K to 10 Circulars – Edition 3, March 2024
Teaching and Learning
Planning with the Kindergarten Curriculum Guidelines – Regional Workshops
Kristy Howson (08) 9273 6387
The School Curriculum and Standards Authority invites school leaders and early childhood teachers to participate in a workshop to support their planning and assessment with the Kindergarten Curriculum Guidelines (the Guidelines). Teachers will be supported to develop planning documents for their program and learning environment that reflect and complement their specific context. The session will also explore monitoring and assessment practices. School leaders are encouraged to attend with teachers from their school.
The session will include:
- an overview of the Kindergarten Curriculum Guidelines, including the Vision, Principles and Practices of the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF)
- a reflection on your context and practice using the Guidelines
- collaboration and discussion with colleagues
- time to develop your own documents for planning your program and learning environment
- review of the EYLF Principle: Assessment and evaluation for learning, development and wellbeing.
The dates and locations for these face-to-face workshops are as follows:
- Bunbury – Thursday 18 April
- Busselton – Friday 19 April
- Bunbury – Saturday 20 April
- Broome – Monday 22 April
- Broome – Tuesday 23 April
- Geraldton – Thursday 2 May
- Geraldton – Friday 3 May
- Karratha – Tuesday 7 May
- Karratha – Wednesday 8 May.
Additional dates for face-to-face workshops in the metropolitan and other regional areas will be published in future K–10 Circulars. Online workshops are also planned for Term 3.
Participants should bring their printed or digital copy of the Guidelines and a device to take photos (such as your phone or tablet).
The workshop is not compulsory and is free to attend.
Register for this workshop at https://scsa.wa.edu.au/events/planning-with-the-kindergarten-curriculum-guidelines/_nocache
SIRS, Enrolments and General Information
Uploading 2024 student registrations to SIRS
Data Services (08) 9273 6352
Initial registrations
The School Curriculum and Standards Authority would like to thank schools and other education providers for meeting the deadlines for uploading their student registrations. Your efforts contributed to the timely transfer of data for the National Assessment Program for Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) and ensured students’ details were ready for the start of Online Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (OLNA) Term 1 window.
Regular updates to student registration information
Now that schools have uploaded their initial registrations for Term 1, it is strongly advised that schools should update and upload a current student registration (SRGDG) file to the Student Information Records System (SIRS) on a regular basis.
At a minimum, it is recommended that schools upload their student registration file at the beginning of each term. This will ensure any new students to the school are recorded in SIRS as well as update the status of any students who have left the school.
To encourage schools to continue the good practice of uploading student registrations, a reminder will be sent to all schools that have not uploaded a current SRGDG file by the end of Week 3 of Term 2.
Uploading data files to SIRS
Data Services (08) 9273 6352
When schools upload data files to the Student Information Records System (SIRS), the person who has uploaded the files will receive emails to confirm whether a file has been successfully processed or has errors/warnings to be addressed.
Please note there is a difference between an email that informs Successful verification of the <Name of the file>.csv and Successful processing of the <Name of the file>.csv.
To have a successful upload of a data file to SIRS, schools must receive the following two emails:
- Successful verification of the <Name of the file>.csv
- Successful processing of the <Name of the file>.csv.
If you receive any of the following emails, you must follow up on the errors to ensure the corrected data file can be uploaded again to SIRS:
- The <Name of the file>.csv has failed verification due to the following errors
- The <Name of the file>.csv has failed processing due to the following errors.
Emails that state the file ‘has been successfully processed but has recorded the following warnings’ should be reviewed.
- The <Name of the file>.csv has been successfully processed but has recorded the following warnings.
Some warnings are informative warnings that draw your attention to a particular matter and require no further action. However, some warnings will prevent the record from being successfully uploaded to SIRS.
Any email detailing the errors and/or warnings should be reviewed by the school to determine if there is any action required. If any assistance is required, please forward the email with the errors/warnings to dataservices@scsa.wa.edu.au. Failure to follow up on these errors and/or warnings may result in the necessary information not being recorded in SIRS.