K to 10 Circular edition 4 2017
Kto10 Circulars
April 2017
NAPLAN Online delay to 2018
All enquiries to the NAPLAN Online hotline on 08 9442 9442
Schools should be aware that on Wednesday, 19 April 2017, Education Minister Sue Ellery announced the delay of NAPLAN Online until 2018.
A copy of the full statement from the Minister may be read here:
Schools may direct any further inquiries regarding this announcement to the NAPLAN Online hotline.
School Leader Briefings 2017 – publication of presentation slides
Sarah Clough (08) 9273 6396
School leaders are advised they may now view slides featured in the Authority’s School Leader Briefings 2017 for Primary Schools and for Secondary Schools:
Copies of the slides may also be found in the Authority’s Kindergarten to Year 10 site and the Years 11 and 12 site.
2017 Year 10 information materials
Jo Merrey (08) 9273 6348
The 2017 Year 10 information materials are now available on the Authority website at http://www.scsa.wa.edu.au/publications/year-10-information.
The materials include the Year 10 Information Handbook 2017 and Senior secondary schooling
2018–19: Information for Parents (slides). The handbook and slides have been updated to reflect the WACE requirements for 2017.
The slides have been developed to support schools in their presentations to Year 10 students and their parents about course selections for Year 11 and Year 12. Some ‘blank’ slides have been included for schools to add information about the courses and programs on offer in the school.
SIRS and Enrolments
Request to keep Student Registration information up-to-date
Lynn Galbraith (08) 9273 6702
Thank you to all schools for their efforts in ensuring their Student Registration and Demographic Information was uploaded to the Student Information Records System (SIRS) in Term 1 2017 through the SRGDG file.
It is now important that this information is kept up-to-date on SIRS. Schools are requested to regularly upload the SRGDG to SIRS, so that new student details can be added, students who transfer to a different school are included and students who leave your school, or move overseas or interstate are also noted as per your enrolment details.
Uploading this file regularly also allows for correction of data. Data that cannot be altered by uploading the SRGDG file includes the student’s
- Western Australian Student Number (WASN)
- Surname
- First Name
- Date of Birth
- Academic Year
- Gender.
To change any of these details you need to first contact dataservices@scsa.wa.edu.au and advise of the correct information prior to uploading your file.
If you upload a file and you receive error messages relating to the name, date of birth or academic year, you also need to contact dataservies@scsa.wa.edu.au.
For schools using the Brightpath Assessment Tool, please also remember to upload your Teacher Registration (THREG) File when you have new teachers or class information.
Teaching and Assessment
Revised Judging Standards Materials for English Pre-primary to Year 10
Mandy Hudson (08) 9273 6755
Teachers are advised that the revised Judging Standards Materials (Achievement Standards and Assessment Pointers) for English Pre-primary to Year 10 now align with v8.1 of the curriculum and are available through the Western Australian Curriculum and Assessment Outline. The annotated student work samples will be progressively uploaded during Term 2.
As part of the review of the Judging Standards Materials, refinements have been made to the Achievement Standards. Teachers should note that the revised Achievement Standards can be found in both the year level syllabuses on the Authority’s Extranet and in the Judging Standards Materials.
Reference to handwriting has been removed from the achievement standards and the Authority will release a teacher resource, the Handwriting Continuum, to outline the observable behaviours of the progression of handwriting from a beginning writing phase through to the development of an individual writing style. This will be supported with student work samples and will be available for the beginning of Semester 2.
Teachers are advised that the existing annotated student work samples in each year will remain in place until the new samples are uploaded. However, the existing Assessment Pointers mapped to v7.5 of the curriculum will be removed.
Note: the Extranet is the Authority’s secure area for teachers to access materials and resources to support them in their work.
The materials and resources include P–10 judging standards work samples.
Teachers must be registered with the Teacher Registration Board of Western Australia (TRBWA) and hold a valid TRB number to register for access to the extranet.