K to 10 Circular Extraordinary Edition 2015
Pre-primary – Year 10 syllabuses released for Western Australian schools
Mandy Hudson(08) 9273 6755
The Minister for Education, the Honourable Peter Collier MLC, yesterday notified principals that the School Curriculum and Standards Authority has released Western Australian year-level syllabuses for the following Pre-primary – Year 10 learning areas:
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Health and Physical Education
- Technologies
- The Arts.
We are pleased to advise that the syllabuses have been provided five months ahead of schedule to allow more time for familiarisation.
A copy of the Minister’s letter to principals can be found via:http://www.scsa.wa.edu.au/internet/_Documents/General/P-10_syllabus_release_letter_to_prinicpals.pdf
The syllabuses and frequently asked questions can be accessed via Western Australian Curriculum and Assessment Outline: http://k10outline.scsa.wa.edu.au/
The achievement standards for Humanities and Social Sciences (Society and Environment), Health and Physical Education will be published in the Western Australian Curriculum and Assessment Outline before the commencement of the 2016 school year with Technologies, The Arts and Languages progressively published during 2016.
The annotated work samples for Humanities and Social Sciences (Society and Environment), the Arts, Languages, Health and Physical Education and Technologies will be published in the Western Australian Curriculum and Assessment Outline during 2016.