K to 10 Circulars – Edition 7, August 2022

General information, SIRS and enrolments

Reminder: Application for recording of enrolment and achievement in ATAR Units 1 and 2 for students in Year 10 in 2024 (Year 8, 2022)

Kerry Tarrant
(08) 9273 6770

Principals are reminded that Applications for recording of enrolment and achievement in ATAR Units 1 and 2 for students in Year 10 in 2024 (Year 8, 2022) must be received by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority) no later than Thursday, 17 November 2022. The completed application form is to be emailed to certification@scsa.wa.edu.au.

An application form can be downloaded from the Authority website at https://scsa.wa.edu.au/forms/forms under the Enrolments tab.

Schools should only apply if the studies are part of a longer-term program for students who are:

  • either gifted and talented or
  • accelerated language students.

For further information please refer to Section 7 in the WACE Manual 2022. This publication is available on the Authority website via the following link: https://scsa.wa.edu.au/publications/wace-manual.

The importance of uploading the RSQUAL file for WACE certification

Kerry Tarrant
(08) 9273 6770

Schools are reminded of the importance of ensuring the VET Qualification Results (RSQUAL) file is uploaded to the Student Information Records System (SIRS) database at the end of each calendar year. The information in the RSQUAL file is used to allocate unit credit towards the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) and to determine that a student has met the Certificate II or higher requirement.

Please note: The RSQUAL file must only be uploaded once the school has received written verification from the Registered Training Organisation (RTO) that the student has achieved the qualification.

It is also important for schools to ensure that the RSQUAL file processes successfully to SIRS and any error messages are resolved before due dates. If a student does not have the correct number of units of competency linked to a qualification in SIRS the RSQUAL will not upload successfully.

Failure to upload this file may result in students not achieving their WACE and may therefore be considered not eligible for first round offers for entry into university and TAFE courses.

If there are errors in student achievement data after the deadlines that are a result of the school providing incorrect or incomplete data, the school will be charged a fee for updating the data.

Schools are also reminded that if the RSQUAL is not uploaded at the end of that year for Year 11 students who have completed a qualification this may also prevent students from achieving their WACE in the following year.

The RSQUAL file should be uploaded at the conclusion of the year that the student completes the full qualification (whether that be Year 10, 11 or 12).

Schools should check that the qualification has been recorded correctly by running the report
CSE007 – VET qualifications achieved in full. The pathway to this report is: Reports > Other Reports > Report type: Achievements > Report: CSE007.

More detailed information about the RSQUAL file is provided in Section 8.6.5 of the Data Procedures Manual 2022. This publication is available on the School Curriculum and Standards Authority website at https://www.scsa.wa.edu.au/publications/data-procedures-manual.

Links are provided to database-specific software programs in Section 12 of the Data Procedures Manual 2022 using the above link.

ACARA F–10 Australian Curriculum Review

Paula Beck 
(08) 9273 6331

On Friday, 1 April 2022, Commonwealth, state and territory Education Ministers endorsed Version 9 of the Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority’s (ACARA) F–10 Australian Curriculum.

Western Australia has a long standing history of ‘adopting and/or adapting’ the Australian Curriculum and this will continue. The School Curriculum and Standards Authority will coordinate the collaboration between the school systems and sectors, as it has in the past, to ensure that any changes to the mandated Western Australian curriculum are well considered and consulted before being finalised.

Schools and teachers must continue to deliver the current Western Australian Curriculum and Assessment Outline until advised otherwise. Teachers and school leaders should ensure they are subscribed to the Kto10 Circular to receive all updates regarding curriculum change and implementation timelines. Updates regarding implementation timelines will be posted on the Authority website once they are determined: https://k10outline.scsa.wa.edu.au/home/principles/background/implementation-requirements

Until further advised, the Western Australian curriculum, as published in the Western Australian Curriculum and Assessment Outline (https://k10outline.scsa.wa.edu.au/) is the mandated curriculum for Western Australia and must continue to be implemented in Western Australian schools.

While schools make decisions about the resources they use to support the teaching and learning program in their school it is important to ensure the resources use support the mandated Western Australian curriculum. The School Curriculum and Standards Authority do not accredit nor endorse curriculum materials or resources that are commercially published for use in Western Australia schools.