K to 10 Circular edition 5 2016


Brightpath Assessment Software

Maureen Lorimer (08) 9273 6397 [Wednesday & Friday]

The Brightpath assessment and reporting software allows teachers to make reliable assessments of student achievement in a range of areas, based on student performances of classroom assessment tasks.  These include:

  • Early childhood oral narrative
  • Early childhood recount
  • Information report writing
  • Narrative writing
  • Persuasive writing
  • Science investigation.

The Authority is working with Brightpath to develop additional assessment tasks in the areas of Mathematics and Humanities and Social Sciences.

The software records the results of assessments and reports a range of formative and summative information to teachers and principals. This provides an informed basis for developing teaching programs that target the needs of individual students. It facilitates efficient and systematic collection of school-wide data to support rigorous evaluation of both teaching and learning.

The Authority will meet the cost of access to the Brightpath basic package for schools wishing to participate in the project. On-line workshop materials are available to support school leaders in up-skilling their staff.

In collaboration with the Western Australian Primary Principals' Association (WAPPA) and Brightpath, a free information session is scheduled for Monday, 15 August, from 9.30 am to 12.00 pm at Meeting Room 1 & 2 at WAPPA, 440 Vincent Street West, West Leederville. Please register through WAPPA at: http://www.cvent.com/events/brightpath-information-session/event-summary-291b084e605e4972a4cebca11844926c.aspx.

Schools who wish to be involved during Semester 2, 2016 should register their interest with Maureen Lorimer, Principal Consultant at maureen.lorimer@scsa.wa.edu.au by 3 August 2016.

Participation in the Brightpath project requires the following commitments:

  • inclusion of all teachers in the project
  • provision of appropriate support and training for all the school's teachers
  • assess all students at least twice during the year
  • submit student and teacher lists to the Authority
  • submit an assessment schedule to the Authority.

The school can select which assessments are to be used during the year. It is recommended that only one assessment is used per sub-set of students, e.g. upper primary, per calendar year, to ensure that student growth can be tracked. Schools commencing with Brightpath in Semester 2 may choose to assess students only once in 2016, using the software.

School Curriculum and Standards Authority Facebook page for Teachers

Vanessa Peters (08) 9273 6779

We are pleased to announce the launch of our Facebook page for teachers.

This page is for teachers from Kindergarten through to Year 12 in Western Australia. We will be posting information about key dates and events.

You’re welcome to comment on our posts and talk among yourselves.

You can ‘like’ our page here: https://www.facebook.com/scsawateachers/ and share with your colleagues.

You can find our Facebook for students here: https://www.facebook.com/scsawa/.