School preparation for the Year 12 Physical Education Studies ATAR course school-based practical external assessment
Paul Cranley (08) 9273 6795
Barclay Jones (08) 9273 6309
The School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority) seeks to ensure that schools plan and prepare their Year 12 Physical Education Studies (PES) ATAR course school-based practical external assessment (SPEA) as per syllabus and Authority requirements outlined in the Physical Education Studies School-based practical external assessment Handbook.
A school may conduct the SPEA:
- at its own venue with their own students,
- in a collaborative SPEA with more than one school at a designated venue, or
- request assistance with an Authority administered SPEA.
A school conducting the SPEA for its own students at their own location must follow the guidance provided within the Physical Education Studies School-based practical external assessment Handbook.
A school may choose to combine with another school/s to form a collaborative SPEA. The collaborative SPEA is hosted by a single school. In addition to each school being responsible for following the guidance provided by the Authority contained with the Handbook, the host school, on behalf of participating school/s, must submit an application to form a collaborative SPEA to the Authority. A host school must seek approval on behalf of the participating school/s from the Authority by no later than the end of Term 1.
A school that is unable to conduct a SPEA must make an application for an Authority administered SPEA by the end of Term 1. The Authority may allocate a school to an approved collaborative SPEA if the same sport/s are played and the venue is within a reasonable travel distance. In limited circumstances, the Authority will administer the SPEA on behalf of a school. The school will still be responsible for following the guidance provided by the Authority contained with the Handbook.
The Physical Education Studies School-based practical external assessment Handbook, the application to form a collaborative SPEA and the application for an Authority administered SPEA can be found at
All queries regarding the SPEA should be directed to