrangement (Block release, Daily/Weekly)
- Workplace Occurrence (Total number of weeks released, Days per week in the workplace)
- Scheduled Work Placement (During the semester, Holidays, Combination)
- Course Duration (1 or 2 years)
- Delivery Arrangement (Auspice, SBT, SBA, Profile, NoA, Fee for service, Combination)
- RTO Name.
Schools may choose to include any or all of the details required into their record keeping practices.
Exhibitions and Awards – 2016
Jenny Morup (08) 9273 6309
The 2016 Exhibitions and Awards policy and guidelines can be downloaded from the following website:http://www.scsa.wa.edu.au/internet/Senior_Secondary/Exhibitions_and_Awards
Schools are advised of changes to Exhibitions and Awards for 2016:
- awards recognise outstanding achievement in VET, in school assessment and in ATAR course examinations
- there is an increase in the number of awards recognising students with excellent school achievements, through the introduction of Certificates of Merit and Certificates of Distinction
- the Beazley Medal: WACE and the Beazley Medal: VET are retained as the two peak awards
- the Beazley Medal: VET and VET Exhibitions are awarded for excellence in studies that include training qualifications and School Curriculum and Standards Authority courses. To be considered for the Beazley Medal: VET from 2016, a student must have been awarded a VET Exhibition and must have been nominated by the student’s school
- the Beazley Medal: WACE and General Exhibitions are based on scaled ATAR course examination scores. Combined or scaled marks used in the calculation of the ATAR are not used in the calculation of this award
- the number of General Exhibitions awarded increases from 40 to 50
- awards calculation does not include marks obtained through the sickness/misadventure process.
Summary of selection criteria for awards in 2015 and 2016
Award | 2015 | 2016 |
Beazley Medal: WACE | Based on scaled scores used to calculate the ATAR. | Based on scaled examination marks. The school component is not included. |
Beazley Medal: VET | Shortlisting was based on the calculated VET award score. | The selection process will involve an interview and those shortlisted will be drawn from students who achieved a VET Exhibition. |
General Exhibitions | 40 General Exhibitions awarded. SCSA award score based on scaled combined scores used to calculate the ATAR. Two additional General Exhibitions awarded: one for the highest achieving ATSI student and the other for the highest achieving student with an ESL background. | 50 General Exhibitions awarded. SCSA award score based on scaled examination marks. The school component is not included. |
Subject Exhibitions | Known as Course Exhibitions. Awarded to the student who achieved the highest combined mark in each Stage 3 course where 100 or more students sat the examination. | Awarded to the student who achieves the highest examination mark or equated examination mark where there is a practical mark in each ATAR course where 100 or more students sat the examination. |
Certificate of Excellence | Known as a Certificate of Distinction. Awarded in each Stage 3 course where 100 or more students sat the examination to 0.5% of students who achieved the highest WACE course score. | Awarded in each ATAR course where 100 or more students sat the examination to 0.5% of students who achieved the highest examination mark or equated examination mark where there is a practical mark. |
VET Exhibition and VET Certificate of Excellence | To be considered for a VET Exhibition and VET Certificate of Distinction, students had to be nominated by their school. | To be considered for a VET Exhibition and VET Certificate of Excellence, students must have been nominated by their school. |
Certificates of Merit and Certificates of Distinction | Known as Certificates of Commendation. Based on the achievement of 20 A grades or course unit equivalents. | These awards recognise student achievement and are dependent on the degree of difficulty of the courses and programs undertaken, together with the student’s level of achievement. The awards will be based on the grades awarded to students by their schools. |
Schools are advised to:
- inform teachers, parents and student of the exhibitions and awards
- nominate eligible students for the VET awards.
OLNA: Enhancements for March 2016
Andrew Sinfield (08) 9273 6738
There are a number of enhancements to the OLNA in 2016:
- reading and numeracy tests will decrease from 60 to 50 minutes with the number of questions reduced from 60 to 45. The writing component will remain as a 60 minute test
- the reading and numeracy assessment window will be extended in March from 9 days to 13 days. The writing assessment window has been extended from 3 days to 4 days. Both test windows start on 8 March 2016
- individual reports will be provided with OLNA diagnostic feedback for students who demonstrate achievement in Category 2
- reading and numeracy example tests that mirror the new tests (45 questions in 50 minutes) and the writing test that mirrors the 60 minute writing test are available on the Authority’s website. These tests can be accessed by schools using the same logon credentials used for the practice test. Parents can access these tests using the username ‘olna’.
web address: assess.scsa.wa.edu.au
username: olna (schools should use their school code)password: prac14
Recording of enrolment and achievement of VET units of competency (delivered through VET credit transfer)/VET qualifications – Year 8 and Year 9 students, 2016
Kerry Tarrant (08) 9273 6770
Permission must be obtained from the School Curriculum and Standards Authority for Year 8 and/or Year 9 students to enrol and have achievements in VET units of competency (achieved through VET credit transfer)/VET qualifications contribute towards the WACE.
Schools should apply only if the studies for these students are part of a longer term program where:
- students are in remote community schools where learning programs relate directly to the local industry, or
- students are accessing VET as part of an individual education program (IEP), or
- a valid opportunity has been presented which supports an ongoing and coherent training pathway.
An application form for permission for the recording of enrolment and achievement of VET units of competency (delivered through VET credit transfer)/VET qualifications – Year 8 and Year 9 students, 2016 is available on the Authority website at http://www.scsa.wa.edu.au/internet/Events_and_Forms/Application_Order_Forms.
The completed application form is to be returned to the Authority by Thursday, 24 March 2016.
Recording of enrolment and achievement in ATAR units – Year 10 students, 2016
Kerry Tarrant (08) 9273 6770
Permission must be obtained from the School Curriculum and Standards Authority for Year 10 students to enrol and have achievements in ATAR course units contribute towards the Western Australian Certificate of Education.
Schools should apply only if the studies are part of a longer term program for students who are:
- either gifted and talented; or
- accelerated language students.
An application form for permission to record enrolment and achievement in ATAR units for Year 10 students, 2016 is available on the Authority website athttp://www.scsa.wa.edu.au/internet/Events_and_Forms/Application_Order_Forms.
The completed application form is to be returned to the Authority by Thursday, 24 March 2016.
Support materials for the 10 VET industry specific course syllabuses are now available
Angela Kiely (08) 9273 6751
Nicole Gazey (08) 9442 9401
Support materials for the 10 VET industry specific courses are now available in the 2016 Support Materialssection located under each VET industry specific course syllabus.
These support materials referred to as VET industry specific course and Post-Secondary Pathways (Pathways) documents can be found at http://wace1516.scsa.wa.edu.au/syllabus-and-support-materials/vet-industry-specific/by clicking on the relevant VET industry specific course.
The Pathways documents provide students with a snapshot of the potential opportunities in further and higher education. Each document illustrates the progression from Australian Qualification Framework (AQF) level 2 through to level 9 within the relevant industry or industries.
The Pathways documents provide support for each of the 10 VET industry specific courses; however, they may also be used for other purposes such as career counselling or to support your VET credit transfer programs.
If using the Pathways documents in print form, it is suggested that each document is printed in colour on A3 paper with landscape orientation, to maximise their use. Please see additional instructions on how to use the Pathways documents that are also located under the 2016 Support Materials for each VET industry specific course.
New enrolments in the Automotive VET industry specific course in 2016
Angela Kiely (08) 9273 6751
For all new and continuing student enrolments in the Automotive VET industry specific course in 2016, please refer to the 2015 Automotive Syllabus for continuing enrolments. This can be found athttp://wace1516.scsa.wa.edu.au/syllabus-and-support-materials/vet-industry-specific/automotive under the Continuing Enrolments tab.
The 2015 Automotive Syllabus should be used for the relevant qualification codes as well as course requirement specifications until such time as the new qualification codes under the AUR Automotive Retail, Service and Repair training package have been endorsed and the RTO has transitioned over to the new qualification.
The qualification codes currently endorsed which form part of the 2015 Automotive syllabus are as follows:
- AUR10112 Certificate I in Automotive Vocational Preparation (VEVAU)
- AUR20712 Certificate II in Automotive Vocational Preparation (VEVAUP, VTVAUP)
- AUR20512 Certificate II in Automotive Servicing Technology (VEVAUV, VTVAUV)
- AUR20912 Certificate II in Automotive Body Repair Technology (VEVAUB, VTVAUB).
Click http://wace1516.scsa.wa.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0008/36485/VET-VETIS-VAU-Automotive-Syllabus-2015-2.pdf for the 2015 Automotive Syllabus under the AUR12 Automotive Retail, Service and Repair training package.
VET industry specific course completion requirements and the ADWPL co-requisite
Angela Kiely (08) 9273 6751
Nicole Gazey (08) 9442 9401
Enrolment in a VET industry specific course requires mandatory enrolment in Authority Developed Workplace Learning (ADWPL) in the year of commencement of a VET industry specific course.
To meet this requirement a student must undertake workplace learning concurrently to the qualification as stated under the course delivery section of each VET industry specific course syllabus:
The Authority developed Workplace Learning endorsed program is a mandatory co-requisite for a VET industry specific course. Workplace learning time is required for each of the qualifications in this course. The number of workplace learning unit equivalents required is specified for each qualification within this course. The work placement must be industry-related and occur while the course units are being undertaken. The requirements for mandated workplace learning units may be met within one year of a two-year program.
As with all other WACE courses the Authority must be able to attest to the quality outcomes for each of the VET industry specific courses and as such these courses are subject to similar moderation activities. From 2016, the workplace component will be audited to verify that the ADWPL work placements adequately support the qualification undertaken as part of a VET industry specific course.
A student enrolled in a VET industry specific course must also make reasonable progress towards meeting the requirements of an ADWPL unit equivalent (55 hours) within the first year of commencement of the course.
From 2016, the Authority will follow up on results in VET industry specific courses where no achievement in ADWPL has been recorded in the year of commencement of the course or where a student has not made reasonable progress towards the completion of at least one ADWPL unit in the first year of a VET industry specific course.
Should it be determined that a significant amount of the VET qualification has been achieved without access to an industry placement, students may be prevented from enrolling in the VET industry specific course in the second year of the program and may only complete the qualification as VET credit transfer.
Year 11 and Year 12 student enrolments in course units – 2016
Jenny Offer (08) 9273 6313
For the first time in 2016:
- Year 12 students will enrol in ATAR, General, Foundation, Preliminary and VET Industry Specific courses. Year 11 students will continue to enrol into these courses
- Year 12 student enrolments are due earlier than in previous years. In 2016, Year 11 and Year 12 student enrolments in courses are now due to be uploaded to the Student Information Records System (SIRS) by the same date – Friday, 4 March 2016.
Enrolments in course units
The instructions to assist schools to enrol their students in course units are detailed in the Data Procedures Manual 2016. The manual is available on the Authoritys website at the following address:http://www.scsa.wa.edu.au/internet/Publications/Data_Procedures_Manual.
The specific sub-sections for information relating to extracting data of students enrolled in course units, uploading the enrolments into SIRS and verifying these enrolments in SIRS are listed below.
Section | Details relating to enrolments |
12.1.2 | RTP (Reporting to Parents) instructions for extracting data of students enrolled in course units |
12.1.1 | Civica (MAZE) instructions for extracting data of students enrolled in course units |
5.6 | Excel instructions for creating a CSV file for student enrolments in course units |
12.1.4 | Synergetic instructions for extracting data of students enrolled in course units |
5.8 | SIRS instructions for uploading student enrolments |
9 | SIRS reports available to schools. |
Eligibility to study Year 11 Foundation and Preliminary Courses
As part of the reforms to the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE), the Authority has developed Foundation and Preliminary courses to ensure that the full range of student abilities and interests are met.
Preliminary courses are for students who have been identified as having a learning difficulty and/or an intellectual disability (see sub-section 1.9 in WACE 2015-16 [revised edition]).
To ensure that enrolment in Foundation course units is restricted to students for whom these courses are appropriate, the Authority will not accept the enrolment:
- where Year 11 students have not pre-qualified and have not sat the ONLA, they are not eligible to enrol in any Foundation course
- where Year 11 students have achieved the minimum standard of literacy in the literacy component of the Year 10 Literacy and Numeracy Assessment or have pre-qualified through Year 9 NAPLAN, they are not eligible to enrol in Foundation English and other List A Foundation courses (i.e. the English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EAL/D) Foundation course and the Career and Enterprise Foundation course)
- where Year 11 students have achieved the minimum standard of numeracy in the numeracy component of the Year 10 Literacy and Numeracy Assessment or have pre-qualified through Year 9 NAPLAN, they are not eligible to enrol in Foundation Mathematics and other List B Foundation courses (i.e. the Applied Information Technology Foundation course and the Health, Physical and Outdoor Education Foundation course)
- where Year 11 students have achieved the minimum standard of literacy and/or numeracy in Semester 1 of Year 11, they are not eligible to enrol in the associated Foundation courses in Semester 2 of that year.
However, the Authority will accept the enrolment:
- where Year 11 students have achieved the minimum standard of literacy in Semester 2 of Year 11 or during Year 12 they will be permitted to continue in Foundation English and other List A Foundation courses in Year 12
- where Year 11 students have achieved the minimum standard of numeracy in Semester 2 of Year 11 or during Year 12 they will be permitted to continue in Foundation Mathematics and other List B Foundation courses in Year 12.
The above enrolment restrictions have been set in SIRS to prevent schools enrolling students in Foundation courses who have met literacy and/or numeracy minimum standards.
New Term 1 WACE activity for 2016: VET Qualification Estimates (ESQUAL) in SIRS
Nicole Gazey (08) 9442 9401
Angela Kiely (08) 9273 6751
With the introduction of the WACE 2016 it has become necessary to determine expected VET participation within the first quarter of the year. This will provide the Authority with reliable estimates to assist with the implementation of the new VET requirements for the WACE.
The VET Qualification Estimates (ESQUAL) is a mandatory WACE reporting activity required by the Authority by6 April 2016.
The mandatory process is intended to provide a ‘snapshot’ of the VET offerings at each school. Schools are required to report the qualifications that students are undertaking (including students who go offsite to access their training at external providers) as well as the student details against each qualification. Details of the units of competence within each qualification are not required to be reported. Schools are also not required to update the ESQUAL file after the deadline unless there is a significant change in VET offerings.
Schools will also need to indicate the delivery arrangement (e.g. auspice, profile, fee for service) under which each VET qualification will be delivered. For more information on the process for reporting, the full list of delivery arrangement definitions and the SIRS ESQUAL file format, please refer to the Data Procedures Manual 2016,section 4.3 VET qualification estimates (ESQUAL). The manual is available on the Authority’s website at the following address: http://www.scsa.wa.edu.au/internet/Publications/Data_Procedures_Manual.
Expression of interest for Chief Markers 2016
Jenny Morup (08)9273 6309
Melanie Jasper (08)9273 6732
The School Curriculum and Standards Authority is seeking expressions of interest for the positions of Chief Marker (practical or written) for the ATAR course examinations 2016.
The Authority encourages people who have at least five years’ experience teaching in the relevant course and some experience of marking WACE examinations to complete an expression of interest form which can be found on the Authority’s website.
Important information
Prior to completing the expression of interest, it is important that the following documents are read and understood:
- Duties of Chief Markers and markers
- Code of conduct for markers.
These documents are available on the Authority website under at:http://www.scsa.wa.edu.au/internet/About_Us/Employment/chief_marker_2016 with the expression of interest.
Expressions of interest
Expressions of interest must be received at the School Curriculum and Standards Authority no later than 5pm onFriday, 19 February 2016.
Application to study Year 12 ATAR Units 3 and 4 and sit the 2016 ATAR course examinations for students in Year 10
Kerry Tarrant (08) 9273 6770
Permission must be obtained from the School Curriculum and Standards Authority for a student who is in Year 10 to study a pair of Year 12 ATAR units (Units 3 and 4) and sit the 2016 ATAR course examinations.
A student who sits an examination for a particular Year 12 ATAR course in Year 10 must be exiting the course and will not be permitted to enrol in the Year 12 ATAR course (Units 3 and 4) and sit the ATAR course examination in Year 12.
An application form for permission to sit an examination for students in Year 10 is available on the Authority website at http://www.scsa.wa.edu.au/internet/Events_and_Forms/Application_Order_Forms.
Applications close Wednesday, 6 April 2016. No changes will be made to student enrolments to study a pair of Year 12 ATAR units (Units 3 and 4) and sit the 2016 ATAR course examinations after this date.
Please note: Applications for students in Year 11 to study ATAR units (Units 3 and 4) and sit the 2016 ATAR course examination are no longer required.
Examinations marked online
Jenny Morup (08) 9273 6309
Melanie Jasper (08) 9273 6732
In 2016, online marking of examinations will continue for the following ATAR courses:
- Biology
- Chemistry
- English as an Additional Language/Dialect
- Human Biology
- Mathematics Applications
- Mathematics Methods
- Mathematics Specialist
- Physics
- Religion and Life.
Online marking will be introduced for the following ATAR courses:
- Drama
- Literature
- Physical Education Studies.
For examination scripts to be scanned for online marking, the format of the paper includes the following features:
- a barcode at the bottom of the front page
- a solid 5mm square in each corner of the front page
- a unique identifying number printed on every page within the paper.
The margins of each page will be excluded from the area available for writing and will be marked with the wording ‘DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA AS IT WILL BE CUT OFF’.
It is highly recommended that you advise your students not to use pencil, except in diagrams.
The front covers of each examination will be sent to schools in August.
Special examination arrangements assessors 2016 – expressions of interest
Jenny Morup (08) 9273 6309
Carolyn Hackett (08)9273 6316
The Authority is seeking expressions of interest by Friday, 26 February 2016 from suitably qualified and experienced persons to assist with the assessment of special examination arrangement applications for the 2016 ATAR course examinations. Applications to be assessed will relate to candidates within the specific learning disability, psychological or ADD/ADHD categories.
Assessors will work in pairs with a psychologist and a person with whole-of-school management experience. Work will be outside of business hours on a contract basis, with payment per application. As highly sensitive information will be accessed during the assessment process, all assessors will be expected to have a National Police Clearance Check and to sign a confidentiality declaration.
Assessing applications will present an excellent opportunity for valuable professional development related to the assessment of candidates with disabilities. The role is also ideally suited to recently retired senior school administrators or those on leave.
Interested school counsellors or educational psychologists should have experience assessing and diagnosing senior students with learning disabilities using current, relevant diagnostic tools.
Interested school representatives should have experience working with senior students with learning disabilities in the school environment. Ideally, applicants would have whole-of-school management experience.
Training, to be provided before the start of the assessment period, is expected to occur in late May or early June 2016. Training will be conducted after business hours.
Most assessments of special examination arrangement applications will be completed within a tight timeframe in June and early July 2016. Assessors should be available between late May and mid-July, with the possibility of some work continuing into August.
An expression of interest does not guarantee appointment. Applicants will be advised in Term 2 if their services will be required. Assessors from previous years are encouraged to reapply for 2016.
The Expression of interest form is available on the Authority website athttp://www.scsa.wa.edu.au/internet/Senior_Secondary/WACE_Examinations/Special_Provisions.
Special examination arrangements assessors 2016
Expression of interest
I am interested in being an assessor for special examination arrangement applications from candidates with disabilities in the 2016 ATAR course examinations.
1. Personal details:
Title: (please circle) | Mr Mrs Ms Dr | Other: |
| ||
Surname: |
| Given names: |
| ||
Current employer: |
| ||||
Position: |
| ||||
Number of years’ experience with students with learning disabilities: |
| ||||
Tertiary qualifications: |
| ||||
Registration number (if applicable): |
Please attach a supporting statement (no more than one page) outlining your experience of working with senior students with disabilities. (Previously employed assessors do not need to provide a statement unless there is new information to record.)
2. Contact details:
Work address
Street address: | |||
Suburb: | Postcode: | ||
Phone: | Fax: | ||
Email: |
Home address
Street address: | |||
Suburb: | Postcode: | ||
Phone: | Mobile: | ||
Email: |
3. Referee details:
(To verify your involvement with students with disabilities)
Name: | |||
Position: | Phone number: |
4. Return details:
Please return this completed form by Friday, 26 February 2016 to:
Carolyn Hackett Senior Consultant – Special Provisions School Curriculum and Standards Authority PO Box 816 CANNINGTON WA 6987 | OR carolyn.hackett@scsa.wa.edu.au |
Note: Completion of this form does not guarantee selection as an assessor.
Year 12 ATAR course specifications booklet, formula sheets and data booklets for teaching and examining in 2016
Kerry Cribb (08) 9273 6787
The following booklets are available on the School Curriculum and Standards Authority website. Each booklet is for teaching and examining in 2016.
Accounting and Finance Specifications Booklet
Chemistry Data Booklet
Engineering Studies Data Book
Mathematics Methods Formula Sheet
Mathematics Applications Formula Sheet
Mathematics Specialist Formula Sheet
Physics Formulae and Data Booklet
Booklets are now available at http://wace1516.scsa.wa.edu.au/.
ATAR course sample 2016 examinations
Kerry Cribb (08) 9273 6787
The following sample 2016 ATAR course examinations and marking keys have been modified.
Ancient History, Chemistry, Drama, Earth and Environmental Science, English, English as an Additional Language or Dialect, Literature, Media Production and Analysis, Modern History, Mathematics Applications and Mathematics Methods.
These sample examination materials are at http://wace1516.scsa.wa.edu.au/.
Special arrangements for ATAR course examinations
Jenny Morup (08) 9273 6309
Carolyn Hackett (08) 9273 6316
The application form for special arrangements in the 2016 ATAR course examinations will be sent to schools soon. The form is to be used for candidates with a permanent or temporary disability that may disadvantage them in the ATAR examinations. It is the responsibility of schools to complete the form and submit it to the Authority on behalf of each candidate. It is not advisable to send the form home with students for completion. Completed forms should be submitted to the Authority by 17 May 2016.
Illnesses, such as diabetes, are classed as permanent disabilities and candidates will need special arrangements approved to take medication, food and extra drink into any examination. Any student seeking any type of variation to the standard examination conditions must have an application form submitted for them. Please ensure this requirement is brought to the attention of all students in sufficient time for them to provide the medical evidence to support an application.
Special arrangements are available for practical and written examinations.
Application process.
The 2016 application form places considerable emphasis on the school’s case management of a student’s disability. In the first instance, there should be a demonstrated history of targeted remediation to assist the student to develop skills needed in examinations. Schools should consider the needs of their students during Years 10 and 11 so they may trial arrangements for timed assessment tasks. Until a decision has been made by the Authority, all special arrangements must be considered temporary and subject to change. As in previous years, specific information will be required relating to the student’s essay writing ability. Students with a reading disability will also be required to provide recent results of a PAT-R reading comprehension test.
Schools must ensure any special examination arrangements offered at school level are in line with arrangements granted by the Authority for the ATAR course examination, as described in the special provisions documents on the Authority website and Section G of the application form. Arrangements offered by schools that are outside the published guidelines will not be approved for the ATAR course examination. Requests for arrangements that cannot be approved will delay the assessment process and response.
The Authority does not automatically adopt a medical/psychological provider’s advice or replicate the special examination arrangements that the school may have put in place for school assessment. Applications are considered on an individual basis and are based on the functional impact of that disability in timed assessments. It is essential that no candidate will be advantaged over another candidate in the examinations, except through having more knowledge, understanding and skill relating to the course being examined.
Schools are urged to ensure that all applications for special examination arrangements, along with all supporting information, are submitted to the Authority by 17 May 2016. Schools are encouraged to submit completed applications well before the due date as applications will be processed in order of receipt. Decisions regarding approved applications that were received by 17 May will be communicated to schools in time for implementation in Semester 2. It will be the responsibility of the school to convey the decision to the candidate.
Incomplete applications will not be assessed.
Practical examinations
Please also refer to the 11to12 Circular item about special format practical examinations that will be required by any candidate with a long-term injury or illness affecting their participation in standard practical examinations. Failure to apply for special format practical examinations for these candidates will jeopardise their completion of course requirements if they are not able to undertake the standard practical examination.
There will be no sickness/misadventure consideration for candidates on the basis of an injury or illness existing at the start of Term 3.
Late applications for special format practical examinations will be accepted until 29 July 2016.