11 to 12 Circulars – Edition 3, March 2024
Design Thinking Hands-on Workshop
Claire Hodge (08) 9273 6342
Teachers of ATAR Design are advised that the School Curriculum and Standards Authority will be conducting a Design Thinking Hands-on Workshop in Term 2, 2024.
Design Thinking methodologies are fundamental to the Design ATAR course. As part of a design process, Design Thinking helps identify and solve problems, generate and test ideas and improve products and services. This hands-on workshop is being presented in conjunction with designer and Murdoch University lecturer Erica Mason. The session will allow teachers to engage with Design Thinking activities that can be applied to the classroom. This event is for teachers and other stakeholders involved in the delivery of the ATAR Design course.
The workshop will focus on:
- exploring creative Design Thinking strategies to generate ideas
- exploring critical Design Thinking strategies to narrow and refine ideas
- expanding the toolbox of strategies for classroom application.
This event will be an invaluable opportunity to assist teachers in the delivery of the new syllabus.
There are two opportunities to engage in the workshop:
- Face-to-face meeting: Tuesday, 23 April, 4.15–6.15 pm or
- Teams meeting for regional or remote attendees: Wednesday, 24 April, 4.15–6.15 pm.
The workshop is free to attend; however, schools are responsible for teacher relief and any travel and accommodation expenses (if required).
Registrations are now open at: https://www.scsa.wa.edu.au/events/design-thinking-hands-on-workshop.
2024 Year 12 Practical examination requirements documents and practical marking keys for ATAR courses
Jorja Di Lello (08) 9273 6780
Teachers are advised that the 2024 Year 12 Practical examination requirements documents and the practical marking keys for ATAR courses with practical examinations are available on the School Curriculum and Standards Authority website. The materials are located on the relevant ATAR course page. Please see the links below.
Both teachers and students must be familiar with the course specific practical examination requirements document and practical marking keys. They contain important information about the reporting of achievement, how the examination is structured and conducted as well as key dates.
Chinese: Second Language
French: Background Language
French: Second Language
German: Background Language
German: Second Language
Hindi: Background Language
Hindi: Second Language
Indonesian: Second Language
Italian: Background Language
Italian: Second Language
Japanese: Second Language
Korean: Background Language
Korean: Second Language
Materials Design and Technology
Media Production and Analysis
Physical Education Studies
Visual Arts
SIRS, Enrolments and General Information
Uploading 2024 student registrations to SIRS
Data Services (08) 9273 6352
Initial registrations
The School Curriculum and Standards Authority would like to thank schools and other education providers for meeting the deadlines for uploading their student registrations. Your efforts contributed to the timely transfer of data for the National Assessment Program for Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) and ensured students’ details were ready for the start of Online Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (OLNA) Term 1 window.
Regular updates to student registration information
Now that schools have uploaded their initial registrations for Term 1, it is strongly advised that schools should update and upload a current student registration (SRGDG) file to the Student Information Records System (SIRS) on a regular basis.
At a minimum, it is recommended that schools upload their student registration file at the beginning of each term. This will ensure any new students to the school are recorded in SIRS as well as update the status of any students who have left the school.
To encourage schools to continue the good practice of uploading student registrations, a reminder will be sent to all schools that have not uploaded a current SRGDG file by the end of Week 3 of Term 2.
Uploading data files to SIRS
Data Services (08) 9273 6352
When schools upload data files to the Student Information Records System (SIRS), the person who has uploaded the files will receive emails to confirm whether a file has been successfully processed or has errors/warnings to be addressed.
Please note there is a difference between an email that informs Successful verification of the <Name of the file>.csv and Successful processing of the <Name of the file>.csv.
To have a successful upload of a data file to SIRS, schools must receive the following two emails:
- Successful verification of the <Name of the file>.csv
- Successful processing of the <Name of the file>.csv.
If you receive any of the following emails, you must follow up on the errors to ensure the corrected data file can be uploaded again to SIRS:
- The <Name of the file>.csv has failed verification due to the following errors
- The <Name of the file>.csv has failed processing due to the following errors.
Emails that state the file ‘has been successfully processed but has recorded the following warnings’ should be reviewed.
- The <Name of the file>.csv has been successfully processed but has recorded the following warnings.
Some warnings are informative warnings that draw your attention to a particular matter and require no further action. However, some warnings will prevent the record from being successfully uploaded to SIRS.
Any email detailing the errors and/or warnings should be reviewed by the school to determine if there is any action required. If any assistance is required, please forward the email with the errors/warnings to dataservices@scsa.wa.edu.au. Failure to follow up on these errors and/or warnings may result in the necessary information not being recorded in SIRS.
Online Student Declaration and Permission
Kerry Tarrant (08) 9273 6770
This is an early reminder that the completion date for the online Student Declaration and Permission is Thursday, 22 August 2024 as per the 2024 Activities Schedule.
Information about the online Student Declaration and Permission procedure was sent to schools on Thursday, 15 February 2024.
Please advise students about the purpose of the Student Declaration and Permission and encourage them to discuss this with their parents/guardians/carers prior to completion.
Further information about the online Student Declaration and Permission is available on the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority) website at:
The student portal login link is: https://studentportal.scsa.wa.edu.au/.
For further information to help students log in to the student portal and complete the online Student Declaration and Permission, please refer to the Student login and navigation guide, which is available on the Authority website at: https://student.scsa.wa.edu.au/student-portal.
Schools can monitor in SIRS which students have completed the online Student Declaration and Permission by generating the Report CSE058 – Student Release Choices by Provider.
The pathway to the report CSE058 is: Reports > Other reports > Report type: Students, Report: CSE058.
The Authority appreciates your assistance in obtaining this important information.
Reminder – Final date for enrolment in year-long Year 11 courses, 2024
Perpetua Joseph (08) 9273 6771
Schools are reminded that the final date for upload into Student Information Records System (SIRS) is Friday, 3 May 2024 (Week 3 of Term 2) for enrolments in year-long Year 11 courses (i.e. courses with codes starting with either AE, GE or FE) for Year 11 students (via ENCOS file).
After this date, the SIRS database will be locked and no further changes (except withdrawals from those courses) will be accepted.
From this date, Year 11 students may only be enrolled into single units for Semester 2.
Vocational Education and Training (VET) – 2023 VET Awards Selection Report now online
Arti Dogra (08) 9273 6751
The School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority) recommends that School Leaders and people delivering vocational education and training (VET) to secondary school students read the 2023 VET Awards Selection Report now available on the Authority website at:
https://senior-secondary.scsa.wa.edu.au/certification/exhibitions-and-awards under Awards for outstanding achievement in VET.
The report provides valuable information for teachers who supported the nomination of students in 2023 and for those who plan to do so in 2024.
It presents statistics on the number of students involved in the awards selection process and detailed information on how students were selected for awards, including feedback and recommendations for teachers.
The names of award winners, published in the media in December 2023, are listed on the Authority website.
The 2024 VET Awards for Outstanding Achievement Brochure and 2024 VET Awards Nomination Kit are available on the website under Awards for outstanding achievement in VET.
Access to the online nomination process will be available to schools on Friday, 28 June 2024. The last date for schools to submit VET award nominations via SIRS is Monday, 26 August 2024 at 4.30 pm.