K to 10 Circular March 2020 - Extraordinary edition
Kto10 Circulars
March 2020 Extraordinary edition
General Information
Ivan Banks (08) 9273 6370
Maureen Lorimer (08) 9273 6397
Rob Nairn (08) 9273 6358
The School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority) Board continues to monitor the impact of COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus) and will be providing ongoing advice for schools as the situation evolves. On Tuesday, 17 March a letter providing advice regarding Year 11 and 12 curriculum and assessment and Authority related activities has been sent from the Authority to schools. All school staff are encouraged to read the letter which is available on the Authority website at https://www.scsa.wa.edu.au/.
The letter confirms that procedures described in your school’s senior secondary assessment policy should be applied for students who are unable to attend school. Where possible, schools should provide students with the opportunity to engage with coursework and meet course completion requirements. The WACE Manual 2020, Section 2: School-based assessment of student achievement in WACE courses is the key point of reference for determining a response to questions around school-based assessment. The letter provides additional advice in the context of the COVID-19 situation.
With regard to activities hosted by the Authority, alternative methods for delivery are being provided. WebEx will be used to deliver the remaining 2020 Key Messages – Secondary School Leader Briefings. Details will be provided to registered attendees. The Authority is providing alternative methods for other activities such as Curriculum Advisory Committees (CAC) and associated working parties. Executive officers of CACs will contact members in the coming days.
As the Test Administration Authority for NAPLAN, the Authority awaits advice from ACARA. Information will be provided to schools via the Authority’s NAPLAN updates.
Principals with queries are encouraged to contact one of the Authority staff listed above.