Equitable access adjustments for ATAR course examinations 2025
Glenn Carroll (08) 9273 6327
A limited number of printed copies of The Application for Equitable Access Adjustments form for the 2025 ATAR course examinations will have arrived in schools in time for the start of Term 1. This form is to be used for candidates with a permanent or temporary disability that is demonstrated to impair their access to examinations under standard conditions and who wish to be considered for adjustments. An interactive version of the application form is available under the Examinations heading on the Authority website at https://www.scsa.wa.edu.au/forms/forms.
It is the responsibility of the school to complete the form and submit it to the Authority on behalf of each eligible candidate. The form is not to be sent home for completion. Completed forms should be submitted to the Authority by Thursday, 27 March 2025.
Any student seeking any type of variation to the standard examination conditions must have an application form submitted for them. This includes students with health conditions who may need support during an examination. Adjustments are available for practical and written examinations.
For information on the application process, visit https://senior-secondary.scsa.wa.edu.au/assessment/examinations/special-provisions.
There will be no sickness/misadventure consideration in practical performance examinations in Dance and Music for candidates on the basis of an injury or illness existing at the start of Term 3. Applications for alternative format practical examinations in these examinations will be accepted until Wednesday, 30 July 2025.