K to 10 Circulars – Edition 2, March 2024
Teaching and Learning
Planning with the Kindergarten Curriculum Guidelines
Kristy Howson (08) 9273 6387
The School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority) invites school leaders, early childhood teachers and other stakeholders to participate in a professional learning workshop to support their planning with the Kindergarten Curriculum Guidelines (the Guidelines).
Registration is now open. The workshop will support teachers to develop their own planning documents that reflect and complement their specific context. School leaders are encouraged to attend with teachers from their school.
The session will include:
- a brief overview of the Kindergarten Curriculum Guidelines, including the Principles & Practices of the Early Years Learning Framework
- a reflection on your context and practice using the Guidelines
- collaboration and discussion with colleagues
- time to develop your own planning documents
The date/s and venues for these face-to-face workshops are as follows:
- Monday, 18 March 2024, 4.00 pm to 5.30 pm – Midland Campus, Curtin University, Midland
- Tuesday, 19 March 2024 4.00 pm to 5.30 pm – Jakovich Centre, Henderson
- Wednesday, 20 March 2024 4.00 pm to 5.30 pm – Telethon Speech & Hearing Centre, Wembley
Please ensure that you only register for one of the workshops. Regional sessions will be conducted in Term 2.
Participants should bring their printed or digital copy of the Guidelines and a device to take photos (such as your phone or iPad).
The workshop is not compulsory and is free to attend.
Register for this workshop at https://scsa.wa.edu.au/events/planning-with-the-kindergarten-curriculum-guidelines/_nocache
SIRS, Enrolments and General Information
2024 Registration of students in SIRS for students in Years K, PP, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10
Data Services (08) 9273 6352
Student registrations
Schools and other education providers are reminded that the initial upload of student registration data (via the SRGDG file) for students in Years Kindergarten (K), Pre-primary (PP), 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 is required by Thursday, 28 March 2024.
Details of how to register students are provided in the Data Procedures Manual with links to assist schools using various school databases.
There is also a separate Primary Student Registration Procedures Manual to assist schools with creating and uploading their Student Registration and Demographic File (SRGDG) and Teacher Registration File (THREG) for schools participating in Brightpath.
Western Australian student numbers
All students are required to have a Western Australian student number (WASN) and be registered in SIRS.
If you require new numbers, please send a request to numbers@scsa.wa.edu.au. Please include the following information for each student:
- Family name
- Given name
- Date of birth
- Academic year the student is being registered in at the school.
Please note we do not issue numbers for pre-Kindergarten students.
Regular updates to registration and demographic information
Updates to student registration and demographic information should be uploaded into SIRS on a regular basis via the SRGDG for the remainder of the year.
At minimum, it is recommended that schools update and upload their student registration file (SRGDG) at the beginning of each term to record any student/s who may transfer from and/or to a school.
Schools are requested to include their school code in any correspondence.
Recognition of student achievement in Year 11 ATAR course units for Year 10 students in 2026 (Year 8, 2024)
Kerry Tarrant (08) 9273 6770
Schools are required to identify potential students in Year 8 (2024) and to submit the application form demonstrating how the Year 9 and Year 10 Western Australian Curriculum will be compacted and reported on.
Schools should apply only if the studies are part of a longer-term program for students who are either gifted and talented or accelerated language students.
To apply for recognition and recording of student achievement in ATAR Units 1 and 2 for Year 10 students in 2026, the school needs to complete the Application for recording of enrolment and achievement in ATAR Units 1 and 2 for students in Year 10 in 2026 (Year 8, 2024) form, available on the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority) website at: https://scsa.wa.edu.au/forms/forms under Enrolments.
For further information, please refer to Section 7 in the WACE Manual 2024, available on the Authority website at: https://www.scsa.wa.edu.au/publications/wace-manual.
The completed application form is to be returned by email to the Senior Consultant – Certification, certification@scsa.wa.edu.au, no later than Thursday, 14 November 2024.
Schools participating in Brightpath
Data Services (08) 9273 6352
Schools participating in Brightpath must be registered with the School Curriculum and Standards Authority.
If your school is not currently registered for Brightpath, you can register your interest by providing Maureen Lorimer (maureen.lorimer@scsa.wa.edu.au) with the following information:
- name of school, school address and telephone number
- school code
- name of Principal and email address
- name of Brightpath contact and email address.
In the case where your school chooses to discontinue with this program, please notify Maureen Lorimer (maureen.lorimer@scsa.wa.edu.au) so that our records may be updated.
Uploading a teacher registration file
To have data imported to Brightpath, schools are reminded that a successful upload of the student registration file (SRGDG) and a successful upload of the teacher registration file (THREG) are required.
The teacher registration file (THREG) must be uploaded to SIRS. Please note that the THREG file must be uploaded only after their student registration file (SRGDG) has been successfully processed without any warnings or errors.
Column BO of the SRGDG file needs to have a Y against each student that will be associated with Brightpath. An N should be placed against students who will not be included in Brightpath.
Column BN of the SRGDG file (Class Identification) will need to be populated too.
Schools need to ensure the class identification in both the SRGDG file (column BN) and the THREG file (column K) match.
Information regarding creating and uploading the SRGDG and THREG files for schools participating in Brightpath. may be found in the Primary Student Registration Procedures Manual.
The remaining dates for transferring data to Brightpath in Term 1 are:
- Friday, 1 March 2024
- Friday, 22 March 2024
Schools are requested to include their school code in any correspondence.