11 to 12 Circular November 2019
11to12 Circulars - November 2019
SDA 2020 of selected General Year 12 courses
Graeme Quelch (08) 9273 6758
Schools are advised that in 2020 the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority) will conduct a syllabus delivery audit (SDA) for selected General Year 12 courses (see table below). This moderation activity is designed to ensure that all schools are teaching and assessing the current syllabus in line with the requirements of the WACE Manual 2020, available on the Authority website.
Schools are required to submit a separate course outline and assessment outline for each listed course delivered.
For courses with defined contexts, schools are required to upload a separate course outline and assessment outline for each defined context.
Schools are reminded that for Year 12 courses, the course outline and the assessment outline must cover both Unit 3 and Unit 4 (year-long).
The process will require the upload of documents to SIRS2.
The Syllabus Delivery Audit 2020 School Coordinator Handbook and the Syllabus Delivery Audit 2020 Handbook for the Teacher and HoLA will be made available to all Principals via SIRS on Monday 18 November 2019. These will be made available on the Authority website shortly after:
https://senior-secondary.scsa.wa.edu.au/moderation/syllabus-delivery-audit opens in new window.
Schools are required to complete the task of uploading documents between 9.00 am Friday, 22 November 2019 and 4.00 pm Friday, 21 February 2020. The documents can be either in Microsoft Word or PDF format.
Following the Authority's review of the documents in 2020, a report for each course will be available to schools. Schools will be informed if a document does not meet the requirements of the syllabus and/or the WACE Manual 2020. The report will specify the action/s that the school needs to take to ensure the document meets the requirements of the Authority.
Courses selected for the Syllabus Delivery Audit 2020 – all Year 12 General courses
Food Science and Technology Yr 12 General | Business Management and Enterprise Yr 12 General |
English Yr 12 General | Mathematics Essential Yr 12 General |
Accounting and Finance Yr 12 General | Psychology Yr 12 General |
Marine and Maritime Studies Yr 12 General | Religion and Life Yr 12 General |
Physical Education Studies Yr 12 General |
Online Year 12 ATAR EAL/D eligibility applications have replaced paper-based applications
Louise Dodman (08) 9273 6785 [Monday – Thursday]
Schools would be aware that the Student Records Management System (SRMS) will replace SIRS in the future and the completion of English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EAL/D) applications in the SRMS is the first component released for use by students and schools.
As such, paper-based EAL/D eligibility applications are no longer processed by School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority). Students need to log in to the student portal and complete an online application for eligibility to enrol in a Year 12 EAL/D ATAR course. They can view the progress of their application in the student portal. Teachers and Principals can also endorse their students’ applications through the SRMS and the Authority will communicate with schools regarding the outcomes of applications via the SRMS and email.
To ensure that students and schools can access and use the online EAL/D eligibility application module in the student portal and SRMS, a number of training and support materials are available on the Authority website. These include detailed user guides for students and schools, information sheets for students and families translated into over 13 languages, checklists and FAQs. Schools seeking additional initial support can contact the Principal Consultant for EAL/D, Louise Dodman, and request access to a recording of a WebEx Meeting that demonstrates the complete online process.
To be able to log in to the SRMS and use the EAL/D eligibility platform, an initial contact person at each school must first provide their name and email address to the Authority. Once this has been provided, the Authority can give access to that person to log in and create an account. Louise Dodman has communicated with all schools who regularly have Year 12 ATAR EAL/D enrolments to collect the details of the initial contact person. If your school requires access to use the EAL/D eligibility platform and is yet to respond to Louise, please contact her via the email address above as soon as possible. Please note that until registered in SRMS, schools will be unable to enrol any further students in Year 12 ATAR EAL/D.
Students who have already submitted a paper application before this date do not need to resubmit another application online.
For further information regarding the online Year 12 ATAR EAL/D eligibility process, please contact Louise Dodman, Principal Consultant for EAL/D.
EST 2020 mark allocation and course specific advice (where applicable)
Kerry Cribb (08) 9273 6787
Teachers are advised that the marks allocated to each General and Foundation Externally Set Task (EST) in 2020 is provided in a document located on the School Curriculum and Standards website at https://senior-secondary.scsa.wa.edu.au/assessment/externally-set-tasks opens in new window.
In addition specific course advice (where applicable) for each General and Foundation EST is available at https://senior-secondary.scsa.wa.edu.au/assessment/externally-set-tasks opens in new window.
Courses in Consensus Moderation 2020
Mandy Hudson (08) 9273 6755
Schools are advised that the Board of the School Curriculum and Standards Authority has endorsed consensus moderation processes for Year 11 and Year 12 ATAR Languages courses and Year 12 General courses in 2020.
Participation in this moderation process is compulsory for all schools delivering a course in the table below. Teachers participating are required to provide a student assessment file for three students (one at each grade from A to C), including all assessment types and all marked assessments up to the time of providing the file. Additionally, schools will be required to provide a proposed grade distribution for the course at the time of the meeting. Further, course specific, information will be provided to schools early in Term 1.
In the Perth metropolitan area and larger regional centres consensus moderation occurs at meetings of typically 10 – 15 teachers. Schools more than 100 km from the nearest scheduled meeting venue will participate in an online meeting following the same process as the face-to-face meetings where all assessment files are reviewed independently, twice by other teachers participating in the meeting.
For each assessment file, feedback is provided by the reviewing teacher in the form of a grade and a supporting comment for that judgement based on the grade descriptions for the course. Teachers reflect on the feedback received from their colleagues, to help determine any adjustments that may be required, so that the school’s marking and grading is comparable with the standard of their colleagues in the group. The process will be conducted in Term 2 and Term 3.
Courses in Consensus Moderation in 2020
ATAR Courses | |
Year 12 | |
Chinese: Second Language | Indonesian: Second Language |
German: Second Language | |
Year 11 | |
French: Second Language | Japanese: Second Language |
Italian: Second Language | |
General Courses | |
Year 12 | |
Accounting and Finance | Geography |
Ancient History | Human Biology |
Biology | Marine and Maritime Studies |
English | Modern History |
Food Science Technology | Visual Arts |
During Term 1 2020, each school will be required to register one teacher for each of the courses above that the school is delivering. Information regarding registration of teachers and specific requirements will be sent to Principals early in Term 1.
Teachers are reminded that they need to have procedures in place to ensure that all marked student work is retained for moderation purposes. This includes evidence collected for courses with portfolios and/or practical requirements. Please see the WACE Manual 2020 (Section 2.8) for further details.
Accounting and Finance Support Materials for the Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting
Gabby Raggio (08) 9273 6306
The School Curriculum and Standards Authority is in the process of publishing support materials outlining the impact on the Accounting and Finance ATAR and General courses by the introduction of the Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting (which replaces the Framework for the Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements effective from January 1, 2020).
If teachers require assistance or clarity regarding these changes prior to the publication of the support materials, please contact the Principal Consultant, Gabby Raggio, via email.