K to 10 Circulars – Extraordinary Edition October 2022
Teaching and Learning
Consultation – Proposed changes to the Scope and sequence for P–6 English for phonics and word knowledge and P–10 Health and Physical Education for consent and examples of first aid
Paula Beck (08) 9273 6331
The Australian Curriculum version 9 (endorsed by Education Ministers on 1 April 2022) includes changes to the Health and Physical Education curriculum content related to consent, and to the English curriculum content related to phonics and word knowledge.
Changes have been proposed for the Western Australian Health and Physical Education curriculum content related to consent and examples of first aid for Pre-primary to Year 10, and for the Western Australian English content related to phonics and word knowledge in Pre-primary to Year 6.
Consultation on the proposed refinements to the Western Australian curriculum is now open until 4 November 2022.
The refinements proposed for implementation in Western Australia are outlined in the Scope and sequence documents:
Health and Physical Education Scope and sequence:
English Scope and sequence:
Online consultation sessions regarding the proposed changes to Health and Physical Education and English will be conducted from 17–20 October 2022, and registrations are now open via the event pages:
This consultation is focused on the proposed refinements for consent and phonics and word knowledge, and the provision of examples for first aid. Other aspects of the Health and Physical Education and English curriculum will be considered during a latter phase of the adapting and/or adopting of the Australian Curriculum version 9 process. The consultation draft Scope and sequence documents are for consultation purposes only.
Teachers must continue to implement the current Western Australian curriculum until advised otherwise.