Edition 2, March 2023
11 to 12 Circulars – Edition 2, March 2023
English ATAR examination – Improving Student Performance Workshops
Francoise Purdue (08) 9273 6374
School leaders and English teachers are advised that the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority) will be conducting a series of workshops designed to support improving student examination performance in ATAR Year 11 and Year 12 English.
This workshop will focus on improving students’ examination performance. The presenters are English ATAR Chief Marker (2022) Leanne Bondin and the Authority’s English Principal Consultants.
The workshops are free to attend and are not compulsory. Schools are responsible for any costs incurred (for example, teacher relief) as a result of attendance at the workshops.
An individual teacher should not register more than once and it is requested that each school sends no more than one representative to the face-to-face Perth metropolitan workshops. Webex participants need to ensure that their computer has a camera, microphone and speaker or headset.
Details of all workshops can be accessed when the teacher registers online from the Authority website at https://www.scsa.wa.edu.au/events/english-atar-isp-2023.
EAL/D ATAR Year 12 course eligibility declaration submission deadline extended
Louise Dodman (08) 9273 6785
Schools are advised that the submission deadline for online declarations for students wishing to apply for eligibility for the English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EAL/D) ATAR Year 12 course has been extended until 10 March 2023. Refer to the EAL/D eligibility page on the Authority website for relevant dates in the process: https://senior-secondary.scsa.wa.edu.au/syllabus-and-support-materials/english/english-as-an-additional-language-or-dialect
Korean: Second Language and Korean: Background Language Notification of New Syllabus for ATAR Year 11
Adriana Douglas (08) 9273 6784
Lisa Djanegara (08) 9273 6382
School Leaders, Heads of Learning Area – Languages, and Teachers of Languages are advised that the new syllabuses for ATAR Year 11 Korean: Second Language and Korean: Background Language are now available on the course page on the School Curriculum and Standards Authority website at https://senior-secondary.scsa.wa.edu.au/syllabus-and-support-materials/languages.
The syllabus is for implementation from 2023.
Supporting materials will be made available over the course of Term 1 2023.
Hindi: Second Language and Hindi: Background Language Notification of New Syllabuses for ATAR Year 11
Adriana Douglas (08) 9273 6784
Hanneke Rekelhof (08) 9273 6724
School Leaders, Heads of Learning Area – Languages, and Teachers of Languages are advised that the new syllabuses for ATAR Year 11 Hindi: Second Language and Hindi: Background Language are now available on the course page on the School Curriculum and Standards Authority website at https://senior-secondary.scsa.wa.edu.au/syllabus-and-support-materials/languages.
The syllabus is for implementation from 2023.
Supporting materials will be made available over the course of Term 1 2023.
ATAR Year 12 Drama Practical Examination workshops
Max Leech (08) 9273 6740
Teachers are invited to register to attend a Webex workshop for the 2023 ATAR Year 12 Drama practical (performance) examination. The focus of the workshop is to:
- refresh understanding of the 2023, 12 ATAR Drama practical (performance) examination design brief
- apply the new marking key to sample work.
Two workshops are available to choose from and are free to attend. Schools are responsible for any costs of attending the workshop. The date and times for the practical examination workshops are:
Monday, 3 April 2023, via Webex 12.00 pm to 1.30 pm or 3.30 pm to 5.00 pm.
To register for this event, click this link https://scsa.wa.edu.au/events/year-12-atar-drama-practical-examination-workshop. Registrations close Thursday, 30 March 2023.
Teachers are encouraged to have the following documents for reference during the workshop:
- ATAR Year 12 Drama syllabus
- 2023 Drama ATAR course practical (performance) examination requirements booklet (available Friday, 24 March 2023)
- 2023 Drama ATAR course practical (performance) examination marking key (available Friday, 24 March 2023).
New ATAR Years 11 and 12 Agricultural Science and Technology Syllabuses
Allan Knight (08) 9273 6792
The new ATAR Years 11 and 12 Agricultural Science and Technology syllabuses are now available on the School Curriculum and Standards Authority website at https://senior-secondary.scsa.wa.edu.au/syllabus-and-support-materials/science/agricultural-science-and-technology.
The Year 11 syllabus is for teaching from 2024 and the Year 12 syllabus for teaching from 2025. Support materials, including sample course and assessment outlines and sample assessment tasks, for these two new courses will be made available during 2023 for Year 11.
Note: 2023 is the final year for teaching the ATAR Year 11 Animal Production System and ATAR Year 11 Plant Production System courses, and 2024 is the final year for teaching the ATAR Year 12 Animal Production System and ATAR Year 12 Plant Production System courses.
2023 Rules of conduct for Year 12 ATAR course examinations
Barclay Jones (08) 9273 6309
The rules of conduct for the Year 12 ATAR course examinations managed by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority) will be available in the Year 12 Information Handbook Part II: Examinations 2023, published on the Authority website in July 2023. It is the responsibility of all candidates to ensure that they understand all instructions relating to the examinations. The examination centre supervisor (written examinations) and the chief marker (practical examinations) will report alleged breach of examination rules to the Manager, Examinations Logistics at the Authority.
It is strongly recommended that schools conduct school-based examinations using the generic instructions to ensure students are familiar with the rules prior to sitting the external examinations conducted by the Authority.
Information relating to breaches of examination rules and the maximum penalties that might apply in an examination can be located on the Authority website at https://senior-secondary.scsa.wa.edu.au/assessment/examinations/rules-of-conduct-for-atar-course-examinations. The generic instructions, read aloud by supervisors to candidates prior to the commencement of reading time for written examinations, can also be located on this webpage. It is strongly recommended that schools familiarise students with the breach rules and conduct school-based examinations using the generic instructions to ensure students are prepared for the external examinations conducted by the Authority.
Please note that no candidate will be permitted to wear or take a watch (analogue, digital or smart watch) or similar wireless-enabled technology device (for example, Fitbit) into the examination room in 2023. These items will be considered as unauthorised items. Ensure that all students are made aware of this rule.
Applications for marking the 2023 EST
Gloria Richmond (08) 9273 6732
Cristina Caruso (08) 9273 6317
The School Curriculum and Standards Authority is seeking qualified people interested in marking the 2023 Externally Set Tasks (EST). For information regarding marker applications for the 2023 EST please refer to:
Applications will close Wednesday, 26 April 2023.
Applications for writers and checkers of the 2024 Externally set tasks
Patricia Daly (08) 9273 6761
Gabby Raggio (08) 9273 6787
The School Curriculum and Standards Authority is seeking applications for qualified people who wish to be considered for appointment as writers and checkers of the 2024 Externally set task (EST).
Please see the link below to read the terms of reference and to apply online:
Applications must be received no later than 5 pm on Friday, 17 March 2023. Successful applicants will be notified after Friday, 7 April 2023.
Applications for writer or checker of the 2024 COAT
Patricia Daly (08) 9273 6761
Gabby Raggio (08) 9273 6787
The School Curriculum and Standards Authority is seeking applications for qualified people who wish to be considered for appointment as the writer or checker of the 2024 Common oral assessment task (COAT) for the Year 12 ATAR English as an Additional Language or Dialect course.
Please see the link below to read the terms of reference and to apply online:
Applications must be received no later than 5 pm on Friday, 17 March 2023. Successful applicants will be notified after Friday, 7 April 2023.
Foundation Year 12 English 2023 EST
Gabby Raggio (08) 9273 6787
Kevin Sadler (08) 9273 6332
Teachers of Foundation Year 12 English are advised that the marks total for the 2023 Externally set task (EST) has been changed to a total of 30 marks. Teachers are advised to update their student assessment records (marks book) to reflect this.
The updated list of 2023 EST total marks is available on the School Curriculum and Standards Authority website and can be accessed via https://senior-secondary.scsa.wa.edu.au/assessment/externally-set-tasks.
SIRS, Enrolments and General Information
Schools participating in Brightpath
Data Services (08) 9273 6344
Schools participating in Brightpath must be registered with the School Curriculum and Standards Authority.
If your school is not currently registered for Brightpath, you can register your interest by providing Maureen Lorimer (maureen.lorimer@scsa.wa.edu.au) with the following information:
- name of school, school address and telephone number
- school code
- name of Principal and email address
- name of Brightpath contact and email address.
In the case where your school chooses to discontinue with this program, please notify Maureen Lorimer (maureen.lorimer@scsa.wa.edu.au) so that she can update our records.
Uploading a teacher registration file
Schools participating in Brightpath are reminded that a teacher registration file (THREG) must be uploaded to SIRS. The THREG file must be uploaded after their student registration file (SRGDG) has been successfully processed.
Schools need to ensure the class identification in both the SRGDG file (column BN) and the THREG file (column K) match.
Information regarding creating and uploading the SRGDG and THREG files for schools participating in Brightpath. may be found in the Student Registration Procedures Manual.
Schools are requested to include their school code in any correspondence.
Year 11 and Year 12 student enrolments in course units for 2023 – timeline
Lisa Honczarenko (08) 9273 6763
Last dates for changes and withdrawals
Schools are reminded that the last date for changes to enrolments is Thursday, 30 March 2023 for:
- ATAR, General, Foundation, Preliminary and Vocational Education and Training (VET) industry specific courses for Year 12 students
- ATAR, General and Foundation courses (Units 3 and 4) for Year 11 students.
After Thursday, 30 March:
- Student Information Record System (SIRS) will be locked and no further changes (except withdrawals) will be accepted in the above courses
- Year 11 and Year 12 students are able to withdraw from ATAR courses (Units 3 and 4) with practical examination components until Thursday, 20 July 2023
- Year 11 and Year 12 students are able to withdraw from ATAR courses (Units 3 and 4) which do not have practical examination components until Monday, 7 August 2023
- Year 12 students are able to withdraw from ATAR (Units 1 and 2), General, Foundation, Preliminary and VET industry specific courses until Monday, 7 August 2023.
Schools should request that Year 12 students use the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) Checker (available on the Authority website at https://www.scsa.wa.edu.au/) before considering requests for any enrolment changes. This process should avoid issues relating to WACE eligibility at the end of Year 12.
If schools do not withdraw students from Year 12 ATAR courses before the above deadlines, then these students are enrolled in the course and are required to sit the ATAR course examinations. Where the Year 12 ATAR course has both written and practical examinations, students are required to sit for both examinations. Students who do not sit an ATAR course examination and do not have an approved sickness/misadventure application for that course, will not have the grades for the pair of units completed in that year contribute to the calculation of the WACE. Further details relating to the consequences of not sitting examinations and WACE requirements can be found in the WACE Manual 2023 at https://www.scsa.wa.edu.au/publications/wace-manual under Explanatory notes relating to WACE requirements 2023 (Number 5).
The final date for upload into SIRS for enrolments in year-long Year 11 courses for Year 11 students is Friday 5 May 2023. After this date, SIRS will be locked and no further changes (except withdrawals from these courses) will be accepted. From this date, Year 11 students may only be enrolled into single units for Semester 2 up until Thursday 10 August 2023. After this date, SIRS will be locked and no further changes (except withdrawals from these courses) will be accepted.
Non-school candidate enrolments
Enrolments as non-school candidates in ATAR course examinations must be received at the Authority by Thursday, 30 March 2023. No further applications will be accepted after this date. This form can be found on the Authority website at https://www.scsa.wa.edu.au/forms/forms (under Enrolments).
Overseas full fee-paying student declaration forms
Year 10 and Year 11 Overseas full fee-paying student declaration form – 2023 and/or Year 12 Overseas full fee-paying student declaration form – 2023 with payment (for schools in Western Australia only) are due on Tuesday, 16 May 2023. It should be noted that payment of these fees is required before the Western Australian Statement of Student Achievement (WASSA) and Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) can be issued by the Authority.
These forms can be found on the Authority website at https://www.scsa.wa.edu.au/forms/forms (under Declarations).