K to 10 Circular November 2018 - Extraordinary Edition
Kto10 Circulars - November 2018 - Extraordinary Edition
General Information
Year 6 and Year 7 Moderation 2019
Mandy Hudson (08) 9273 6755
The Board of the School Curriculum and Standards Authority has approved the continuation of Year 6 and Year 7 Moderation for 2019. To facilitate teacher planning for next year, teachers of English, Mathematics, Science and Humanities and Social Sciences are advised that the content for the 2019 common task, to be used in the moderation is listed below.
Participating schools in 2019 will have the responsibility to consider the curriculum content that will be covered in the moderation task to plan and sequence their teaching and learning accordingly. This will ensure that the relevant prior learning has taken place before the moderation tasks have been administered. Online registration for participation in the moderation will be open to schools in January 2019 with further details in the first circular of the year.
For more information about the curriculum content for moderation for English, Mathematics and Science, please go to https://k10outline.scsa.wa.edu.au/home/assessment/moderation-pilot.
Judging Standards: New annotated work samples for Languages and English
Mandy Hudson (08) 9273 6755 – Languages
John Newman (08) 9273 6757 – English
New annotated work samples have been published for Languages and English on the School Curriculum and Standards Authority website under Assessment > Judging Standards. The new samples can be accessed through the links in the table below. Note: you will need to log into the extranet to access these materials.
Year 5 German | Hier wohne ich |
Year 8 French | Le Poisson D'Avril |
Year 8 Chinese | My Family Holiday |
Year 8 German | Where did you go on holiday? |
Year 9 Italian | Esami e comiti! |
Year 9 Italian | Rapporti |
Year 1 | Writing: Narrative | |
Year 3 | Writing: Olympic Games | |
Year 7 | Documentary analysis | |
Year 8 | Autobiographical writing | |
Year 8 | Creative writing |
Curriculum Advisory Committees 2019
Maureen Lorimer (08) 9273 6397 [Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday]
Practising teachers, and representatives of the following organisations: education offices, professional associations, universities, training, industry and community, are invited to nominate for the Curriculum Advisory Committees in the following phases of learning:
- Late Adolescence and Early Adulthood (Years 11 and 12)
- Early and Middle Adolescence (Years 7 – 10)
- Middle and Late Childhood (Years 3 – 6)
- Early Childhood (Years K – 2).
As the K – 10 committees will be a new addition to the committee structure, primary teachers in particular are encouraged to apply.
The Nomination Form is accessible via the following link:
As part of the nomination process you will be required to attach a 3 page curriculum vitae and an endorsement form (available to download from first page of Nomination Form).
The Terms of Reference are available via the above link and describe the structure and composition of the committees.
Applications close on Thursday 29 November 2018.
Please contact Ms Maureen Lorimer, Principal Consultant – Strategic Projects, by email (Maureen.Lorimer@scsa.wa.edu.au) if you require further information.
2019 Draft practical marking keys for Year 12 ATAR courses in Design, Italian: Second Language, Japanese: Second Language and Music Composition (portfolio) only
Kerry Cribb (08) 9273 6787
Teachers of ATAR Year 12 courses in Design, Italian: Second Language, Japanese: Second Language and Music Composition (portfolio) only are advised that minor modifications have been made to the practical marking keys in preparation for teaching in 2019.
‘Draft’ 2019 practical marking keys for the courses stated above are available on the course page on the School Curriculum and Standards Authority website. The ‘Draft’ marking keys are not for consultation but may be used by schools now in preparation for the 2019 school year.
The finalised practical requirements documents and practical marking keys for all courses will be published in March 2019.
WACE Manual 2019 is now available
Jo Merrey (08) 9273 6348
Principals should ensure that school policy documents for students who are in Year 11 and Year 12 in 2019 are consistent with information in the WACE Manual 2019. Teachers should ensure that their teaching and assessment practices reflect those presented in the WACE Manual 2019.
The structure and content of the WACE Manual 2019 have been continued from 2018.
The following changes have been made and signalled with a double line in the margin:
- the procedure for enrolling in a WACE language course (pp. 8–9)
- the procedure for enrolling in a Year 12 English as an Additional Language or Dialect course
(pp. 9–10) - the use of ‘U’ notation in grading students (pp. 20–23)
- proposed and final grade distributions (pp. 26–27)
- the non-approval of grades process (p. 28)
- Authority access to marked written and practical assessment tasks (p. 38)
- school recording and retention of non-written formal assessment tasks (p. 39)
- inclusion of a flow chart showing the moderation process (p. 43)
- procedure for responding to moderation reports (p. 47)
- process for grading reviews (p. 48).
The WACE Manual 2019 is available on our website at https://www.scsa.wa.edu.au/publications/wace-manual and via the Further Resources tab in the Years 11 and 12 section at https://senior-secondary.scsa.wa.edu.au/further-resources/wace-manual.