11 to 12 Circular Extraordinary Edition September 2020
11to12 Circulars
Extraordinary Edition September 2020
Collection of mobile phone numbers for Year 12 students and Year 11 examination candidates
Data Services (08) 9273 6344
This year, the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority) will, for the first time, request that Year 12 students and Year 11 examination candidates provide their mobile phone numbers via the student portal (https://studentportal.scsa.wa.edu.au/ opens in new window). To log in to the student portal, students will need their eight digit Western Australian Student Number (WASN).
It is intended that when students log into the student portal to download their personalised examination timetables for the written and practical ATAR course examinations that they update/provide their mobile numbers.
Should the Authority need to contact students during the examination period, this will be done via a bulk SMS.
It should be noted that students can only update their mobile numbers in the student portal. The updating of students’ mobile numbers cannot be done via the Student Information Records System (SIRS).
Arrangements for Year 12 ATAR course examinations 2020
Kaylene Power (08) 9273 6309
The School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority) will administer the 2020 ATAR course practical and written examinations observing COVID-19 safe practices.
The Authority is following the advice of the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee in relation to the COVID-19 context. The Authority will be:
- ensuring the cleaning of examination venues and surfaces daily
- implementing social distancing measures
- providing sanitiser at all venues.
Equipment used for the conduct of examinations will be cleaned regularly with disinfectant wipes and sporting equipment cleaned in accordance with current protocols outlined by sports governing bodies.
Candidates should also be aware that supervisors and markers will be engaging in cleaning practices between examinations.
Given the uncertainty of the COVID-19 context, candidates should also keep up-to-date with current messaging about the COVID-19 situation in their locality leading up to examinations and during the examinations. If a candidate or their parents/carers have any questions relating to the administering of the Authority examinations, they should contact the Authority on 9273 6377. Information will also be available from the Curriculum and Assessment Advice – COVID-19 homepage at https://scsa.wa.edu.au/curriculum-assessment-covid-19/overview.
Candidates should download their Personalised practical examination timetable and Personalised written examination timetable from the student portal (published on Thursday, 10 September). This will ensure that candidates have all information required for planning travel arrangements to examination venues and equipping themselves appropriately. Candidates MUST NOT present at an examination venue with COVID-19 symptoms.
The Authority has contingency plans in place should a venue become unavailable due to a COVID-19 related reason. Candidates must therefore re-check their timetable in the student portal at https://studentportal.scsa.wa.edu.au/ opens in new window before each of their scheduled examinations to ensure that all details relating to their examination, particularly the examination venue, are the same and have not been changed. Candidates are reminded to provide their contact mobile number via the student portal.
The Authority recognises that it has been a particularly challenging year for schools staff, students and their families and is committed to conducting the 2020 ATAR course examinations in an environment where candidates feel safe and able to perform to the best of their ability.
The Authority would like to take this opportunity to wish all candidates the very best for their examinations in 2020.
School Curriculum and Standards Authority Website Updates Term 3, 2020
Jo Merrey (08) 9273 6348
After further consultation with stakeholders, the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority) has updated its websites in Term 3, 2020.
On the main Authority website, the Curriculum and Assessment Advice – COVID-19 page at https://www.scsa.wa.edu.au/curriculum-assessment-covid-19/overview has been expanded to include information about the arrangements in place for ATAR course examinations 2020. This information provides advice about the measures the Authority is taking to administer and process the 2020 ATAR course and practical and written examinations in a COVID-19-safe way.
The information for students on the Curriculum and Assessment Advice – COVID-19 page has also been expanded to include information for students sitting course examinations. This includes examination day protocols and FAQs.
The Authority has contingency plans in place should a venue become unavailable due to a COVID-19-related reason. If this occurs, additional information will be made available through a COVID-19 notices page on the Authority website at https://scsa.wa.edu.au/curriculum-assessment-covid-19/overview.
Both the Parent and community website and Student website have also been updated.
The Student website https://student.scsa.wa.edu.au/ opens in new window now includes a general advice page for Year 12s. The page also links to the Curriculum and Assessment Advice – COVID-19 page for students.
The updates to the Parent and community website https://parent.scsa.wa.edu.au/ opens in new window provide additional information and advice to support Year 12s. The new information is collected under an additional tab: How can I help my Year 12? The focus of the initial update is on finishing Year 12 (all students) and completing the ATAR course examinations (ATAR students). Much of the information will be relevant to other groups of students. Further advice and tips for parents may be added to encompass more year groups and contexts.