11 to 12 Circular December 2019

11to12 Circulars - December 2019


Applications for permission to enrol in a WACE Language Course – Year 11 or Year 12 2020

Mandy Hudson 
(08) 9273 6355

Schools are advised that the 2019 date for late submission of Applications for Permission to Enrol in a WACE Language Course in 2020 has passed, and that the processing of new applications is suspended until January 2020.

Applications for new enrolments in Year 11 and Year 12 will be accepted from Monday 13 January 2020. The School Curriculum and Standards Authority is unable to process any forms received prior to this date and applications will be returned to the school with a request to resubmit on, or after, 13 January 2020.

Applications can be emailed to languagesenrolment@scsa.wa.edu.au, sent to Administrative Assistant, Languages Enrolment PO Box 816, Cannington WA 6987 or delivered to the School Curriculum and Standards Authority, Level 2 Mason Bird Building, 303 Sevenoaks St Cannington WA 6107 (8.00 am - 4.30 pm Monday to Friday).


Meeting WACE Requirements 2020 Seminars

Mandy Hudson
(08) 9273 6755

The School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority) is providing learning area specific seminars during Term 1 2020 to assist schools in meeting WACE requirements in 2020.

These seminars are designed for:

  • schools that are offering a course for the first time in 2020
  • schools that are reintroducing a course
  • teachers delivering one or more WACE courses for the first time in 2020 (e.g. graduate teachers, teachers who have not previously taught Year 11 or Year 12, teachers whose past experience has been interstate or overseas)
  • new school leaders (e.g. Heads of Learning Areas).

Please note these seminars are replacing the previously offered new and/or inexperienced teacher seminars.

The link below will take you to the registration page.


Consensus Moderation in 2020

Mandy Hudson
(08) 9273 6755

In response to feedback and the review of previous moderation processes, the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority) wishes to advise schools that consensus moderation meetings for courses in consensus in 2020 will be full day meetings.

Consensus moderation provides opportunities for teachers to build common understandings of the course standards that underpin comparability. Comparability between schools ensures fairness for all students.

In 2020, consensus moderation will be in two parts. Part A will be the review of student assessment files and a focus on applying the grade descriptions in a course to determine a grade, while Part B will focus on assessment practice as outlined in the WACE Manual 2020 in Section 2.4.  A key aspect to achieving comparability in standards is the development and implementation of valid and appropriate school-based assessment tasks that provide for a comprehensive sampling of the syllabus content, and provide students with the opportunity to demonstrate the full range of achievements.

Principals will receive information regarding registration for the consensus moderation meetings in February 2020. For further information, please email Mandy.Hudson@scsa.wa.edu.au.


2020 Dance ATAR course written examination stimulus materials

Max Leech (08) 9273 6740

Christine Woods (08) 9273 6739

Teachers are advised that from 2020 onwards, the stimulus materials for the Dance ATAR course written examination will be delivered to schools on a USB flash drive.

2018 and 2020 Dance ATAR course practical examination set solo materials in schools

Max Leech
(08) 9273 6740

Dianne Rogers (08) 9273 6772

The set solo materials for the Dance ATAR course practical (performance) examination for 2018 and 2020 have been sent to schools that did not receive the materials in 2017, but will be offering the Year 12 Dance ATAR course in 2020 and will therefore require the materials to prepare students for the 2020 practical examination. The package, comprising a DVD and a CD, was addressed to the teacher-in-charge of Dance.

The DVD contains the set solo. The CD contains the music track for the set solo and the technical notes, which includes the choreographer’s intent. Candidates will be required to learn the set solo for Performance two of the 2020 practical (performance) examination.

This is the last year that the set solo materials will be provided on a DVD and a CD.

Set solo materials for the practical (performance) examination from 2021 onwards will be provided on a USB flash drive.

Year 12 ATAR Media Production and Analysis Practical (production) examination change

Gemma Wright 
(08) 9273 6783

Catherine Walsh (08) 9273 6777

Teachers are advised that the Year 12 ATAR Media Production and Analysis Practical (production) examination design brief has changed. The requirement of up to five pages for the Individual documentation of the production process has been replaced with a one page Practical production statement. The revised practical (production) examination design brief appears in the updated syllabus. Please see the link below to access the syllabus.


The Media Production and Analysis ATAR course Practical (production) requirements booklet and revised marking key will be published in March 2020.

General information, SIRS and enrolments

Registration of students on SIRS in 2020

Data Services
(08) 9273 6344

Schools and other education providers are asked to note the following important dates as the last date for the initial upload of student registration and demographic information to the Student Information Records System (SIRS) in 2020. Please do not leave it until the last date to upload your data.

Thursday, 13 February 2020

  • Initial 2020 registration and demographic information for Years 10–12 students (required for Online Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (OLNA) student lists and password generation (via SRGDG file).
  • Initial 2020 registration and demographic information for students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 (required for National Assessment Program for Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) (via SRGDG file).
  • Initial 2020 registration and demographic information for all Kindergarten – Year 6 students where these students attend schools using Brightpath (via SRGDG file).
  • Initial 2020 registration information for all teachers where students attend schools using Brightpath (via THREG file).

Thursday, 9 April 2020

  • Registration and demographic information for all remaining Kindergarten – Year 8 students other than those listed above is due to be uploaded by Thursday, 9 April 2020.

Updates to registration and demographic information should be uploaded into SIRS on a regular basis for the remainder of the year.

Details of how to register students are provided in the updated Data Procedures Manual 2019 - PDFhttps://www.scsa.wa.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0017/535022/Data-Procedures-Manual-2019.PDF opens in new window, with links to assist schools using Reporting to Parents, MAZE, and Excel. There is also a separate Student Registration Procedures Manual found at https://www.scsa.wa.edu.au/sirs-info/primary-schools to assist primary schools with creating and uploading their Student Registration and Demographic File (SRGDG).

Schools are requested to include their school code in any correspondence.

WASN requests for 2020

Data Services
(08) 9273 6344


All current students in Western Australia (WA) should have been allocated a Western Australian Student Number (WASN), and be registered with the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority). This number remains with the student throughout their school life. Schools need to recognise the importance of the WASN to avoid duplication of records and maintain continuity of student data.

From 14 October 2019, schools will only be able to request WASNs through the Student Information Record System (SIRS) for Kindergarten students commencing in 2020. If a student other than Kindergarten arrives at your school from another WA school, please check to see if they have a WASN first using the ‘Search for WASN’ process – explained in ‘How to Search for WA Student Numbers in SIRS’ in this circular.

If you cannot locate a number, then contact numbers@scsa.wa.edu.au and give details of the student’s legal surname, legal first name, date of birth and academic year. It is also useful to include your school code in any correspondence. If schools request a WASN for a student who already has a number, the correct WASN number will be sent back to schools. The Authority will forward to schools new WASNs for those students without a number.

All secondary schools with a Year 7 intake can send a complete list (spreadsheet) of Year 7 students entering their school, including the student’s legal surname, legal first name and date of birth and the Authority will look up the numbers on their behalf.

A reminder that details of how to register students can be found in the Student Registration Procedures Manual 2019 – Primary Students found at https://www.scsa.wa.edu.au/publications/data-procedures-manual-2019 with links to assist schools using Integris (RTP), Civica Maze, and Excel. There is also a Guide to uploading Student Registration and Demographic (SRGDG) file found at PDFhttps://www.scsa.wa.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0004/349636/GUIDE-TO-UPLOADING-STUDENT-REGISTRATION-AND-DEMOGRAPHIC-FILE.pdf opens in new window and some online training videos found at https://www.scsa.wa.edu.au/sirs-info/primary-schools.

How to Search for a WASN in SIRS

Data Services
(08) 9273 6344


If a student arrives at your school from another school in Western Australia, or even from overseas/interstate, you have the ability to search in the Student Information Records System (SIRS) for that student’s Western Australian Student Number (WASN) using a family name, given name and date of birth.

Please refer to the August-2 2019 circular item regarding registration and enrolment of P–10 students transferring between schools in Western Australia.  Schools are reminded that students in Western Australia transferring between schools midway through the calendar year must remain enrolled in their current academic year. By checking a student number the system will also give you a student’s current academic year.

students current academic year screenshot

Upon registration, schools should check SIRS for the student’s previous school details and ensure students are enrolled to continue in the same academic year as they were in at their previous school.  This ensures students continue with their current year-level studies within the Western Australian Curriculum and Assessment Outline.

All student registrations are recorded in SIRS by the end of Term 1. After this time, you will be able to search for students including the student’s previous school/s. You will know where to send a transfer note, if required.

  1. Hover over Enrolments in the menu bar.
  2. Click on Student EnrolmentStudent MaintenanceFind Student Number (see image below).

step 2 a screenshot

The Find Student Number directory will appear (see image below). Enter the student’s Family NameGiven Name and Date of Birth.

step 2 b screenshot

  1. Click Search.If the information you have entered exactly matches the information in SIRS, you will find a result even if the student is not at your school (see image below).

step 3 screenshot

If the details you have requested are different from the information in SIRS (e.g. date of birth is different, Jackie is spelt as Jacky), no information will be found. In this case, please email numbers@scsa.wa.edu.au and provide the student’s:

  • Family Name (Surname)
  • Given Name (First Name)
  • Date of Birth
  • Academic Year
  • Previous School (if known).

Troubleshooting: Search WASN

  1. What happens if the requested information does not show?Email numbers@scsa.wa.edu.au and provide student name, academic year and date of birth.
  2. What happens when a single year (e.g. 2012 to 2012) is entered in the date range?Only a result for that year will be returned.
  3. What does it mean when the Department of Education is shown as the student’s main provider?
    It means the student is likely to be under a Notice of Arrangements or may have been on the Whereabouts Unknown List (more likely with Years 7, 8, 9 and 10).