Updated Years 11 and 12 Assessment Requirements

John Newman
(08) 9273 6757

Graeme Quelch (08) 9273 6758

Nadia Civa (08) 9273 6355

Nick Ognenis (08) 9273 6354

At its 5 December 2023 meeting, the Board of the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority) approved embedding the assessment requirements in the syllabus for each course to assess each Assessment Type at least once over the year/pair of units as a permanent adjustment from the commencement of 2024.

The Years 11 and 12 syllabuses have been updated to reflect this decision. Where further advice was necessary for specific courses, this has been included in the Assessment section of the relevant syllabus.

The assessment and support materials provided by the Authority continue as a relevant resource for teachers.

Further information regarding school-based assessment is available on the Authority website using the following link: https://senior-secondary.scsa.wa.edu.au/assessment/school-based-assessment.