11 to 12 Circular edition 7 2017 Extraordinary Edition

11to12 Circulars

August 2017 - Extraordinary

General Information, SIRS and Enrolments

WACE Checker developed to assist Year 12 students monitor their progress towards achieving the WACE

Jenny Offer (08) 9273 6313

The School Curriculum and Standards Authority is pleased to announce that it has developed a WACE Checker for Year 12 students. The WACE Checker is a tool which Year 12s can use to check their progress towards achieving their Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) and is now available on the Authority website at: https://wacechecker.scsa.wa.edu.au/wace.

The WACE Checker is provided as a guide only. The report it gives students must not be interpreted as a guarantee the student will achieve a WACE. Achievement of the WACE is dependent on the calculation of a student’s final results and completion of courses. Individuals are encouraged to consult the WACE Manual for the relevant year, or their school, should they wish to confirm WACE eligibility for a student based on enrolment and predicted/actual achievement.

To use the WACE Checker, students will need to add information about their achievements in Year 11 and their expected achievements in Year 12. The checker will be of most assistance if the information provided for Year 12 is realistic. When students add their anticipated grades for Year 12, they need to add what they realistically expect to achieve this year.

The WACE Checker allows students to save the summary of their input as a Portable Document Format (PDF). They can use this PDF to track their progress and to check the impact of any changes to their enrolment or achievement.

Students can also use a save function which will keep the data entered into the checker for a month. An access code is provided to allow students to use the ‘Fetch My Data’ button when they select that option in the checker.

More information is available under the ‘Tell me more’ button on the checker.