11 to 12 Circular March 2017 Extraordinary Edition

11to12 Circulars

March 2017 Extra

General Information

Certificate II in Applied Languages - Recognition arrangements from 2018 for Year 10 and 11 students

Angela Kiely (08) 9273 6751 
angela. kiely@scsa.wa.edu.au

The allocation of credit towards the WACE for VET accredited courses is based on the classification of course outcomes. The classification scheme determines whether the accredited course outcomes have an industry, foundation skills, or vocational focus. The allocation of credit towards the WACE for VET accredited courses is applied according to a sliding scale.

More information about the recognition arrangements can be found here http://senior-secondary.scsa.wa.edu.au/vet/wace-recognition-of-vet-accredited-courses

The Certificate II and III in Applied Languages currently attract full credit towards the WACE. Unlike other accredited courses, the 22149VIC Certificate II in Applied Language and the 22150VIC Certificate III in Applied Language have remained ‘unclassified’ whilst a decision was being made about the appropriate level of recognition.

The 22149VIC Certificate II in Applied Language is no longer current and has been replaced with the 10297NAT Certificate II in Applied Languages.

The course outcomes of both the 10297NAT Certificate II in Applied Languages and the 22150VIC Certificate III in Applied Languages have been assessed as having a vocational focus and deemed to be primarily aimed at preparing students for work rather than directly articulating into a job role.

The courses are recognised in the WACE for the value they offer students in preparing them for work through the allocation of unit equivalence. The Authority has made the same assessment of the 22150VIC Certificate III in Applied Languages.

From 2018 the following accredited courses:

  • 22149VIC Certificate II in Applied Language (not current)
  • 10297NAT Certificate II in Applied Languages (current)
  • 22150VIC Certificate III in Applied Languages (current).

will be classified as having a vocational focus and awarded the following recognition towards the WACE:


Awarded unit equivalence

Can be used to meet the Certificate II minimum requirement




These arrangements apply to:

  • new enrolments for Year 10 and 11 students from 2018
  • new and continuing enrolments for Year 10-12 students from 2019.

Note: Qualifications that are a part of a nationally endorsed training package attract full credit towards the WACE and are not subject to the classification scheme for VET accredited courses.

General Information, SIRS and Enrolments

Last date to process changes in enrolments for Year 12 students and Year 11 students enrolled in Year 12 ATAR courses

Jenny Offer (08) 9273 6313

Schools are reminded that Wednesday, 5 April 2017 is the last date to process changes to enrolments in:

  • ATAR, General, Foundation, Preliminary and VET industry specific courses for Year 12 students
  • ATAR (Units 3 and 4) courses for Year 11 students.

After Wednesday, 5 April, SIRS will be locked and no further changes (except withdrawals) will be accepted. Please note that the Authority will not be permitting any changes after this date.

Year 12 students will still be able to withdraw from the following:

  • ATAR courses with practical examination components up until Friday, 28 July 2017
  • ATAR courses which do not have practical examination components up until Friday, 25 August 2017
  • General, Foundation, Preliminary and VET industry specific courses up until Friday, 25 August 2017.

Year 11 students will still be able to withdraw from the following:

  • ATAR (Units 3 and 4) courses with practical examination components up until Friday, 28 July
  • ATAR (Units 3 and 4) courses which do not have practical examination components up until Friday, 25 August.

The last date for receipt of enrolments as non-school candidates in ATAR course examinations by the Authority is also Wednesday, 5 April 2017. No further applications will be accepted after this date.

Application to study Year 12 ATAR Units 3 and 4 and sit the 2017 ATAR course examinations for students in Year 10

Kerry Tarrant (08) 9273 6770

Permission must be obtained from the School Curriculum and Standards Authority for a student who is in Year 10 to study a pair of Year 12 ATAR units (Units 3 and 4) and sit the 2017 ATAR course examinations for that course.

A student who sits an examination for a particular Year 12 ATAR course in Year 10 must be exiting the course and will not be permitted to enrol in the Year 12 ATAR course (Units 3 and 4) and sit the ATAR course examination in Year 12.

An application form for permission to sit an examination for students in Year 10 is available on the Authority website at: http://www.scsa.wa.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0009/75618/Application-to-study-ATAR-units-3-and-4-and-sit-the-2017-ATAR-examinations-for-students-in-Year-10.pdf.

Applications close Wednesday, 5 April 2017. No changes will be made to student enrolments to study a pair of Year 12 ATAR units (Units 3 and 4) and sit the 2017 ATAR course examinations after this date.

Schools should note that applications for students in Year 11 to study ATAR units (Units 3 and 4) and sit the 2017 ATAR course examination are no longer required.

Application for writers and checkers of the 2018 ESTs

Buddhini Daluwatta (08) 9273 6761

Kerry Cribb (08) 9273 6787

The School Curriculum and Standards Authority is seeking applications from qualified people who wish to be considered for appointment as writers and checkers of the 2018 Externally set task (EST).

Please see the link below to apply online and to read the terms of reference.

Applications must be received at the Authority no later than 5pm on Friday, 24 March 2017.

Successful applicants will be notified after Friday, 7 April 2017.

Certificate II in Applied Languages - Recognition arrangements from 2018 for Year 10 and 11 students

Angela Kiely (08) 9273 6751 
angela. kiely@scsa.wa.edu.au

The allocation of credit towards the WACE for VET accredited courses is based on the classification of course outcomes. The classification scheme determines whether the accredited course outcomes have an industry, foundation skills, or vocational focus. The allocation of credit towards the WACE for VET accredited courses is applied according to a sliding scale.

More information about the recognition arrangements can be found here http://senior-secondary.scsa.wa.edu.au/vet/wace-recognition-of-vet-accredited-courses

The Certificate II and III in Applied Languages currently attract full credit towards the WACE. Unlike other accredited courses, the 22149VIC Certificate II in Applied Language and the 22150VIC Certificate III in Applied Language have remained ‘unclassified’ whilst a decision was being made about the appropriate level of recognition.

The 22149VIC Certificate II in Applied Language is no longer current and has been replaced with the 10297NAT Certificate II in Applied Languages.

The course outcomes of both the 10297NAT Certificate II in Applied Languages and the 22150VIC Certificate III in Applied Languages have been assessed as having a vocational focus and deemed to be primarily aimed at preparing students for work rather than directly articulating into a job role.

The courses are recognised in the WACE for the value they offer students in preparing them for work through the allocation of unit equivalence. The Authority has made the same assessment of the 22150VIC Certificate III in Applied Languages.

From 2018 the following accredited courses:

  • 22149VIC Certificate II in Applied Language (not current)
  • 10297NAT Certificate II in Applied Languages (current)
  • 22150VIC Certificate III in Applied Languages (current).

will be classified as having a vocational focus and awarded the following recognition towards the WACE:


Awarded unit equivalence

Can be used to meet the Certificate II minimum requirement




These arrangements apply to:

  • new enrolments for Year 10 and 11 students from 2018
  • new and continuing enrolments for Year 10-12 students from 2019.

Note: Qualifications that are a part of a nationally endorsed training package attract full credit towards the WACE and are not subject to the classification scheme for VET accredited courses.

Request to keep Student Registration information up-to-date

Lynn Galbraith (08) 9273 6702

Thank you to all schools for their efforts in ensuring their Student Registration and Demographic Information was uploaded to the Student Information Records System (SIRS) in Term 1 2017 through the SRGDG file.

It is now important that this information is kept up-to-date on SIRS. Schools are requested to regularly upload the SRGDG to SIRS, so that new student details can be added, students who transfer to a different school are included and students who leave your school, or move overseas or interstate are also noted as per your enrolment details.

Uploading this file regularly also allows for correction of data.  Data that cannot be altered by uploading the SRGDG file includes the student’s

  • Western Australian Student Number (WASN)
  • Surname
  • First Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Academic Year
  • Gender.

To change any of these details you need to first contact dataservices@scsa.wa.edu.au and advise of the correct information prior to uploading your file.

If you upload a file and you receive error messages relating to the name, date of birth or academic year, you also need to contact dataservices@scsa.wa.edu.au.

For schools using the Brightpath Assessment Tool, please also remember to upload your Teacher Registration (THREG) File when you have new teachers or class information.


Clarification of disclosure requirements for notes accompanying financial statements

Gabby Raggio 
(08) 9273 6306

Teachers attending the Accounting and Finance Examination Forum requested clarification regarding the disclosure requirements in the notes for revalued assets and dividends.

For revalued assets, AASB116 Property, Plant and Equipment, Paragraph 73, states that:
‘The financial statements shall disclose, for each class of property, plant and equipment:
(e)(iv) increases or decreases resulting from revaluations under paragraphs 31, 39, Aus39.1, 40 Aus40.1 and Aus40.2 and from impairment losses recognised or reversed in other comprehensive income in accordance with AASB136’.

Therefore the notes that accompany the financial statements must disclose the cost of the asset and also the revaluation amount, e.g.

Property, Plant and Equipment


Land at cost

1 000 000

Add revaluation

200 000

1 200 000

For dividends, AASB101 Presentation of Financial Standards, Paragraph 107, states that:
‘An entity shall present, either in the statement of changes in equity or in the notes the amount of dividends recognised as distribution to owners during the period, and the related amount of dividends per share’.  Further Paragraph 137 states: ‘An entity shall disclose in the notes:
(a) the amount of dividends proposed or declared before the financial statements were authorised for issue but not recognised as a distribution to owners during the period, and the related amount per share’

Given that it is not expected in the course that the amount of dividend per share paid during the financial period is disclosed in the statement of changes in equity, this amount must be disclosed in the notes.

Therefore the expectation is that the dividend note will include:

  • dividends paid during the year, also referred to as recognised dividends (including final dividend for the previous financial year and interim dividends for the current financial year), and
  • dividends recommend but not yet paid, also referred to as unrecognised dividends
  • the amount of the each dividend per share and also the total amount of each dividend

As the standard does not provided a prescribed format for the notes, suggested layouts may include, but not limited to:


Cent per share


Recognised amounts

Final dividend – previous financial year


10 500

Interim dividend – current financial year


23 100

33 600

Unrecognised amounts

Final dividend – current financial year


27 300

or alternatively



The following dividends were paid during the year:

Final dividends

150 000 Ordinary shares at $0.07 per share

10 500

Interim dividends

210 000 Ordinary shares at $0.11 per share

23 100

33 600

The directors have recommended final dividends for the year ended June 30, 20XX:

210 000 Ordinary shares at $0.13 per share

27 300

2017 Dance Practical (performance) examination– Performance 1 update

Lisa Honczarenko (08) 9273 6763

Teachers are advised that the options provided to a candidate for playing their music recording for Performance 1 of the Dance Practical (performance) examination in 2017 have been extended.

Candidates using the CD player provided by the Authority to play their music recording for Performance 1 can now use a CD or a USB. If they are not using the CD player provided by the Authority, they can bring in and operate their own sound equipment including a CD player, mobile phone (must be in ‘flight mode’), MP3 player or laptop as well as speakers. Should they choose to, candidates may bring in a technical assistant to operate their sound equipment.

For specific details regarding these options please refer to 2017 Dance ATAR course Practical (performance) examination requirements at 
http://senior-secondary.scsa.wa.edu.au/syllabus-and-support-materials/arts/dance under the Examination Materials menu.


Reminder about 2017 Consensus Moderation meetings

Mandy Hudson (08) 9273 6755

Schools are reminded that they should have received a letter from the Authority in the week beginning 20 March outlining details of the registration process for consensus moderation in 2017. Schools are required to nominate a teacher for each course in consensus moderation that is delivered by the school. The nominated teacher is required to register online for a meeting using the information provided in the letter to the Principal. Registration opened on 20 March and will close on Friday 7 April. Registrations are being managed electronically and schools will receive notification at the point of registration as to the meeting date, time and venue. The process will be conducted for Year 12 courses from 6 June 2017 – 23 June 2017 (Weeks 7 to 9 Term 2) and for Year 11 courses from 24 July 2017 – 11 August 2017 (Weeks 2 to 4 Term 3).

Teachers are reminded of the two parts to the consensus moderation process in 2017:

Part 1: marking a common task to be completed prior to attending the meeting

The initial part of each meeting will involve a discussion of the marking of a common task, and the use of the marking key, as provided by The Authority. Prior to attending the meeting, the teacher registered to represent the school will be required to download two Authority-selected student scripts and mark the scripts using the marking key provided by the Authority in preparation for discussion about marking and grading standards for the course. Teachers will be required to upload their two marks prior to attending the meeting. The process should take 30 minutes in total.

Part 2: grading student assessment files during the meeting

During the second part of the meeting, teachers will be reviewing assessment files from other schools. All assessment files are reviewed independently, twice, by other teachers attending the meeting.

All teachers participating are required to provide three (3) student assessment files. For each assessment file, feedback is provided from each reviewing teacher in the form of a grade and a supporting comment for that judgement.

The following details are provided to assist teachers when preparing student assessment files for the meeting. For the course, each assessment file must contain:

  • all the marked assessment tasks for that student up to the time of providing the file
  • the task (or task brief or task description) if not included with the student's work
  • the marking key for each task
  • the assessment outline

The assessment files provided should be those of a mid-A student, a mid-B student, and a mid-C student.

Note: should the anticipated grade distribution at the school not include one or more of these grades, a total of three files is still required (e.g. in a class of 5 students all of whom are working at a C grade standard, provide the files of the 3 students furthest from the grade cut-offs for B and D).

When preparing the files:

  • teachers may choose to provide photocopies rather than the originals of student’s work if there is a concern about the risk of the student work being lost at the meeting
  • teachers may choose to remove or conceal indications of the school and student name from the students’ work and from the task if it is considered appropriate for the course
  • teachers may choose to remove or conceal the final mark for the task if it is considered appropriate for the course.

Alternative arrangements will be made for those schools more than 100km from the nearest meeting.

Please email consensus.moderation@scsa.wa.edu.au for any enquiries about the consensus moderation process.

Applications for reviewing the 2017 Externally Set Tasks (EST)

Cristina Caruso on 9273 6317 cristina.caruso@scsa.wa.edu.au
Melanie Jasper on 92736732 melanie.jasper@scsa.wa.edu.au

The School Curriculum and Standards Authority is seeking applications from qualified people interested in reviewing the 2017 Externally Set Tasks (EST). ESTs are completed by all students enrolled in Year 12 General or Foundation courses.

The ESTs are assessment tasks which are set by the Authority and distributed to schools for administering to students. The ESTs are marked by teachers in each school using a marking key provided by the Authority. Each year, the Authority will review by independently marking a sample of EST scripts from each school delivering the course.

Reviewing will be completed in the July school holidays. Reviewers must be available for the two week period. Successful applicants will be notified of marking requirements and days.

Marking provides excellent professional development, offering an ideal opportunity to work with colleagues and to develop a comprehensive understanding of the General and Foundation course standards.

Qualified people who are interested in reviewing must complete the application form on the Authority’s website using the link http://scsa.wa.edu.au/about-us/employment.

Applicants will receive a receipt of their submission via email once the application has been processed. The markers are selected based on:

  • the number of reviewers required
  • previous marking experience

You are not eligible to be a reviewer if you have taken a voluntary redundancy from a State Government organisation in the past 12 months.

For more information about ESTs, please go to the Authority website http://senior-secondary.scsa.wa.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0015/130137/Externally-Set-Tasks-Handbook-2017.pdf.

Please note that applications must be received no later than Wednesday, 26 April 2017.

Applicants will be informed of the outcome of their applications by Friday, 9 June 2017.


Media Production and Analysis ATAR course teachers’ practical (production) marking workshop


Naidina Avery (08) 9273 6334

Teachers of Media Production and Analysis are invited to attend a workshop designed to promote a better understanding of the application of the 2017 Media Production and Analysis practical production marking key. It is requested that only one teacher from each school register for this event.

Teachers intending to participate in the workshop are asked to register online at http://scsa.wa.edu.au/events/media-production-and-analysis-atar-course-practical-production-workshop.

Vocational Education and Training (VET)

2017 Vocational Education and Training (VET) Qualification estimates (ESQUAL) – important information

Angela Kiely (08) 9273 6751

The VET Qualification Estimates (ESQUAL) is a mandatory WACE reporting activity required by 24 April 2017. Schools who do not meet the deadline will be contacted to provide the information.

Schools are required to report the qualifications being undertaken by students (including students who access training offsite at external providers) and the student details for each qualification.

Details of the units of competence within each qualification are not required to be reported. Schools are only required to update the ESQUAL file after the 24 April deadline if there is a significant change in VET offerings.

Schools will also need to indicate the delivery arrangement (e.g. auspice, profile, fee for service) for each VET qualification.

For more information about the reporting process, the full list of delivery arrangement definitions and the ESQUAL file format, refer to the 2017 Data Procedures Manual, Section 3.3 VET qualification estimates (ESQUAL). The manual can be downloaded from the Authority website at: http://www.scsa.wa.edu.au/internet/Publications/Data_Procedures_Manual.

Important information

Uploading an ESQUAL file to Student Information and Record System (SIRS) causes the previous file to be completely erased. To correctly update the information in your ESQUAL upload file, all students should be included in each upload. This ensures that information on your school record in SIRS is maintained correctly.