Kto10 Circulars - Extraordinary Edition July 2021

Teaching and Learning

Brightpath Assessment Software for Secondary Schools

Maureen Lorimer 
(08) 9273 6397

Secondary Principals, Deputy Principals, Heads of Learning – English and Mathematics, are advised that the Brightpath Formative Writing Assessment rulers have been extended up to Year 9 and Formative Mathematics Assessments covering all strands of Mathematics have been developed, also up to Year 9.

The School Curriculum and Standards Authority will meet the cost of access to both the Basic and Advanced Brightpath Packages for schools.  Workshop materials are available to support leadership teams in up-skilling their staff.

If you wish to register for Term 3 or have any queries regarding Brightpath, please contact Maureen Lorimer, Principal Consultant on 9273 6397 (Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday) or email Maureen.Lorimer@scsa.wa.edu.au by Friday, 23 July 2021.

Please provide the following information:

  • Name of school, address and phone number
  • School code
  • Name of Principal and email address
  • Name of Brightpath contact and email address.

Only new schools to the program need apply.

Further information regarding the Brightpath Assessment Software can be found at https://k10outline.scsa.wa.edu.au/home/resources/brightpath.

ABLEWA – new platform (Ruby)

Maureen Lorimer 
(08) 9273 6397 [Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday]

School leaders and teachers are advised that the Abilities Based Learning Education, Western Australia (ABLEWA) assessment and reporting tools are being moved to a new platform called Ruby.

Ruby has been designed to create a more robust and intuitive experience of assessment for its users. It has improved data security and data privacy controls.  One of the changes is that schools will be able to manage and register their teachers, which will each require their own password. Schools will also be able to move students from class to class and archive the students who have left your school.

The current ABLEWA platform will be open for assessment as usual until the end of the current assessment period i.e. end of Semester 1.  Once ABLEWA is closed there will be a period when you cannot enter new assessment data. We anticipate this will be over weeks 1 and 2 of Term 3. During that time, you will be able to view your previous assessments and reports in the old ABLEWA platform.

All historic data from ABLEWA will be migrated over to the new platform. Once the new platform is live you will be able to access all assessment information for your students.

Support materials to assist teachers in using the new platform will be made available at https://k10outline.scsa.wa.edu.au/home/resources/ablewa/getting-started-with-ablewa at the commencement of Term 3.