11 to 12 Circular May 2019

General Information, SIRS and Enrolments

Consequences of not providing a VET USI

Jenny Offer (08) 9273 6313

Perpetua Joseph (08) 9273 6770

Student enrolments and achievements in VET

For Year 12 students in 2019, schools are reminded to include the VET Unique Student Identifier (USI) in their VET enrolment (ENVET), VET achievement (RSVET and RSQUAL) and student registration and demographic (SRGDG) files which are uploaded into the Student Information Records System (SIRS). The USI field is optional in these four files, however, it is required in the RSVET and RSQUAL files for units of competency and qualifications to contribute towards meeting the WACE requirements.

Students are required to have a USI before they can be issued with a statement of attainment or certificate from their RTO.

If assistance is required regarding the USI, schools are advised to contact the USI Office on 1300 857 536, or via email USIadmin@education.gov.au

Certification consequences of not providing a VET USI

Students who achieve VET units of competency or VET qualifications without a VET USI will not:

  • have the results reported on the Western Australian Statement of Student Achievement (WASSA)
  • have the achievements allocated unit equivalent/s and may not meet the requirements to receive a WACE
  • have the achievements recognised in the completion requirement for VET Industry Specific courses.

VET – USI report

To assist schools to identify which students have a VET USI uploaded onto SIRS, the Authority has developed a report in SIRS. The pathway to this report is as follows:

Reports > other reports > Report type: enrolments, Report: CSE195 – VET USI report.

This report will list (either ‘yes’ or ‘no’) to indicate if a VET USI has been uploaded for each student at the school who has VET enrolments in 2019.

Where students already have VET USIs, there is no need to obtain another USI for 2019.

Schools are reminded that the Authority requires Year 12 student enrolments in VET to be uploaded into SIRS as soon as possible, but not later than Thursday, 20 June 2019.

Year 12 student enrolments in VET units of competency, 2019

Jenny Offer (08) 9273 6313

Schools are reminded that the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority) requires Year 12 student enrolments in VET to be uploaded into the Student Information Records System (SIRS) as soon as possible, but not later than Thursday, 20 June 2019.

Schools need to ensure that they receive the correct enrolment information from registered training organisations (RTOs) relating to their students’ enrolments in units of competency and qualifications. It is important that schools acquire the appropriate documentation from the RTO to confirm enrolments before submitting the data to the Authority. This will ensure that accurate information is uploaded in SIRS to avoid issues at the time of providing student achievement reports.

Provision of course enrolments

The following sections of the Data Procedures Manual 2019 provide instructions relating to required actions (extracting data of students enrolled in VET units of competency, uploading the enrolments into SIRS and verifying these enrolments in SIRS):


Details relating to enrolments


RTP (Reporting to Parents) instructions for extracting the VET units of competency enrolment


Civica – MAZE instructions for extracting data for students enrolled in VET units of competency


Excel instructions for creating a CSV file for student enrolments in units of competency:

  • delivered as VET credit transfer and
  • where competencies have been integrated into VET   Industry Specific courses

12 .1.4

Synergetic instructions for extracting data of students enrolled in VET units of competency


SIRS instructions for uploading student enrolments


SIRS reports available to schools.

This information is available on the Authority website at:


It is important to note:

  • The VET Unique Student Identifier (USI) is optional in the VET enrolment file (ENVET). However, it is required for units of competency and qualifications that contribute towards meeting the WACE requirements when reporting achievements through the RSVET and RSQUAL. If assistance is required regarding the USI, schools are advised to contact the USI Office on 1300 857 536 or via email USIadmin@education.gov.au.

Schools delivering VET that is integrated into a VET Industry Specific course must enrol the students in the units of competency as VET integrated in the ENVET file. Students who meet VET industry specific course requirements can achieve course unit credit towards a WACE. Further information relating to course credit allocation and WACE credit allocation can be found at: https://senior-secondary.scsa.wa.edu.au/vet/vet-industry-specific.

Final dates for Year 12 students to withdraw from courses, 2019

Jenny Offer (08) 9273 6313

Schools are reminded of the final dates to withdraw Year 12 students from courses:

  • Friday, 26 July 2019 – final date for withdrawing students from ATAR courses with practical examination components. No changes will be made to student enrolments in these courses after this date.
  • Thursday, 15 August 2019 – final date for withdrawing students from ATAR courses which do not have practical examination components. No changes will be made to student enrolments in these courses after this date.
  • Thursday, 15 August 2019 – final date for withdrawing students from General, Foundation, Preliminary and VET industry specific courses. No changes will be made to student enrolments in these courses after this date.

Schools are reminded that students who are enrolled in a Year 12 ATAR course must sit the external examination in that course. For ATAR courses with a practical component, students must complete both the written and practical examinations. Students who do not sit an ATAR course examination and do not have an approved sickness/misadventure application for that course, will not have the grades for the pair of units completed in that year contribute to the calculation of the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE).

This means, the grades for the ATAR Year 12 course will not contribute to the:

  • completion of a minimum of 20 units, including 10 Year 12 units
  • completion of at least one pair of Year 12 units from an English course (if the ATAR Year 12 course was either English, Literature or English as an Additional Language or Dialect)
  • completion of one pair of Year 12 units from List A (arts/languages/social sciences) or List B (mathematics/science/technology) {depending on the list of the ATAR Year 12 course}
  • achievement of at least 14 C grades or higher, including at least six C grades in Year 12 units
  • completion of at least four Year 12 ATAR courses.

Students who do not sit the ATAR course examination will not have a course mark or grade recorded on their Western Australian Statement of Student Achievement (WASSA), nor will they receive an ATAR course report.

As a consequence, a student may not meet the requirements to receive a WACE.

Application for exemption from enrolment eligibility criteria for Foundation units 2019

Perpetua Joseph (08) 9273 6770

Principals are able to seek permission to enrol students who fall outside the eligibility criteria for Foundation units.  Please refer to Section 1.8 of the WACE Manual 2019.

Where there is no Online Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (OLNA) or Year 9 National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) data available for the student, an Application for exemption from enrolment eligibility criteria for Foundation units, will be considered for:

  • current Western Australian students (Section A to be completed)
  • recent overseas of interstate students (Section B to be completed)
  • students who have demonstrated the standard in Semester 1, Year 11 Foundation course but changing to General course in Semester 2 will not benefit the student (Section C to be completed).

Results of the 2019 March round of the OLNA were released on Monday, 6 May 2019. Within a three-week period after the OLNA results, schools can submit the applications for exemption for consideration.

Please email all applications and supporting documentation to foundationapplications@scsa.wa.edu.au and must be received by the Authority no later than Thursday, 23 May 2019.

The application form is available from the Authority’s website on the Applications and Order Forms page (https://www.scsa.wa.edu.au/forms/forms) under the Enrolments tab.


English ISP WebEx Workshop 2019

Gerard Morris 
(08) 9273 6742

John Watson (08) 9273 6374

Teachers of Year 11 and 12 English ATAR in remote, regional and overseas areas are invited to participate in an Improving Student Performance (ISP) WebEx workshop in Term 2 focused on Section 3 of the English ATAR course examination.

The WebEx workshop focuses on improving student performance in creating tasks, in particular in relation to the Section Three Composing of the English ATAR course examination. Participants will examine a range of high-scoring scripts from the 2016, 2017 and 2018 ATAR course examinations, identifying their qualities and workshopping practices to maximise student performance.

The WebEx will be held on Thursday, May 30 from 9.30 a.m. – 12 p.m. Teachers will be able to login from 9.15 a.m. onwards. Participants will be able to read, analyse and discuss high-scoring scripts and respond as individuals, work in groups and observe contributions just as if they were together in one room.

The workshop is free but the school is responsible for teacher relief.

Registration is online at to https://educationwa.webex.com/educationwa/k2/j.php?MTID=t96f6da3c6d847454d59615f132f78324.

Teachers who have registered will receive an email indicating how to join the WebEx workshop meeting.

Only teachers in regional and overseas schools are eligible to register for the Webex ISP for English.