Extraordinary Edition April 2024

11 to 12 Circulars – Extraordinary Edition April 2024

SIRS, Enrolments and General Information

WA Student Assistance Payment guide

Data Services
(08) 9273 6352

The WA Student Assistance Payment (WASAP) helps parents and carers with cost-of-living pressures associated with sending their children to school.

Western Australian school students in Kindergarten to Year 12, with a valid WA student number (WASN), may be eligible for this cost-of-living payment. More information is available at: https://www.education.wa.edu.au/wasap/ opens in new window.

WASAP verification of student information

All eligible claims for a WASAP payment will have certain details verified by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority). If there is a discrepancy between the information supplied in the claim and the information held by the Authority, the claim may be rejected.

In order to minimise potential errors, it is recommended that all schools upload their most current student registration (SRGDG) file to the Authority as soon as possible. Claims for WASAP payments open on Monday, 15 April 2024 and must be received by Friday, 28 June 2024.

WASAP data errors

In cases where the WASAP claim data does not match the data held by the Authority, the parent or carer may contact the school to request further information and assistance in resolving the issue.

To assist the parent or carer, please verify the student information supplied by them against the records in your school’s database that have been uploaded to the Student Information Records System (SIRS). This student information should include:

  • family name
  • given name
  • date of birth
  • academic year
  • current provider.

If the information in your database is not correct, please correct the information and upload a new SRGDG file to SIRS for that student. Once that has been completed successfully, direct the parent to resubmit their WASAP claim as per the published process. Instructions for how to upload a SRGDG file can be found on the Authority website:

If all information held in your system looks correct, please contact the Authority if you require further assistance. Parents and carers should not be directed to the Authority for assistance. The Authority is only able to work with schools (providers) to ensure up-to-date student registration (SRGDG) records in SIRS.

Schools are requested to include their school provider code, and the student’s WASN in any correspondence about WASAP issues.