Kto10 Circulars
April 2018 - Extraordinary
General Information, SIRS and Enrolments
2018 School Briefings Webinar
Sven Sorenson (08) 9273 6390
School leaders are now able to register for the 2018 School Briefings Webinar for remote and regionals Western Australian schools and for international schools offering the Western Australian Curriculum and Assessment Outline (the Outline) or the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE).
School Principals and Deputy Principals are invited to register to attend a briefing about the School Curriculum and Standards Authority’s 2018 areas of emphasis.
This briefing has been organised to provide updates on the Outline for Years P-10 and the WACE. The briefing will be presented by Russell Dyer, Executive Director, Examinations, Certification and Testing at the School Curriculum and Standards Authority.
Thursday, 3 May 2018 starting at 4pm. The session will run for 90 minutes.
To register for this session, go to https://educationwa.webex.com/educationwa/k2/j.php?MTID=ta14eeba4a60134a21485e277d0a2e750 and register.
School Information Briefings 2018 – publication of presentation slides
Sarah Clough Sarah.Clough@scsa.wa.edu.au (08) 9273 6396
School leaders are advised they may now view slides featured in the School Curriculum and Standards Authority’s School Information Briefings 2018 for Primary Schools and for Secondary Schools:
Copies of the slides may also be found in the Authority’s Kindergarten to Year 10 site and the Years 11 and 12 site.