11 to 12 Circular March-2 2018
11to12 Circulars
March-2 2018
General Information, SIRS and Enrolments
Online access to Year 12 student information, 2018
Jenny Offer (08) 9273 6313
Schools are reminded that Year 12 students can check their personal details and enrolments online at https://www.wace.wa.edu.au opens in new window.
To log on, students will need their WA student number and other personal identification information.
The School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority) strongly encourages Year 12 students to check that their enrolments in course units are listed. This is especially important where students are studying at more than one school (for example, also studying via Schools of Isolated and Distance Education). Students must report inaccurate information to the school for updating.
Students who experience technical difficulties in accessing the information need to contact the Authority at wacehelp@scsa.wa.edu.au or on 9273 6719 (during office hours).
Students may also find the Authority’s social media a convenient way to access general information about the ATAR examinations and certification. Go to:
- https://facebook.com/scsawa opens in new window
- opens in new windowhttps://twitter.com/scsawa opens in new window
Last date to process changes in enrolments for Year 12 students and Year 11 students enrolled in Year 12 ATAR courses, 2018
Jenny Offer (08) 9273 6313
Schools are reminded that Thursday, 5 April 2018 isthe last date to process changes to enrolments in:
- ATAR, General, Foundation and Preliminary courses for Year 12 students
- ATAR, General and Foundation (Units 3 and 4) courses for Year 11 students.
After Thursday, 5 April, SIRS will be locked and no further changes (except withdrawals) will be accepted. Please note that the Authority will not be permitting any changes after this date.
Year 12 students will still be able to withdraw from the following:
- ATAR courses with practical examination components up until Friday, 27 July 2018
- ATAR courses which do not have practical examination components up until Friday, 17 August 2018
- General, Foundation and Preliminary courses up until Friday, 17 August 2018.
Year 11 students will still be able to withdraw from the following:
- ATAR (Units 3 and 4) courses with practical examination components up until
Friday, 27 July
- ATAR (Units 3 and 4) courses which do not have practical examination components up until Friday, 17 August.
Schools are also reminded that the last date for changes to enrolments in VET industry specific courses for Year 12 students is Thursday, 21 June 2018 and for Year 11 students is Thursday, 9 August 2018.
The last date for receipt of enrolments as non-school candidates in ATAR course examinations by the Authority is also Thursday, 5 April 2018. No further applications will be accepted after this date.
Music ATAR: Music Performance Resource Package Update
Nick Fielding (08) 9273 6756
Teachers are advised that the Music Performance Resource Package has been updated.
A summary of the changes are as follows:
- information copied from the 2018 Practical (performance and/or composition portfolio) Examinations requirements document has been removed
- content in the opening explanatory pages has be rearranged and modified for greater clarity
- Music Theatre – Voice has been shifted within the document to appear as its own section, rather than a subsection of Western Art Music.
Teachers are reminded to refer to both the Music Performance Resource Package and the 2018 Practical (performance and/or composition portfolio) Examinations requirements documents in their planning and to ensure that music students’ instrumental/vocal teachers have access to both documents.
There have not been any changes to the content of the instrument-specific lists of suggested technical work and repertoire.
The document can be found at https://senior-secondary.scsa.wa.edu.au/syllabus-and-support-materials/arts/music under the Support Materials: Practical component tab.
Media Production and Analysis data collection form no longer required
Mark Leigh (08) 9273 6795
Teachers are advised that the Media Production and Analysis data collection form for media type is no longer required.
The Media Production and Analysis ATAR course Practical (portfolio) examination examination requirementscan be downloaded from:
Design ATAR course Practical (portfolio) examination documentation requirements changes
Mark Leigh (08) 9273 6795
Teachers are advised that:
- The Designer statement is no longer required in the submission of the Design ATAR course Practical (portfolio) examination.
- The References/acknowledgements form has been modified.
The Design ATAR course Practical (portfolio) examination examination requirements can be downloaded from:
2018 Year 12 Practical examination requirements documents and practical marking keys for ATAR courses
Kerry Cribb (08) 9273 6787
Jenny Morup (08) 9273 6309
Teachers are advised that the 2018 Practical examination requirements documents and practical marking keys are available on the specific ATAR course page of the Authority’s website. Please see the links below. The materials are located under ATAR > Examination Materials.
Both teachers and students must be familiar with the course specific practical examination requirements document and practical marking keys. They contain important information about the reporting of achievement, how the examination is structured and conducted and key dates.
Chinese: Second Language
English as an Additional Language/Dialect
French: Background Language
French: Second Language
German: Background Language
German: Second Language
Indonesian: Second Language
Italian: Background Language
Italian: Second Language
Japanese: Second Language
Materials Design and Technology
Media Production and Analysis
Physical Education Studies
Visual Arts