11 to 12 Circular edition 6 2016
Year 10 Information Handbook 2016 and Year 10 Parent Presentation PowerPoint available online
Trish Dunnett (08) 9273 6794
The Year 10 Information Handbook 2016 and the Year 10 Parent Presentation are available on the Authority's website via the publications tab at: http://www.scsa.wa.edu.au/.
The Year 10 Parent Presentation PowerPoint has been developed to support schools for their Year 10 parent presentations.
The Year 10 Information Handbook is essential reading for Year 10s, their families and teachers. Students can save the handbook on electronic devices and type notes into the notes section.
Schools should encourage students to read this information handbook carefully. It contains information for students on a range of important topics:
- how to achieve the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE)
- the Western Australian Statement of Student Achievement (WASSA)
- WACE requirements
- WACE courses
- Unit equivalents
- Endorsed programs
- study options.
Final dates for Year 12 students to withdraw from courses
Jenny Offer (08) 9273 6313
Schools are reminded of the final dates for Year 12 students to withdraw from courses:
- Friday, 29 July 2016 – final date for withdrawing students from ATAR courses with practical examination components
- Friday, 26 August 2016 – final date for withdrawing students from ATAR courses which do not have practical examination components
- Friday, 26 August 2016 – final date for withdrawing students from General, Foundation, Preliminary and VET industry Specific courses.
New format of Student Summary Details report in SIRS
Jenny Offer (08) 9273 6313
The first page of the revised report is an overall summary of the student’s program of study and includes a number of new features:
- a summary of course unit enrolments
- the number of community service hours completed (as reported by the school)
- requirements for the WACE that have been met by the student.
A sample of page 1 of the report is shown below.
It should be noted that some of the requirements for the WACE can only be calculated once Year 12 achievements have been uploaded into SIRS. Also, the endorsed program unit equivalents will be allocated to either Year 11 or Year 12 or to both years when the WACE calculations are being carried out.
The pages following page 1 contain the enrolment and achievement data for course units, VET (units of competency and qualifications) and endorsed programs – as were listed in the previous Student Summary Details report.
The new Authority website and extranet access
Sarah Clough (08) 9273 6396
The Authority has recently launched its new website with updated materials. The site now has three subsites:
- the main Authority site: http://www.scsa.wa.edu.au (purple)
- the Western Australian Curriculum and Assessment Outline: http://k10outline.scsa.wa.edu.au (blue)
- the Years 11 and 12 site: http://senior-secondary.scsa.wa.edu.au (grey).
Each site has been updated with new materials, navigation and search functionality. Find out more about the updates.
The site’s extranet facility (secure area) has also been updated for teachers to access additional support materials.
Existing users will have an account in the new system and should have received an email with their new username and password. Users who did not receive this email can request their new details via email at lmshelp@scsa.wa.edu.au.
Please note that the extranet user name is the user's registered email address.
Teachers and final year University education students who do not already have an account can register at: http://www.scsa.wa.edu.au/extranet/login using their Teacher Registration Board (TRB) number or a valid university email address. Once users have registered successfully they will be able to login using their username (registered email address) and the password they have set during the registration process.
We have been experiencing some issues with the transition to the new system which we are working to resolve. If users are having trouble registering or logging in please contact the Authority via email at lmshelp@scsa.wa.edu.au.
As part of this revision, the existing P – Year 10 Judging Standards materials for English, mathematics, science and history (until December 2016) were moved to the Authority’s extranet. The Judging Standards materials for all learning areas, including those published in 2016 for Humanities and Social Sciences and Health and Physical Education, will be housed in the extranet for privacy of student work samples, especially those relating to performance.
Learn how to access the Judging Standards materials at: http://k10outline.scsa.wa.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0006/150783/accessing-judging-standards_infographic.pdf.
Launch of the School Curriculum and Standards Authority Facebook page for Teachers
Vanessa Peters (08) 9273 6779
We are pleased to announce the launch of our Facebook page for teachers.
This page is for teachers from Kindergarten through to Year 12 in Western Australia. We will be posting information about key dates and events.
You’re welcome to comment on our posts and talk among yourselves.
You can ‘like’ our page here: https://www.facebook.com/scsawateachers/ and share with your colleagues.
You can find our Facebook for students here: https://www.facebook.com/scsawa/.
Timeline changes for Externally Set Tasks (EST)
Steve Donatti (08) 9273 6359
There have been some changes to the timeline for ESTs published in the EST Handbook 2016.
The timeline has been updated in the online version of the handbook and is provided below. The handbook can be downloaded from the Externally Set Tasks page on the Authority website at: http://wace1516.scsa.wa.edu.au/assessment/externally-set-tasks.
When | Task | |
Term 3 2015 | September | Schools informed of the syllabus content on which the EST will be based |
Term 1 2016 | By end of Week 2 (12/02/2016) | Applications open on the Authority’s website for teachers to participate in the independent marking of ESTs |
Term 2 2016 | By end of Week 2 (6/5/2016) | Schools to have received printed copies of ESTs |
By beginning Week 4 (16/5/2016) | School EST contact to download from SIRS: marking key for each EST and marks collection form | |
Weeks 4, 5 and 6 (16/05/2016 to 3/6/2016) | Administration of the ESTs | |
By beginning of Week 7 (7/6/2016) | Schools receive a SIRS report listing the EST scripts required to be externally marked. The report lists the SCSA student number, student name and course | |
By end of Week 7 (10/6/2016) | Schools electronically upload total marks for each student in each of the ESTs by this date | |
By the end of Week 8 (17/6/2016) | Teachers who have applied to independently mark the ESTs will be informed if they have been selected | |
By the end of Week 8 (17/6/2016) | Schools electronically upload the identified students’ EST scripts by this date | |
Term 2 2016 holidays | 4/7/2016 to 15/7/2016 | Independent marking of ESTs for identified students |
Term 3 2016 | By the end of Week 4 (12/8/2016) | A SIRS report containing the EST feedback for each course will be available for download by schools |
By the end of Week 9 (16/9/2016) | Schools informed of the syllabus content on which the 2017 EST will be based. |
OLNA 2016 Round 1 Reports
Andrew Sinfield (08) 9273 6738
OLNA 2016 Round 1 reports are now available through SIRS.
The two reports are designed to support teachers identify skills that Category 1 and 2 students are finding challenging:
- Individual list of skills (both categories) – LAN005
- Group report of skills (both categories) – LAN004
Schools are encouraged to distribute these reports to relevant members of staff to assist with a student’s demonstration of the minimum standard of literacy and numeracy.
Interim reports (LAN006) can be distributed to students and/or parents.
Summary reports of overall student and schools' performance are also available (LAN003, LAN011) to support school planning and review processes.
Humanities and Social Sciences Heads of Learning Areas Seminar
Mandy Hudson (08 9273 6755)
Following requests from teachers, the Authority is presenting a seminar on the implementation of the Years 7–10 Humanities and Social Sciences curriculum for Heads of Learning Area.
The implementation seminar will be held at the School Curriculum and Standards Authority, 303 Sevenoaks Street Cannington. Heads of Learning Area are encouraged to register.
The seminar dates are as follows:
Wednesday, 1 June 2016 9.00 – 11.00 am
Thursday, 2 June 2016 1.00 – 3.00 pm
Tuesday, 7 June 2016 9.00 – 11.00 am
Thursday, 9 June 2016 1.00 – 3.00 pm
Registration will be online through the Authority website from Week 2 Term 2 at: http://www.scsa.wa.edu.au/events/hass-seminars.
Updated formula sheet for the Mathematics Specialist ATAR course
Steve Donatti 9273 6359
The formula sheet for the Mathematics Specialist ATAR course examinations has been amended to include an additional formula in the Trigonometry section, Identities, page 4.
The updated formula sheet is now available under Years 11 and 12 on the Authority’s webpage at: http://wace1516.scsa.wa.edu.au/syllabus-and-support-materials/mathematics/mathematics-specialist.
Economics ATAR Course Year 12 – Aggregate Demand–Aggregate Supply model Clarification
Mandy Hudson (08) 9273 6755
In relation to Unit 4 and the Aggregate Demand/Aggregate Supply (AD/AS) model, there is no requirement to distinguish between the Long Run and the Short Run Aggregate Supply curves. The understandings required in relation to the AS curve in the syllabus can be met by using the AS curve described as having three ranges.
There is no requirement in the syllabus to explore the determinants of AD/AS in detail. It would be expected that teachers, when presenting the model of AD/AS, follow the syllabus content set out below:
- the aggregate demand (AD) curve and factors that can cause movements along and shifts of the AD curve
- the aggregate supply (AS) curve and factors that can cause movements along and shifts of the AS curve.
Teachers are reminded that examination questions are drawn directly from the syllabus. Textbooks must be considered as a teaching resource where appropriate.
Politics and Law ATAR Course Year 12 – Design Brief clarification
Chris Stone (08) 9273 6365
The Design Brief for Politics and Law is located on page 14 of the Politics and Law ATAR Course syllabus. Teachers should note the additional clarification for Section Three of the examination paper below:
Section One: Short answer
Three questions from a choice of four
Section Two: Source analysis
One question from a choice of two
Section Three: Essay
This section is divided into two parts: Part A and Part B
Two questions from a choice of four
One question from a choice of two in Part A
One question from a choice of two in Part B.
Information session regarding the enrolment process for WACE language courses in 2017
Lisa Djanegara(08) 9273 6382
An information session for languages teachers and school administrators responsible for the languages enrolment process in schools will be conducted on Thursday, 9 June 2016 at the Authority offices in Cannington.
The aim is to ensure that schools have a thorough knowledge of the application process.
The emphasis will be on changes made to the application since last year and the requirements for teachers and Principals and the requirements for those students applying.
All schools planning to deliver a WACE language course in 2017 are requested to ensure that the appropriate staff member/s attend this session if they did not attend the previous information session conducted on 5 April 2016.
To register for this session, visit the Authority’s website at: http://www.scsa.wa.edu.au/events/languages-learning-area-information-session.
Those attending are advised to bring a copy of the Application for permission to enrol in a WACE language course in 2017 which can be found at:
ATAR course Year 12 Practical examinations 2016
Kerry Cribb (08) 9273 6787
Jenny Morup (08) 9273 6309
A letter has been sent to all schools with students enrolled in a Year 12 ATAR course with a practical examination. The letter is to inform schools that the practical examination requirements documents and practical marking keys for 2016 are available on the specific ATAR course page of the Authority’s website. Please see the links below.
Teachers and students must be familiar with the course specific practical examination requirements document and practical marking keys. They contain important information about the reporting of achievement, how the examination is structured and conducted and key dates.
Chinese: Second Language
English as an Additional Language/Dialect
French: Background Language
French: Second Language
German: Background Language
German: Second Language
Indonesian: Second Language
Italian: Background Language
Italian: Second Language
Japanese: Second Language
Materials Design and Technology
Media Production and Analysis
Physical Education Studies
Visual Arts
Materials required by candidates for 2016 Physical Education Studies (PES) ATAR Practical (performance) examination
Rick Browner (08) 9273 6312
The following list includes personal items, safety equipment and/or clothing required by candidates participating in the 2016 ATAR Physical Education Studies (PES) practical (performance) examination.
Any candidate who arrives without the items listed will not be permitted to participate in the practical examination.
Alternative | No specific requirements |
Australian Football | Enclosed shoes or boots |
Badminton | Badminton racquet, non-marking athletic shoes |
Basketball | Non-marking athletic shoes |
Cricket | Cricket bat, batting helmet, gloves, pads, protector and enclosed shoes or boots for a hard wicket |
Hockey | Hockey stick, shin and mouth protection, footwear suitable for a synthetic playing surface |
Netball | Non-marking athletic shoes |
Soccer | Shin guards, enclosed shoes or boots |
Tennis | Tennis racquet, enclosed shoes suitable for a hard surface |
Touch | Enclosed shoes or boots free of screw-in studs or cleats |
Volleyball | Non-marking athletic shoes |
Marker applications for 2016 ATAR course examinations
Melanie Jasper (08) 9273 6732
Cristina Caruso (08) 9273 6317
The School Curriculum and Standards Authority is seeking applications from qualified people interested in marking the practical and/or written 2016 ATAR course examinations. Marking provides excellent professional development, offering an ideal opportunity to work with colleagues and to develop a comprehensive understanding of the ATAR course examination standards.
Qualified people who are interested in marking must complete the application form on the Authority’s website at: http://www.scsa.wa.edu.au/about-us/employment.
Applicants will receive a receipt of their submission via email once the application has been processed. All application forms are forwarded to the Chief Marker of the relevant course. The Chief Marker selects the markers based on:
- the number of markers required
- recent teaching experience in the course (or similar)
- previous WACE marking experience
- familiarity with the specific course syllabus.
Practical markers (performance and languages only) are required to have a current Working with Children’s Card.
You are not eligible to be a marker if you have taken a voluntary redundancy in the past 12 months.
Preference will be given to applicants who are available to take on a full marking load.
Please note that applications open on Friday, 29 April and close on Wednesday, 29 June 2016.
Applicants will be informed of the outcome of their applications by:
Practical examinations Monday, 1 August 2016
Written examinations Friday, 16 September 2016.
'Statements of intent' and the 2016 English ATAR Examination
Kevin Sadler (08) 9273 6332
John Watson (08) 9273 6374
For the 2016 English ATAR Examination, teachers and students are reminded that it is not a requirement of either the design brief or the marking key for the candidate to provide any 'statement of intent' accompanying a question chosen in Section Three: Composing.
Thus any 'statement of intent' will not be considered when marking the answer to a question in this section.
Any such 'statement of intent' will be regarded as 'planning' and must be crossed out and/or clearly separated so it is not confused with the answer to the question.
Literature ATAR course examination 2016 Update
Kevin Sadler (08) 9273 6332
Paula Beck (08) 9273 6782
Teachers and students are reminded that, in the Literature ATAR course examination, the penalty that can be incurred if a candidate chooses one of the three questions in Section Two of the Literature ATAR course examination that make reference to a specific genre and does not write on that genre, has been changed.
Note 5 of the Instructions to candidates found on the back of the examination front page will read:
5. If you choose one of the three questions in Section Two that make reference to a specific genre, you must write on that genre or you will receive a penalty of 15 per cent of the total marks available for the examination.
Politics and Law ATAR Course Year 12 – Design Brief clarification
Kerry Cribb (08) 9273 6787
In response to feedback to the item in Edition 6 of the 11 to 12 Circular,
further clarification of Politics and Law (PAL) ATAR course Design Brief is provided for
The clarification relates to the content included in Part A and Part B of Section Three: Essay.
Part A essay questions will be drawn from Unit 3 and Part B essay questions will be drawn
from Unit 4.
The PAL ATAR course Year 12 syllabus is divided into two units which are delivered as a pair
with Unit 4 content building on Unit 3. The examination is based on a representative
sampling of the content for Unit 3 and Unit 4.
The inclusion of Part A – Unit 3 and Part B – Unit 4 to Section Three of the PAL ATAR course
Year 12 examination provides a familiar structure to that of past Stage 3 WACE
Front covers will be available in schools Term 3 of 2016.