Kto10 Circulars
August 2017
General Information, SIRS and Enrolments
Western Australian Student Number (WASN) requests for 2018
Lynn Galbraith (08) 9273 6702
Rick Browner (08) 9273 6386
With a large number of students now registered with a Western Australian Student Number (WASN), it is imperative that this number remains with the student throughout their school life. Schools need to recognise the importance of the WASN to avoid duplication of records and maintain continuity of student data.
From Term 4 2017, batches of WA Student Numbers can only be requested through SIRS for students entering Kindergarten in 2018.
Schools where most students already have a WASN and new students have enrolled who require a number, please check first using the ‘Search for WASN’ process – explained in ‘How to Search for WA Student Numbers in SIRS’ in the Circular July 2017. If you cannot locate a number, please contact numbers@scsa.wa.edu.au and give details of the student’s legal surname, legal first name, date of birth and academic year. It is also useful to include your school code in any correspondence.
All secondary schools will be required to send a complete list of Year 7 students entering their school, including the student’s legal surname, legal first name and date of birth. Numbers will be sent back where allocated to students and new numbers requested for those without.
If your school is registering all of your students for the first time, please send a spreadsheet of the student information to numbers@scsa.wa.edu.au, and include legal surname, legal first name and date of birth. We will then check to see if any of the students have a WASN already and advise you of this number, and if not, we will issue batches of numbers which you can import into your database/system prior to uploading the SRGDG to SIRS.
A reminder that details of how to register students can be found in the Student Registration Procedures Manual 2017 – Primary Students found at https://www.scsa.wa.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0009/349641/Student-Registration-Procedures-Manual-2017-Primary-Students-web-version.PDF with links to assist schools using Integris (RTP), Civica Maze, and Excel. There is also a Guide to uploading Student Registration and Demographic (SRGDG) file found at https://www.scsa.wa.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0004/349636/GUIDE-TO-UPLOADING-STUDENT-REGISTRATION-AND-DEMOGRAPHIC-FILE.pdf and some online training videos found at https://www.scsa.wa.edu.au/sirs-info/primary-schools
Website functionality – Western Australian Curriculum
Maureen Lorimer (08) 9273 6397 [Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday]
School Leaders and Teachers are reminded of the enhanced features available when navigating the Western Australian Curriculum and Assessment Outline (the Outline).
Within the Western Australian Curriculum section of the Outline there are ‘Filters’ on the left hand side of the page, which may be used to access an individual year level. Alternatively, scrolling down through the curriculum content from ABLEWA Stage A through to Year 10 will provide access to the appropriate year level syllabus content and achievement standards.
It is highly recommended that teachers use the ‘Jump to’ facility at the top of each learning area page to access the required year level syllabus.
Another important feature of each learning area/subject page is the horizontal and vertical view.The horizontal view provides one syllabus in the view whilst the vertical view
provides three syllabuses in the view (for example ABLEWA Stage D, Pre-primary year Syllabus, Year 1 Syllabus) which can be moved through using the backward
and forward
If further clarification is required please contact Maureen Lorimer, Principal Consultant – Strategic Projects at maureen.lorimer@scsa.wa.edu.au.
Teaching and Assessment
English (Reading) Pre-primary to Year 2 Judging Standards
Mandy Hudson (08) 9273 6755
Nicole Edwards (08) 9273 6745
Teachers are advised that Pre-primary to Year 2 annotated work samples for Reading that align with the revised English v8.1 Judging Standards Materials have been uploaded and are now available within the Western Australian Curriculum and Assessment Outline. The link to Judging Standards is provided below.
The videos address aspects of the achievement standard in relation to students’ ability to interpret and respond to a range of texts and text types. They reflect age-appropriate learning and curriculum content relevant to the specific year level.
Classroom teachers from a range of schools across school systems/sector have contributed to the development of these work samples. The samples provided demonstrate a variety of teaching strategies and texts that are genuine to the teaching practices within that school. They do not provide information on programs or texts that should be used in schools and are not intended to equate specific levelled texts to a particular grade. Attributing a specific reading level to a grade is not supported. The samples have been carefully annotated in relation to the behaviours the students are demonstrating appropriate to their year level, not in relation to the text itself.
Feedback from teachers has highlighted the need for assessment support where student comprehension does not match their ability to decode and read texts. This has been taken into account when annotating work samples and allocating a grade of achievement. These videos do not privilege one skill above another and provide support for teachers in validating their professional judgement when reporting on student achievement where this is the case.
Teachers should be advised that the samples are indicative of a level of achievement and exemplify some of the behaviours that a student may demonstrate. When reporting on student achievement, the assessment pointers validate teachers’ professional judgements across a suite of work. As a result, and where possible, a number of samples have been used to exemplify student performance across a single grade, demonstrating coverage of the achievement standard and the diversity of student work.
Note: the Extranet is the Authority’s secure area for teachers to access materials and resources to support them in their work. The materials and resources include P–10 judging standards work samples. Teachers must be registered with the Teacher Registration Board of Western Australia (TRBWA) and hold a valid TRB number to register for access to the extranet.