7 to 12 Circulars – Edition 1, February 2025
Teaching and Learning 7–10
Pre-primary to Year 10: English and Health and Physical Education curriculum implementation from 2025
Alison Aldersea (Monday to Wednesday) (08) 9273 6733
Leanne Bondin (08) 9273 6374
Health and Physical Education:
Dino Manalis (08) 9273 6356
The mandated Western Australian curriculum for Pre-primary to Year 10: English and Health and Physical Education is available for implementation from 2025.
Pre-primary to Year 10 English and Health and Physical Education are the first two learning areas of the Western Australian Curriculum and Assessment Outline (the Outline) to be revised as part of adopting and adapting the Australian Curriculum version 9 to the Western Australian context. Schools are required to teach the mandated year level curriculum for English and Health and Physical Education in 2025.
The following documents are available for English and for Health and Physical Education on the curriculum pages of the School Curriculum and Standards Authority website:
- P–10 Scope and sequence
- P–10 Year level descriptions
- P–10 Provisional Achievement standards.
The Draft Curriculum Support Materials for English and Health and Physical Education are currently being updated to align with the revised curriculum.
All other aspects of the Western Australian curriculum, as published in the Outline (https://k10outline.scsa.wa.edu.au/) remain unchanged as the mandated curriculum for Western Australia and must continue to be implemented in all schools until advised otherwise.
Pre-primary to Year 10 Humanities and Social Sciences, Mathematics, Science and Technologies curriculum familiarisation in 2025
Humanities and Social Sciences:
Carolyn Fleischer (08) 9273 6735
Nadene Coupar (08) 9273 6702
Lisa Griffin (08) 9273 6779
Julie Weber (08) 9273 6381
Jennifer Wheatley (08) 9273 6335
David Donnelly (08) 9273 6350
The Western Australian curriculum for Pre-primary to Year 10 Humanities and Social Sciences, Mathematics, Science and Technologies is available for familiarisation in 2025.
Pre-primary to Year 10 Humanities and Social Sciences, Mathematics, Science and Technologies are the second group of learning areas within the Western Australian Curriculum and Assessment Outline (the Outline) to be revised as part of adopting and adapting the Australian Curriculum version 9 to the Western Australian context.
The following documents are available for Humanities and Social Sciences, Mathematics, Science and Technologies on the curriculum pages of the School Curriculum and Standards Authority website:
- P–10 Scope and sequence
- Year level descriptions
- Provisional Achievement standards
- Summary of changes.
Humanities and Social Sciences:
Mathematics: https://k10outline.scsa.wa.edu.au/home/teaching/curriculum-browser/mathematics-v8
Science: https://k10outline.scsa.wa.edu.au/home/teaching/curriculum-browser/science-v8
Technologies: https://k10outline.scsa.wa.edu.au/home/teaching/curriculum-browser/technologies
Schools are reminded to continue to teach the current Western Australian curriculum for these learning areas in 2025. The revised curriculum is available for familiarisation this year and implementation in 2026. The scope and sequence of the revised curriculum is available in PDF form for familiarisation at the top of the relevant learning area page in the Outline.
All other aspects of the Western Australian curriculum, as published in the Outline (https://k10outline.scsa.wa.edu.au/) remain unchanged as the mandated curriculum for Western Australia and must continue to be implemented in all schools until advised otherwise.
The Draft Curriculum Support Materials for Humanities and Social Sciences, Mathematics, Science and Technologies will be updated to align with the revised curriculum.
Pre-primary to Year 10 consultation for Languages and The Arts curriculum in 2025
The Arts:
Antoniett Halden (08) 9273 6791
Nadia Civa (08) 9273 6355
Teachers are advised that the Western Australian curriculum for Pre-primary to Year 10: Languages and The Arts and will be revised as part of adopting and adapting the Australian Curriculum version 9 to the Western Australian context.
The School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority) will provide updates on the progress of these revisions throughout the year. Schools are encouraged to subscribe to the Authority’s circulars for updates.
Schools are reminded to continue to teach the current Western Australian curriculum for these learning areas until advised otherwise. The 2025 school year will focus on consultation for the revised Languages and The Arts curriculum. The revised curriculum will be available for familiarisation in 2026 and implementation in 2027.
All other aspects of the Western Australian curriculum, as published in the Western Australian Curriculum and Assessment Outline (https://k10outline.scsa.wa.edu.au/) remain unchanged as the mandated curriculum for Western Australia and must continue to be implemented in all schools until advised otherwise.
Revised Pre-primary to Year 10: Teaching, Assessing and Reporting Policy and Policy Standards for Pre-primary to Year 10: Teaching, Assessing and Reporting
Mandy Hudson (08) 9273 6310
Minor revisions have been made to the Pre-primary to Year 10: Teaching, Assessing and Reporting Policy and Policy Standards for Pre-primary to Year 10: Teaching, Assessing and Reporting (the Policy) .
The implementation timeline for each learning areas has been updated to reflect the phased approach of adopting and adapting the Australian Curriculum version 9 within the Western Australian Curriculum and Assessment Outline.
The Policy can be accessed on the Authority website at https://k10outline.scsa.wa.edu.au/home/policy/policy-standards.
Courses 11 and 12
Updated Years 11 and 12 Assessment Requirements
John Newman (08) 9273 6757
Graeme Quelch (08) 9273 6758
Nadia Civa (08) 9273 6355
Nick Ognenis (08) 9273 6354
At its 5 December 2023 meeting, the Board of the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority) approved embedding the assessment requirements in the syllabus for each course to assess each Assessment Type at least once over the year/pair of units as a permanent adjustment from the commencement of 2024.
The Years 11 and 12 syllabuses have been updated to reflect this decision. Where further advice was necessary for specific courses, this has been included in the Assessment section of the relevant syllabus.
The assessment and support materials provided by the Authority continue as a relevant resource for teachers.
Further information regarding school-based assessment is available on the Authority website using the following link: https://senior-secondary.scsa.wa.edu.au/assessment/school-based-assessment.
WACE Language course applications – Year 11 or 12 2025
Lisa Djanegara (08) 9273 6382
Nadia Civa (08) 9273 6355
Schools in Western Australia are advised that WACE Language course applications for new enrolments in Year 11 and Year 12 resumed Wednesday, 29 January 2025 and will close Thursday, 3 April 2025.
Applications are to be submitted online via the Student Records Management System (SRMS) student portal https://studentportal.scsa.wa.edu.au/.
How to check the language course application status of students intending to enrol in a language course
CSE229 – SRMS Language Course Application Status shows the status of all online language course applications submitted via the SRMS student portal.
CSE229 is available in the Student Information Records System (SIRS) by via the following pathway:
Reports > Other reports > Report type: Enrolments, Report: CSE229 – SRMS Language Course Application Status.
After selecting the current calendar year, it is important to select the relevant Academic Year (e.g. Year 10 in 2024 for students intending to enrol in Year 11 in 2025).
If you have any questions, see the School guide for online applications for WACE language courses or Student guide for online applications for WACE language courses to assist you/your students in completing the applications, or email languagesenrolment@scsa.wa.edu.au.
Non-school candidates
Where a course is not offered by the school, before submitting the Non-school Candidate enrolment form 2025, Year 12 students must complete an Application to enrol in a WACE Language course if they are undertaking:
- Chinese: First Language course examination, or a background language course examination in French, German, Hindi, Indonesian, Italian, Korean, Punjabi or Tamil
or - Chinese or Japanese: Background Language course examinations through Interstate Language offerings.
Forms are due by Thursday, 3 April 2025.
If you have any questions regarding students undertaking a language as a non-school candidate, email languagesenrolment@scsa.wa.edu.au.
Year 12 ATAR course specifications booklet, formula sheets and data booklets for teaching and examining in 2025
Lisa Honczarenko (08) 9273 6763
The following course booklets are available on the School Curriculum and Standards Authority website at the links indicated under ATAR and Examination Materials. Each booklet is for teaching and examining in 2025.
Accounting and Finance ATAR course
Fran van Oyen (08) 9273 6359
The 2025 Specifications booklet is now available at https://senior-secondary.scsa.wa.edu.au/syllabus-and-support-materials/humanities-and-social-sciences/accounting-and-finance.
Chemistry ATAR course
Todd Wallace (08) 9273 6380
The 2025 Data booklet is now available at https://senior-secondary.scsa.wa.edu.au/syllabus-and-support-materials/science/chemistry.
Mathematics ATAR courses
Suzie Harman (08) 9273 6768
The 2025 Year 12 Formula sheets are now available.
Mathematics Applications
Mathematics Methods
Mathematics Specialist
Engineering Studies ATAR course
Ian Wilson (08) 9273 6788
The 2025 Formulae and Data booklet is now available at https://senior-secondary.scsa.wa.edu.au/syllabus-and-support-materials/technologies/engineering-studies.
Physics ATAR course
Ian Wilson (08) 9273 6788
The 2025 Data booklet is now available at https://senior-secondary.scsa.wa.edu.au/syllabus-and-support-materials/science/physics
2025 COAT for Year 12 ATAR English as an Additional Language or Dialect
Lisa Honczarenko (08) 9273 6763
All students enrolled in the Year 12 ATAR English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EALD) course are required to complete the common oral assessment task (COAT) developed by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority) for the course. The COAT is compulsory and forms part of the school-based assessment.
Information about COAT and the administration of COAT can be found in the Common oral assessment task handbook 2025 that will be available on the Authority website at
2025 Year 12 ATAR Physical Education Studies school-based practical external assessment
Dino Manalis (08) 9273 6356
From 2025, all students enrolled in the Year 12 ATAR Physical Education Studies course are required to complete the school-based practical external assessment (SPEA) developed by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority) for the course.
The SPEA is compulsory and forms part of the school-based assessment, and supports statistical moderation processes.
Details about the SPEA, including the administration of the assessment and the timeline for the process, can be found in the Physical Education Studies school-based external assessment teacher handbook 2025 available in the Support materials section of the course page on the Authority website at https://senior-secondary.scsa.wa.edu.au/syllabus-and-support-materials/health-and-physical-education/physical-education-studies.
Assessment workshop for Year 11 and Year 12 Mathematics Foundation
Megan Christie (08) 9273 6340
The School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority) will be conducting an assessment workshop for Mathematics Foundation in Term 1, 2025.
The workshop will focus on building a shared understanding of the assessment requirements for Mathematics Foundation as well as developing valid and reliable assessment tasks and marking keys to collect evidence in relation to the Grade Descriptions.
The workshop will be delivered face-to-face and online via Webex:
- Tuesday, 4 March 2025, 4.00 pm–6.00 pm (Cannington)
- Thursday, 6 March 2025, 3.30 pm–5.30 pm (online)
- Monday, 10 March 2025, 1.30 pm–3.30 pm (Padbury).
Registration and further information can be located on the Authority website at https://scsa.wa.edu.au/events/assessment-workshop-for-year-11-and-year-12-mathematics-foundation-2025.
School-based practical external assessment 2025 – expressions of interest
Paul Cranley (08) 9273 6795
The School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority) is seeking expressions of interest by Friday, 28 February 2025 from suitably qualified and experienced persons to undertake the role of External Assessor for the Physical Education Studies school-based practical external assessment (SPEA) to be conducted in Term 3 2025.
External Assessors will be required to express their interest by completing an External Assessor: Expression of interest form. The expression of interest form requires current teachers to gain approval from their principal. Expressions of interest are to be returned via email to spea@scsa.wa.edu.au.
The role of External Assessor will provide an opportunity for valuable professional development related to the Physical Education Studies syllabus.
Those interested should have experience working in schools with senior students in the practical component of the Physical Education Studies ATAR course. An expression of interest does not guarantee appointment.
Those successful in being appointed as an External Assessor will be notified in Week 6 of Term 1.
A draft External Assessor timetable will be provided to appointed External Assessors in Week 5 of Term 2 for review and a finalised External Assessor timetable will be provided in Week 9 of Term 2.
Sport-specific training sessions for External Assessors will be undertaken in Weeks 6 to 10 of Term 2.
SPEA sessions at schools will occur during Weeks 2 to 8 in Term 3.
SPEA sessions at schools may occur during Weeks 9 and 10 of Term 3, if required.
The External Assessor: Expression of interest form is available on the Authority website under the SPEA tab at https://senior-secondary.scsa.wa.edu.au/syllabus-and-support-materials/health-and-physical-education/physical-education-studies.
2025 Meeting WACE Requirements Seminars – School Leaders, Teachers and Endorsed Programs
Graeme Quelch (08) 9273 6758
Schools are advised that the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority) will be offering Teacher, School Leader, and Endorsed Programs Meeting WACE Requirements seminars from late February 2025.
Meeting WACE Requirements Seminars – Teachers
Learning area-specific Meeting WACE Requirements will be offered to Heads of Learning Area and Teachers from late February 2025. The purpose of these seminars is to provide key information on the Authority’s planning, teaching, assessing and moderation requirements that teachers and Heads of Learning Area need to follow when delivering senior secondary courses.
These seminars will support:
- schools that are offering a course for the first time in 2025 or reintroducing a course for the first time since 2016
- teachers delivering one or more WACE courses for the first time in 2025 (e.g. graduate teachers, teachers who have not previously taught Year 11 or Year 12, teachers whose experience has been interstate or overseas).
Meeting WACE Requirements Seminars – School Leaders
A Meeting WACE Requirements seminar tailored specifically for school leaders will be held on Tuesday, 4 March 2025.
The seminar will:
- support new school leaders and others who would benefit from being made aware of the Authority’s requirements for delivering senior secondary WACE courses in 2025
- focus on the key WACE requirements and responsibilities for all schools offering senior secondary courses, as outlined in the WACE Manual 2025.
Meeting WACE Requirements Seminars – Endorsed Programs
Meeting WACE Requirements seminars focusing on endorsed programs, and tailored for school leaders, VET and workplace learning coordinators and teachers, will be held on Wednesday, 5 March and Thursday, 6 March 2025.
These seminars will:
- support schools that are offering an endorsed program for the first time in 2025
- provide information on endorsed programs and how they contribute towards the WACE
- assist schools in managing and assessing endorsed programs for students in Years 10, 11 and 12 appropriately.
Registration and further information for all Meeting WACE Requirements seminars can be located on the Authority website at https://scsa.wa.edu.au/events/meeting-wace-requirements-2025-seminars.
2025 Year 12 ATAR course examinations
Barclay Jones (08) 9273 6309
The 2025 Year 12 ATAR course written examinations are scheduled from:
- Wednesday, 29 October to Thursday, 20 November 2025.
The 2025 Year 12 ATAR course practical examinations are scheduled from:
- Saturday, 27 September to Sunday, 26 October 2025.
The 2025 Year 12 ATAR course examination timetables will be available on the Examination Timetables webpage of the School Curriculum and Standards Authority website on Wednesday, 11 June 2025 at https://senior-secondary.scsa.wa.edu.au/assessment/examinations/examination-timetables. No information regarding the date of specific written examinations is available prior to this date.
From Tuesday, 9 September 2025, students will be able to download their Personalised written examination timetable and Personalised practical examination timetable from the student portal at https://studentportal.scsa.wa.edu.au.
The Personalised written examination timetable will contain the date, time and examination centre for the student’s written examinations. The Personalised practical examination timetable will contain the date, time, venue and location of the student’s practical examination.
Equitable access adjustments for ATAR course examinations 2025
Glenn Carroll (08) 9273 6327
A limited number of printed copies of The Application for Equitable Access Adjustments form for the 2025 ATAR course examinations will have arrived in schools in time for the start of Term 1. This form is to be used for candidates with a permanent or temporary disability that is demonstrated to impair their access to examinations under standard conditions and who wish to be considered for adjustments. An interactive version of the application form is available under the Examinations heading on the Authority website at https://www.scsa.wa.edu.au/forms/forms.
It is the responsibility of the school to complete the form and submit it to the Authority on behalf of each eligible candidate. The form is not to be sent home for completion. Completed forms should be submitted to the Authority by Thursday, 27 March 2025.
Any student seeking any type of variation to the standard examination conditions must have an application form submitted for them. This includes students with health conditions who may need support during an examination. Adjustments are available for practical and written examinations.
For information on the application process, visit https://senior-secondary.scsa.wa.edu.au/assessment/examinations/special-provisions.
There will be no sickness/misadventure consideration in practical performance examinations in Dance and Music for candidates on the basis of an injury or illness existing at the start of Term 3. Applications for alternative format practical examinations in these examinations will be accepted until Wednesday, 30 July 2025.
Equitable access adjustment assessors 2025 – expressions of interest
Glenn Carroll (08) 9273 6327
The School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority) is seeking expressions of interest by Friday, 21 February 2025 from suitably qualified and experienced persons to assist with the assessment of equitable access adjustment applications for the 2025 ATAR course examinations. Applications to be assessed will relate to candidates within the specific learning disability, psychological/neurological or ADHD categories.
Assessors will work in pairs comprising a person with relevant medical experience and a person with school management experience. Work will be outside business hours on a contract basis, with payment per application. Before commencing work, assessors must already have a current Department of Education Screening Clearance Number (SCN) or apply to the Department of Education to complete a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check to be issued with a SCN.
Assessing applications will provide an opportunity for valuable professional development related to the assessment of candidates with disabilities. The role is also well suited to those recently retired or on leave.
Interested school personnel or psychologists should have experience in assessing and diagnosing senior students with learning disabilities using current, relevant diagnostic tools.
Interested school personnel should have experience working in schools with senior students with learning disabilities or psychological/neurological conditions enrolled in ATAR courses. Ideally, applicants would have whole-of-school management experience.
Training, to be provided before the start of the assessment period, is expected to occur in the first weeks of Term 2. Training will be conducted outside school hours.
Assessment of most applications will be completed within a tight timeframe in May and June 2025. Assessors should be available to work in Term 2, with the possibility of some work continuing into Term 3.
An expression of interest does not guarantee appointment. Applicants will be advised in Term 1 if their services will be required. Assessors from previous years are encouraged to reapply for 2025.
The Expression of interest form is available on the Authority website at
2025 Small Group Moderation Partnership Seminars
Nick Ognenis (08) 9273 6354
Where a school has an estimated number of fewer than six ATAR course examination candidates in a particular Year 12 ATAR course, it must become involved in a small group moderation partnership to increase the combined group size to six or more students for that pair of units.
The School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority) is offering two online Small Group Moderation Partnership seminars to assist senior secondary teachers who are delivering ATAR Year 12 courses that require their school to take part in the small group moderation process. The seminars will be held on:
- Tuesday 11 February 2025
- Wednesday 12 February 2025.
Registration and further information can be located on the Authority website at https://www.scsa.wa.edu.au/events/small-group-moderation-seminar-2025.
2025 Externally Set Tasks for all Year 12 General and Foundation courses
Lisa Honczarenko (08) 9273 6763
Teachers are advised that all students enrolled in a Year 12 General course and/or a Year 12 Foundation course are required to complete the externally set task (EST) developed by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority) for that course. The EST is compulsory and forms part of the school-based assessment.
Information about ESTs and the administration of ESTs can be found in the Externally Set Task Handbook 2025 available on the Authority website at https://senior-secondary.scsa.wa.edu.au/assessment/externally-set-tasks.
Vocational Education
Recording of enrolment and achievement of VET units of competency (delivered through VET credit transfer) or VET qualifications – Year 9 students, 2025
Sarah King (08) 9273 6391
Permission must be obtained from the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority) for Year 9 students to enrol and have achievements in vocational education and training (VET) contribute towards Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) achievement.
Schools should apply only if VET studies for these students are part of a longer-term program where:
- students are enrolled in remote community schools and the learning programs relate directly to the local industry, or
- students are accessing VET as part of an individual education program (IEP)
- a valid opportunity has been presented which supports an ongoing and coherent training pathway.
The Application for the recording of enrolment and achievement of VET units of competency VET qualifications – Year 9 students, 2025 is available on the Authority website via https://www.scsa.wa.edu.au/forms/forms under Achievements.
The application form is due to be completed and returned to VETinfo@scsa.wa.edu.au by
Friday, 28 February 2025.
Western Australian student number requests and searches
Data Services (08) 9273 6352
All current students in Western Australia (WA) must be allocated a Western Australian student number (WASN) and be registered with the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority). The WASN remains with the student throughout their school life. The WASN is important in avoiding duplication of records and maintaining the continuity of student data.
If a student arrives at your school from another WA school – other than for Kindergarten – or from overseas/interstate, check to see if they have a WASN. Search for the student’s WASN using a family name, given name and date of birth in the Student Information Records System (SIRS).
All student registrations are recorded in SIRS by the end of Term 1. After this time, you will be able to search for students including the student’s previous school/s. You will know where to send a transfer note, if required.
Refer to section 4.3 of the Data Procedures Manual 2025 for more information (https://www.scsa.wa.edu.au/publications/data-procedures-manual).
For new students commencing in 2025 who do not have a WASN, schools should request a new number beginning in January 2025.
If you cannot locate a WASN, contact numbers@scsa.wa.edu.au and give details of the student’s legal family name, legal given name, date of birth and academic year. It is useful to include your school code in any correspondence. If schools request a WASN for a student who already has a number, the correct WASN will be provided.
All secondary schools with a Year 7 intake can send a complete list (spreadsheet) of Year 7 students entering their school in 2025, including the student’s legal family name, legal given name and date of birth and the Authority will look up the WASNs on their behalf.
Instructions about how to register students can be found in the Data Procedures Manual 2025 (Data Procedures Manual) with links to assist schools using Integris/Reporting to Parents (RTP), Civica Maze, SEQTA, Synergetic, Administration of Schools (AoS) and Excel.
Note: the Authority does not issue a WASN for Pre-Kindergarten students.
Uploading data files to SIRS
Data Services (08) 9273 6352
When schools upload data files to the Student Information Records System (SIRS), the person who has uploaded the files will receive emails to confirm whether a file has been successfully processed or has errors/warnings to be addressed.
It is important to note the difference between an email that informs Successful verification of the <Name of the file>.csv and Successful processing of the <Name of the file>.csv.
To have a successful upload of a data file to SIRS, schools must receive the following two emails:
- Successful verification of the <Name of the file>.csv
- Successful processing of the <Name of the file>.csv.
If you receive any of the following emails, you must follow up on the errors to ensure the corrected data file can be uploaded again to SIRS:
- The <Name of the file>.csv has failed verification due to the following errors
- The <Name of the file>.csv has failed processing due to the following errors.
Emails that state ‘The <Name of the file>.csv has been successfully processed but has recorded the following warnings’ should be reviewed.
Some warnings are informative and draw your attention to a particular matter that requires no action. However, other warnings will prevent the record from being successfully uploaded to SIRS and must be addressed.
Any email detailing the errors and/or warnings should be reviewed by the school to determine whether any action is required. If assistance is needed, forward the email with the errors/warnings to dataservices@scsa.wa.edu.au. Failure to follow up on these errors and/or warnings may result in the necessary information not being recorded in SIRS.
Registration of students in SIRS in 2025
Data Services (08) 9273 6352
All students need to be registered in the Student Information Records System (SIRS). Students participating in National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) tests, the Online Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (OLNA) or Brightpath and students enrolled in Years 11 and 12 need to be registered as soon as possible.
To ensure there are no delays in processing student data for NAPLAN, OLNA or Brightpath, please note the following important dates for the upload of Student Registration and Demographic (SRGDG) and the Teacher Registration files (THREG) to the SIRS in 2025.
This year’s NAPLAN tests will be conducted from Wednesday, 12 March to Monday, 24 March 2025.
Thursday, 13 February 2025 is the due date for student registrations in 2025 for Years 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11 and 12:
- 2025 registration and demographic information for students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 (required for NAPLAN) (via the SRGDG file)
- 2025 registration and demographic information for Years 10–12 students (required for OLNA) student lists and password generation (via the SRGDG file)
- 2025 registration information for all teachers where students attend schools using Brightpath (via the THREG file).
After Thursday, 13 February 2025, only new school enrolments for NAPLAN can be registered in SIRS until Thursday, 20 February 2025.
After Thursday, 20 February 2025, it will not be possible for school data to be transferred to the NAPLAN platform in bulk and schools will need to enter students into the NAPLAN platform manually.
Monday, 24 February 2025
- OLNA student login details (Years 10–12 students) will be available to schools/providers.
Students not registered in SIRS and participating in OLNA may have a delay in receiving their user login and password details.
Thursday, 3 April 2025
- Registration and demographic information for all remaining students in Kindergarten, Pre‑primary and Years 1, 2, 4, 6 and 8 to be uploaded by this date (via SRGDG file).
Note: the Authority does not issue a Western Australian student number (WASN) for Pre‑Kindergarten students.
The SRGDG should be updated and uploaded regularly throughout the year. At a minimum, it is recommended that schools upload their student registration file at the beginning of each term. This will ensure any new students to the school are recorded in SIRS as well as update the status of any students who have left the school.
Details of how to register students via the SRGDG file may be found in Section 4 of the Data Procedures Manual 2025, Data Procedures Manual 2025.
For all schools that have students participating in the Brightpath Program, see Section 5 of the Data Procedures Manual 2025, Data Procedures Manual 2025, for assistance with uploading the Teacher Registration File (THREG).
If you cannot locate a student’s WASN, contact numbers@scsa.wa.ed.au.
Schools are requested to include their school code in any correspondence.
Finalising Year 11 students’ U status from 2024
Kerry Tarrant (08) 9273 6770
Schools are reminded that 2024 students allocated a U notation for Year 11 courses need to have these results finalised in the Student Information Records System (SIRS) by Thursday, 20 February 2025 or the student’s U will default to an E grade.
Schools can amend their 2024 Year 11 results to finalise a student’s U status and re-upload the amended RSCOS file.
After Thursday, 20 February 2025, the SIRS facility will be locked, and no further changes can be made.
Year 11 students who have been withdrawn from a course at school need to be formerly withdrawn in SIRS.
Year 11 students allocated a U notation to give more time to complete the course but have then left the school, or do not participate in the course any longer, must be withdrawn. If they are not withdrawn by Thursday, 20 February 2025, the school may be charged a late fee.
2024 Student Achievements – Other than Year 12
Kerry Tarrant (08) 9273 6770
Schools are reminded they have until Thursday, 20 February 2025 to verify and confirm the achievement data submitted to the School Curriculum and Standards Authority for students in years other than Year 12.
The achievements required include:
- Course units (ATAR, General, Foundation, Preliminary and Vocational Education and Training (VET) Industry Specific courses) for Semester 1, 2 or Full year
- VET qualifications
- VET units of competency
- Department of Training and Workforce Development (DTWD) funded VET skill set unit of competency results (for Year 11 students only)
- DTWD funded VET skill sets results
- Endorsed programs.
The declaration forms for course units, VET and endorsed programs are to be completed and signed by the principal. The declaration forms are available for download on the Authority website under Forms > Applications and Order Forms titled 2025 Information Package – Secondary available via https://scsa.wa.edu.au/forms/forms.
Some schools had not finalised the transfer of their data by the end of the 2024 school year. If your school has not uploaded the appropriate data files to the Student Information Records System (SIRS), please do so as a matter of urgency.
To ensure you have no missing achievements please run the CSE009 – Missing Achievements by Provider report in SIRS. The pathway to this report is: Reports > Other Reports > Report Type: Missing Achievements > Report: CSE009 – Missing Achievements by Provider > Year: 2024 > Academic Year > Generate Report.
Note: Students who were allocated a U grade for Year 11 courses need to also have these results amended and re-uploaded into SIRS by Thursday, 20 February 2025 or the student’s U will default to an E grade.
A mark and a grade are required for all Year 11 students:
- a student’s school-based achievement for a Year 11 course may be recorded for each pair of units (i.e. one mark and one grade) or
- for each unit completed (i.e. a mark and grade for Unit 1 and a mark and grade for Unit 2).
Additionally, the VET Unique Student Identifier is a requirement for VET achievement intended for contribution towards the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) requirements.
The results for students who have left your school need to be finalised if they had enrolments. If the students should have been withdrawn from a course unit, this withdrawal will need to be uploaded through the ENCOS file to SIRS. If students have been withdrawn from VET units of competency and endorsed programs, this will need to be uploaded using the correct code through the RSVET and RSEND files respectively.
2025 Year 11 and Year 12 student enrolments in course units
Perpetua Joseph (08) 9273 6771
In 2025, Year 11 and Year 12 students can enrol in ATAR, General, Foundation, Preliminary and VET industry specific courses.
Schools are reminded that Year 11 and Year 12 student enrolments in these courses must be uploaded to the Student Information Records System (SIRS) by Thursday, 27 February 2025.
Enrolments in course units
The instructions to assist schools to enrol their students in courses are detailed in the Data Procedures Manual 2025. The manual is available on the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority) website at https://www.scsa.wa.edu.au/publications/data-procedures-manual.
The specific subsections of the Data Procedures Manual 2025 for information relating to extracting data of students enrolled in courses, uploading the enrolments into SIRS, and verifying these enrolments in SIRS are listed below.
Section | Details relating to enrolments |
6.6 | Excel instructions for creating a .CSV file for student enrolments in courses |
6.8 | SIRS instructions for uploading student enrolments |
12 | SIRS reports available to schools |
14.2 | Civica MAZE for extracting data of students enrolled in courses, please contact your database provider |
14.3 | Administration of Schools (AoS) for extracting data of students enrolled in courses, please contact your database provider |
14.4 | Reporting to Parents (RTP) for extracting data of students enrolled in courses, please contact your database provider |
14.6 | Synergetic for extracting data of students enrolled in courses, please contact your database provider |
Details relating to enrolments in course units
Further information can be found in Section 5: Enrolments in the Data Procedures Manual 2025.
General Information
Curriculum Advisory Committees – Nominations 2025
Maureen Lorimer (08) 9273 6397 [Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday]
Practising teachers, and representatives of the following organisations: professional associations, universities, training, industry and community, are invited to nominate for a range of positions for the Curriculum Advisory Committees (CACs) that are currently available or may become available in the near future. The CACs cover the following phases of learning:
- Late Adolescence and Early Adulthood (Years 11 and 12)
- Early and Middle Adolescence (Years 7–10)
- Middle and Late Childhood (Years 3–6)
- Early Childhood (Years K–2).
The Nomination Form is accessible via the following link:
As part of the nomination process you will be required to attach a three-page curriculum vitae and an endorsement form (available to download from the first page of the Nomination Form).
Applications close on Monday, 24 February 2025.
Please note that not all committees require new members in this round of nominations.
Typically, each committee will have up to 12 members and generally reflect enrolment patterns across the education systems/sector with a 2:1:1 ratio (Department of Education: Catholic Education Western Australia: Association of Independent Schools of Western Australia), together with representation from systems/sector offices, professional associations, university, training, industry and community.
Current membership, which is an indicator of positions available, can be viewed at https://www.scsa.wa.edu.au/about-us/curriculum-advisory-committees. The Terms of Reference which describe the role, structure and composition of the committees are also available via this link.
Please contact Ms Maureen Lorimer, Principal Consultant – Strategic Projects, by email (Maureen.Lorimer@scsa.wa.edu.au) for further information.
TISC Consultation on Year 12 course incentives – Community reminder
Tertiary Institutions Service Centre (08) 9318 8000
The Tertiary Institutions Service Centre (TISC) is continuing stakeholder consultation on Year 12 course incentives in 2025.
Following an initial consultation process on Year 12 course incentives over June–August 2024, TISC announced in October 2024 that the existing arrangements relating to bonus point incentives for Year 12 courses will be extended to 2027. The courses involved are Languages other than English (LOTE), Mathematics Specialist and Mathematics Methods. TISC also announced the establishment of an Incentives Taskforce to undertake further engagement and consultations and make associated recommendations to the TISC Board by its August 2025 meeting.
School leaders, teachers, students and community members are encouraged to participate in the consultation planned for 2025.
Further information about the consultation in 2024 is available in the Publications, Reports and Statistics section of the TISC website at https://www.tisc.edu.au/static/statistics/statistics-index.tisc.
Details of the 2025 process are forthcoming.
Please direct queries and submissions to TISC.