School Curriculum and Standards Authority

Student Records Management System (SRMS)

Terms of Use

The School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority) provides access to online services through the SRMS for school administrators, teachers and school staff. These services may be used by schools for matters impacting student registration, enrolments, achievements and other Authority requirements.

Limits of the Service:

  1. The Authority does not undertake to provide all student-related information via the SRMS.
  2. Only persons verified by the school principal will be given access to the SRMS.
  3. The Authority does not accept responsibility for any event arising from unauthorised access or use of the SRMS.

When using online services provided by the Authority, I agree that:

  1. I will not attempt to log into the SRMS with a username and/or password of another user.
  2. Information contained in the SRMS is personal and private and should not be shared via screenshots or other means.
  3. I have a responsibility for keeping my SRMS access details (username/s and password/s) confidential.
  4. It is the responsibility of school administrators to create, remove, and manage roles for users at their school.
  5. If I become aware of unauthorised access to my account/s I will immediately inform the Authority at
  6. I consent to the logging, monitoring and auditing of my use of the SRMS for system administration.
  7. Any breach of these conditions for which I am responsible may result in my access to the SRMS being suspended or revoked.